Horror Movie Were People Are Trapped In A House And Not Allowed To Leave Untill They Give Up Enough

Malaysian horror stories?

hantu raya, polong etc:
these beings are believed to protect the owner against theft (if they had to leave home unattended). It was said that every fool moon the owner had to perform some sort of penyembahan; having to sacrifice (cock's blood-ayam jantan) or make pulut kuning (yellow sticky rice) to these beings. Hey dont ask me how these beings literally consume those coz theres no way i can find that out. I knew a bit of this info because back then, both my neighbours had them. Anyway both my neighbours had passed away and the day they died was a disaster coz they failed to transfer the ownership to a willing next of kin. Their children actually screamed asking for help saying 'tolong saya pakcik... jangan bagi dia hinggap kat saya".. ahhhh!!! I saw them ran from one end of the street to another back and forth..

thats why when i watch the movie 'jangan pandang belakang', it eerily reminded me of what i saw. This form of protection are very popular among the malay in the old days. sometimes u heard that this being slept with the wife (unknowingly to the wife) whenever her husband have to travel far for a night or two. Either that is a form of sacrificial on the husband's part i do not know. And it was said that before these people died, they often wear dark sunglasses coz they are afraid to see holes on the ground. Lol..whatever huh..

Another interesting ghost is langsuir (headless pontianak). Somebody said that those who owns tempayan, must always place it upside down if its empty coz u might find it in there sneaking up to u.. Eeuwww..if anybody knew about this please do share...


My parents don't let me live my life and I am 23 years old. What should I do?

As others have said, you put yourself in this very undesirable situation because by being financially dependent on your parents at an age when a young adult should be providing for himself, you have aided and abetted your parents in making you their hostage, and keeping you as such. You've never had a job before? Well, there's a first time for everything and you are long overdue on this important step. Get out there to look for a job that will earn you enough income to be self-supporting. If you are unwilling or unable to do this, or if you'd rather make excuses for why you can't than to try, you will probable be stuck where you are, completely dependent on people who see you as a child in dire need of their constant supervision and suffocating rules.The choice is yours.

I'm scared of being home alone?

Hi Sweetie,

It's gonna be ok,you don't have to be afraid.I know you can't help being scared,do you have someone you can talk to on the telephone for a bit so you won't be so scared.I think it is unfair that your parents jobs won't let them be home with you until your leg heals a bit.I'm not blaming your parents I'm sure they are really really good parents.I can tell you love them and they love you.

Houses make lots of noises and some of the noises might sound like someone is in your home but no one is there,no one's gonna hurt you.The noises houses make could be just the pipes making noises or the refrigerator,freezer,or the house settling and some houses just creak and squeak my house makes noises too and sometimes it scares me but I remind myself that it's just the house and nothing else.Make sure all doors and windows are locked,and keep the phone close to you.

Do you have a dig,cat,hamster,gerbil or any pet living with you?? Because if you did you could let your pet sit with you and then you wouldn't be too scared.Do you have another family member who can come sit with you or do you have a friend who can come keep you company?? If not you should just turn on a few lights in your house,that would help you not to be scared too.You could even surf the web and do something exciting and fun such as playing games,emailing or chatting online with friends,or listening to music,etc that will help keep your mind of the noises too.

Don't be scared to leave your room,nothing's gonna get you!! Don't pay those other people who are giving you mean answers any attention.They obviously don't understand how you feel but I understand how you feel,I've been through what you're going through when I was 13 years old.I was scared being home alone too!! Don't feel bad!! Everything's gonna be ok!! Hope this helps and I hope your leg gets better soon!!