Horselovers Give Me 100 Reasons Why I Should .

Is a horse considered a pet? Why or why not?

Yes and no and sometimes and it depends.Historically, horses have been kept for their economic value as a working animal. Because of their size the adoption of horses for pleasure/companionship was less rapid and less widespread than for, say, dogs.There is tension between the Horse Industry, Livestock Producers, and those people who have “five acres and two horses” and think that it makes them farmers and experts.Horses kill about 100 people a year in the US - three times as many as dogs even though there are just over 9 million horses and about 80 million dogs. What is considered normal for horse care, toleration of horse behavior, etc, would not be put up with from other companion animals.Certainly, some people keep a horse purely for pleasure as a pet, but that doesn’t mean that the primary role of the horse or the correct view of the horse is that of a pet.

Registration association for mix breed horse??? ?

If he's small you can register him in the Quarter Pony Association. I'm not sure of any others since you're not 100% sure on his lineage. I know the Arabian Association takes Half Arabs but I'm not sure of any others that take half breeds or mixed breeds besides Quarter Pony. I think they're supposed to be under 15.2hh for that one but you might want to check. Just google Quarter Pony Association.

How long would it take to travel 1000 km by horse?

Depends on a lot of variables. Breed of horse (I'd go for an Arab cross, an appy or even a standardbred cross) and I'd have a string of at least 3–4 horses. Fitness of horse and you. In my youth, we went on week long trail rides and travelled 30–40km a day. Biggest ride was 57km in one day-30 pony club kids plus parents with vehicle support. I couldn't do that now unless I got fit again. The mongols covered incredible distances (up to 100miles a DAY). I doubt we could come close because they'd travel, fight and move again. Endurance riders can travel incredible distances in one go. The Tom Quilty and Shahzada are two examples but whether they could keep going as the Mongols did would again come down to fitness and conditioning.You'd need to work out if you were packing your food for horses and yourself or having vehicle support. If you were packing, you'd have to allow grazing time each day for the horses and follow water. Vehicle support would make it much easier. You'd also need to take into account the climate, altitude and available forage for the horses. They'd also need salt. Up to 4–6 tablespoons a day. With salt comes the need for water and good quality plentiful water.Assuming you have fit horses, you're fit and you have good quality saddlery that fits well, I'd estimate 40km a day is reasonable with rest days. Probably 30 days is reasonable.

How many lovers have you had in your life so far?

Hey best of luck with this guy.
I am in a slightly similar situation as yourself (slightly) where I am 18 and have had too many partners. Now I've found a guy I really like but i was ashamed to tell him about my history. I told him and he dealt with it and ive learnt to not underestimate yourself based on your history.
Best of luck

My daughter was bit by a horse today and it drew blood...could she get Tetanus or Rabies from a horse?

She's never had a Tetanus shot, because we have a family history of dangerous, life threatening side effects from the Tetanus shot. Does anyone know what would be the best way to handle this injury? Is it OK to just disinfect it and let it heal, or do we need to contact a doctor?

By the way, it wasn't our horse, but a horse that is being stabled at our friend's ranch. My daughter had fed him carrots a few seconds before that, and he reached out for her finger and bit it...probably thinking it was another carrot. He's actually a really nice horse; it was just one of those things.

How To Convince My Parents to Allow Me To Take Horseback Riding Lessons?


I absolutely love animals. I already know I love horseback riding, as my aunt had a horse (she got rid of it as she moved to another country, and gave it to a horse therapy program.) and I used to ride her horse many times. I know how to ride a horse, but the reason why I want to go riding is so that I have more time with horses. My parents will not allow me to lease a horse or buy a horse (they're obviously expensive, and my parents have the money but they don't want to spend it on a horse.. my parents do like horses though.) I am planning on getting a job someday and buying a horse. I am not old enough to work quite yet.. How can I convince them? I don't do much and I already have some experience!

Help me make a horse turd dessert?

Help! I've got to come up with ideas for a dessert that looks like horse turds by tomorrow for a party. It'll be along the lines of 'kitty litter cake' or 'cow patty cake,' which are meant for laughs.

Unfortunately, a horse lover just pointed out to me that horses produce "apples," not "plops"...can anybody help me with my creation, or point me in the right direction via websites? I'm not a very good cook or baker.

So far, we've generated ideas like molten lava cupcakes, or rum ball-thingy's rolled in...something...lying on a bed of green and yellow food color-dyed coconut "grass"....

Can any horse lovers, or bakers, out there come up with anything else?

How many miles can a horse go in a day?

According to the History Channel's Modern Marvels TV show last night, a horse can go 100 miles a day (I find this a bit much)....

My girlfriend is pregnant and I can't be in this relationship any more. I don’t know who I am anymore and I really need to tell her it’s time for me to leave. If she decides to keep the child, I’ll 100% support it. What do I do?

So let me get this straight: You are not married, and yet you were having sex with this woman, and from the tone of your letter, you imply that you’re living shacked up with her as well. Talk about putting the cart before the proverbial horse…wow.So now, seven weeks ago, your life-style choices resulted in a pregnancy, and you’re asking how you can back out of the relationship. Did I say “wow” yet? You’re asking for advice, so I’m going to talk straight to you—you got your girlfriend pregnant, and now IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU ANYMORE—what makes you happy or depresses you, finding yourself, all that—-it’s about building a committed home in which you can take care of a WIFE (i.e., not a girlfriend) and a child who needs a daddy, not a sperm donor and a check. This isn’t playing house,this isn’t adopt-a-pet, this is real life where people are counting on you to step up to the plate, man up, and do the right thing.The first thing you need to do is propose marriage to your girlfriend—in a hurry. She needs to know you’ll never leave her, that you’ll always be there for her, and that you’re going to take care of her and your child and make a home out of it. That conversation needs to take place immediately. You possibly need some mentors in your life, some good role models for stable relationships—-find some. Your entire goal in life right now needs to be preparing for a stable home and preparing to be a good husband and father.Secondly, you and your girlfriend need to be making some definite plans for your financial future. There is student aide available, there are vocational-technical schools if that is an issue—but building a home and a life takes money.If you and your girlfriend are unwilling to take these measures, then I would urge you both to place the baby for adoption so he or she can be raised by a stable couple who are ready to be parents. This may be hard, but if you’re going to walk away or she is unwilling to commit, then please, for the sake of your baby, summon the fortitude to do it. Don’t let your mistakes create hardship and instability for a child who never asked to be conceived out of wedlock.

Two person cow costume?

If you have the time to DIY, I can help with ideas....else, I wouldn't know where you can buy.
Simple homemade costume idea...cardboard box for the body, put a rug over or cut pieces of brown papers to make fur-this is where the second person 'hides'.
Get the general idea...? or need to be elaborated? Leave me a message.