How About This Have You Yet Finished All Your Exams

Which sentence is correct, “my exams are finished” or “have my exams finished”?

My exams are finished is a correct and complete sentence.Regarding the second phrase, if you had included the pronoun, I, it would have been a complete sentence. I have my exams finished. There are people who would say it that way, but I wonder how well they did on the exams if that is how they speak English, assuming English is their first language. But you did not include the pronoun, I, so the phrase is incorrect. One could also say, I have finished my exams.

Is it correct to say "Are your exams finished?"?

Though not the best way to express the thought, "Are your exams finished?" will be largely regarded as correct, especially in informal talk. Most exams are taken according to a fixed schedule or specific dates. After those dates, the exams have finished/are over. You can see how in the previous sentence, it sounds better to say 'have finished' or 'are over', instead of 'are finished'. 'Are finished', as Sneha Jinturkar has said, sounds like you're talking about some item whose contents 'are finished'. Similarly, when you convert this sentence into interrogative form, it is more suitable to say "Have your exams finished?" or "Are your exams over?".

What would you say for someone has just finished his exams?

Congratulations and Go have a good sleep and then go out and PARTY!

What is the feeling that you have after finishing your exam or any important thing such as marriage?

I just finish my exam and Feel ecstatic and extremely relief after one month of lack of sleep, lack of going out and lack of taking care of health. now feel i am free from jail and a reborn person, so just want someone to share my feeling :)

So happy

Can you leave class early if you have finished your final exam in college?

Yes, you can leave the minute you complete your final exam. In fact, throughout the semester your professors may give you more than just a midterm and final exam. In many of those cases they will only schedule the test for that day instead of a lecture and you can leave once you finish those exams too. College is a very different system compared to high school. The professors may cancel a class, cut a class short, and some may try and extend the class but you have the final say as to how long you want to stay.

How do I finish the full syllabus for an exam overnight?

Just what I did in the last two weeks!Okay. You need to be a little pragmatic at this time. Trying to cover the whole syllabus is a little far-fetched. Try and complete at least 60% of the syllabus. Of course you can study more but focus on the 60% first. Talk to some sincere student (there's always one in each class) and ask about the easiest and the most scoring chapters to study. First hurdle crossed, now you know where to start from. Good, moving on.Next step. You need notes. Trouble that sincere student a little more. You may have to bribe him with promises of treats. Do not hesitate, do not be a miser at this time. You need him/her, you need to pass, if it takes buying 2 pizzas in exchange of notes so be it. If you have to beg a little and involve in shameless flattery, do that. If everything goes well, you'll have the notes by now.Remember pain is temporary, gpa is forever. Write this statement down where you can see it, make it your phone's/laptop's wallpaper, set it as the contact picture of the people you frequently talk to. No distractions. Get off Quora, go go now. Uninstall Whatsapp, don't use Facebook/YouTube/Buzzfeed. It's just a few days, you don't need anything that doesn't let you study.Smart work will be more fruitful than hard work at this point. Go through last years question papers. Some topics are almost always repeated. Make sure you prepare them well. You might find some topics that go above your head as you panic due to lack of time. It's OK, breathe, call someone who knows those topics and ask them to explain it to you. If they're not a nice person and refuse to do so, blurt out things like "If I fail, it'll be on your conscience, how will you forgive yourself."Load up on Coffee and just get to it. Study as much as you can, as fast as you can. Sacrifice sleep, 2-3 hours is enough, you can sleep after the exam. Send a little prayer out to whatever you believe in and hope for the best. All the best to you.

Which is grammatically correct, "Are you finished?" or "Have you finished?"?

It seems to me that 'are' could be more appropriate in most cases because of other conjugations. When speaking strictly in the past tense, you would say 'did you finish?', and the verb 'did' is just conjugation of the verb 'to be'. Because the question involves 'to be done', then it seem like, when using the time of the verb we are discussing, it would 'are you finished?'That is my personal opinion though. English is my secondary language, so I am not one to be certain that what I said is correct.

How can one ask "how were your exams" in a more sophisticated manner?

Firstly, ‘How were your exams?’ is fine.Other ways could be:I hope your exams went well.How did the exams go?Did the exams go alright?etc.

Which is correct, “have you finish writing” or “have you finished writing”?

‘Have you finish writing'.2. ‘Have you finished writing?’Among these two first sentence is incorrect because it lacks concord.Subject verb agreement is 'Concord'Moreover it is interrogative sentence and the question mark is missing.The sentence is in perfective aspect so,3rd form of the verb should be used.The 2nd sentence is correctHave you finished writing?