How Are The Egyptian Pyramids Connected To Astronomy

Egyptian astronomy?

egyptians people mostly used lunar calender instead of solar calender as we are using now which is more powerful n reactive they also believed in idea such as life after death and idea such as heaven and hell .They were gr8 geomatricians, astronomies and in meical science because the mummies are right now also in same way as b4, they only used cental vault of pyramid to bury the king THE GR8 PYRAMID at giza is really famous

Guy do tell me what is the connection between the Pyramids and theOrion belt of Stars?

All things are possible but it's really unlikely that aliens built the pyramids and it's really offensive to humanity to say just because I can't do it nobody can.

There is no mystical connect to Orion's belt but in the ancient Egyptian religion the milky way galaxy that runs close to Orion looked to them like a celestial version of the river nile, and the ancient Egyptians wanted to recreate the haeavens on Earth so they built the pyramids in the same relative location to each other and to the nile river as the stars in Orion's belt appear close to the milky way galaxy.

This I would interpret as proof that aliens didn't build the pyramids since this arrangment is only as it appears from Earth. Aliens visiting Earth would see our sky as strange and well.. alien. They wouldn't recognise the constallations and certainly wouldn't care about Orion's belt.

Also there is loads of archaeological evidence that pyramids evolved out of mastabas - that is to say the ancient Egyptians first built mastabas and then learned to pile one on top of another to make pyramids, that some pyramids failed and collapsed and through trial and error the Egyptians learned to make pyramids. Throughout religious texts and in ancient religions we see high places as being places of worship, belief in building something high gets the person closer to the sky - where the gods live and so this was associated with death, the transition from life to the next life. Thus it's only natural that wealthy people would want to be buried in a temple which lead to the sky. Thus the pyramid if seen from an earthly perspective of ancient Egyptian cultic ceremony for state funerals of important leaders makes complete sense. However if alens came and built them - the natural question is ... why? The pyamids aren't a road map to a specific star. Wouldn't the pyramids have been a repositary of knowledge or a space port for refueling space craft or something? But what we have is a pyramid with some small access tunnels leading to rooms where people are buried with inscriptions with religious texts about the afterlife. Furthermore we can translate the heiroglyphs and the ancient Egyptians tell us in their own words why the pyramids were built, which is why the archaeologists and egyptologists who can read the heiroglyphs know what they're talking about and the alien conspiracy theorists who can't read the heiroglyphs don't.

Egyptian Giza Pyramids.?

Not only Egyptians but all the ancient people dealt with astronomy, built their huge buildings with not only their architectural and mathematical knowledge but astronomical knowledge as well. But why?

Here is my opinion:

Imagine yourself in a desert or forest or wherever you are. There is no electricity, no lights, no tv, no computers, nothing at all. In the daytime all you do is to find food to survive. There is nowhere to get food, either. You have 2 options: Either to hunt or to farm! And during the nights, your have nothing to do but sleep or look around to find something to keep you busy. Since you don't have any electricity or lights, but maybe a piece of torch, you are simply miserable and the only light source is the stars and moon in the sky. So you spend most of your time observing the sky and trying to find out what they are because you don't have anything or anybody else to ask, you can't even google them. So you need to find the answers by yourself. Of course, later it will become your only entertainment during your long nights. You will start to load some meanings to them, you will name them, label them, categorize them, even start worshiping them. Since they will become the main part of your life after trying to find food, you will try to adjust your life according to what you see in the sky. Whatever you do, you will first consider what you see in the sky, such as buildings, because you don't want to opt out your only entertainment, the only way of your relief from the heavy work of finding the food. That's simply why the astronomy was so important in their life.

Hope you get my point!

How did ancient egyptians use astronomy?

