How Am I Supposed To Act

How am i supposed to act like Vegeta?

i hva looked on almost every single site but i still need a lot more help like they have how to act like everyother dbz character but vegeta on wikihow like why not vegeta??

How am I supposed to act during sex?

The answers to your question are following the same thing: natural is better. I would use the word "genuine" and I think it's important to communicate during sex, what you do and don't like, so that over time the trend towards an improved experience.

How are you supposed to act around your ex...?

Want to piss him off AND have him wanting you back? Act (and be) grateful! Thank the gods that you are rid of a piece of crap who doesn't have the guts to break up with you in person (what a coward, like, seriously) and breaks up with you just to preserve his rep as someone who is a player. Wow - you really dodged a bullet there - good job! Now find someone who will love being with you because you are an amazing human being!

How is a girlfriend supposed to act?

no you are completely a normal gf. don't worry. How old is ur bf? also maybe talk about his sports he does or his interets (most boys are: cars, sports, rugby, cricket etc.) but yeah u guys just like having space and tehre is nothign wrong with that. and about the kissing on teh lips thing. I think you didn't want to rush, and good for u. take it at ur own pace (i know alot of ppl say it) but it is sortof true. and u had only been dating for 1 or 2 days was it? i think that is a bit rushy kissing on lips on 1st or 2nd days but hey thats me.

good luck and just relax and be urself :)


How am I supposed to act and what kind of guys is he? I've never had such feelings for a guy that I'm finding it hard to forget about him.

Sounds like you have a crush on someone. You can act upon these feelings or you do your best to let these feelings go.I wish to know more info about this person that you have feelings for so I could diagnose further. Based on this question alone, it’s hard to forget about someone that you have strong feelings for . The best way to forget about him is to do something else. It’s hard to do other things , I know, but you must try. Develop a hobby or something.If you like what you’re feeling and want to pursue these feelings further, you should go for it. Confess or do stuff that you like with him. Make yourself happy.

How am I supposed to act around my boyfriend?

when your walking or something just reach out your hand and wrap it around his or when u see a movie 2gether, (make it a chick-flick) :) just wrap your arm around him in the kissing scene and look at him sweetly and lean and u know the rest. After your first kiss u should be able to just give him a quick kiss good bye when your not gonna see him the rest of the day. Just be yourself and be cool around him. NOt cool as in showoffy but cool as in calm and natural. Convos are only awkward if they are made awkward. GOOD LUCK :D