(1) For Worship.
The Egyptian gods and goddesses were numerous and were pictured in many reliefs. Certain gods were seen in the constellations, and others were represented by actual astronomical bodies. The constellation Orion, for instance, represented Osiris, who was the god of death, rebirth, and the afterlife. The Milky Way represented the sky goddess Nut giving birth to the sun god Re. The stars in Egyptian mythology were represented by the goddess of writing, Seshat, whilst the Moon was either Thoth, the god of wisdom and writing, or Khons.

The horizon had great significance to the Egyptians, since it was here that the sun would both appear and disappear daily. The sun itself was represented by several gods, depending on its position within the sky. A rising morning sun was associated with Horus, the divine child of Osiris and Isis. The noon sun was Re because of its incredible strength. The evening sun became Atum, the creator god who lifted pharaohs from their tombs to the stars. The redness of the setting sun was considered to be the blood from the sun god as he "died" and became associated with Osiris, god of death and rebirth. In this way, night became to be associated with death, and the daytime with life or rebirth. This reflects the typical Egyptian idea of immortality.

(2) Predict the Nile Flood.

The center of Egyptian civilization was the Nile. Flooding every year at the same time, it provided rich soil for agriculture. The Egyptian astronomers, who were actually priests, recognized that the flooding always occurred at the summer solstice, which also just happened to be when the bright star Sirius rose before the sun. By interpreting and using this information, the priests were subsequently able to predict the annual flooding, a skill which in turn rendered them considerable power.

Ancient pyramid sites are not connected in a straight band that circles the globe. This is fiction. In the Old World, there’s a significant cluster of pyramid sites along the Nile from the Sudan to Giza. Ziggurats in Mesopotamia, to the northeast of the African pyramids, are also generally regarded as pyramid-like, and there are other pyramid-like structures scattered through Asia. In the New World, pyramid sites are liberally distributed from the Moche in Peru (south of the equator, and significantly south of any African pyramids) through the Aztec in central Mexico, with a few scattered pyramid-like mounds farther north (as far north as Cahokia, just outside of St. Louis MO). These are all in a very broad band which encompasses the bulk of humanity and ancient civilization, so it’s not surprising that’s where they can be found.You may have seen a map connecting three specific sites into something not quite a straight line, but rather resembling the arrangement of the stars in Orion’s belt. This is what we call “cherry picking.” Out of hundreds of sites, whoever drew the map picked out three which would reflect a specific arrangement. This is imposing an idea on the data and ignoring all the rest which contradicts it. That’s bad science.

I see other writers telling it dint, by themselves…But It did… but not for the reasons expected…The pyramids were originally coated with polished limestone. It looked something like this.It stood as a testament to the architecture and richness of Egypt.Later after hundreds of years, the limestone from the pyramids were cut out to build cities and buildings nearby. So it provided building material in later years.It helped preserve artifacts and to learn history of Egyptians. Meaning, it helped Egyptians know their history better.And today, it helps Egyptians by encouraging tourism, archaeology and thus securing income for Egypt.Image Source: Internet

How did the Great Pyramids connect with religion?

As in the connection to the Bible?
That's a tough one. Although there maybe some references to Egypt here and there throughout the Bible, it is really shrouded in mystery. Isn't it? Yes, indeed it is.

The True Architect of the Great Pyramid was Thoth. Not Khufu or Cheops. Those men came after the true reign of Kings.

As far as being religious as per the Bible (Both King James and the New Testament), this is about Angels. Men who were Gods. Angelic peoples behind the creation of the old pyramids.

Much of the old and divine ways were lost, and those who followed as per Pharoahs, were more like 'station keepers'. Holding the Fort. The priests with the pharoahs practicing about the continuation into the afterlife. But much of this is question. It is not solid. The true Golden Age involved God Like humans. They disappeared. Things crumbled after that. As you would know, that any pyramids that were attempted in Egypt after the master pyramids were built, failed and fell down.

If there was any religion, it surrounded these God Like humans. Divine beings. Most of the heiroglyphs talk about them. Isis, Osiris, Horus, Thoth and the others. One can easily translate Isis and these people into Angels.