How Are Water Waves Transverse

Can water waves be polarized as it is transverse waves?

Transverse waves are polarized waves. Water waves are polarized and, unlike sound waves, oscillate perpendicular to wave direction. Water waves, rather the kinetic energy, are also longitudinal at brief forward and reverse direction points in the energy wave cycle.Do the H20 molecules and heaps of various crud in the water really spin in a circular motion as waves make shore? Unsupported wave crest water, white caps, under the clutches of gravity, fall down into the water below. Beneath these is always undertow. Water always find its level/nature always seeks equilibrium.Take Lake Huron. Waves coming ashore. On a stationary boat, crumple up a kleenex and toss in the water. The kleenex will bob up and down, staying relatively stationary, doesn’t really go anywhere. One can conclude that the primarily H2O molecule water content isn’t moving toward shore. But those last waves do indeed break on shore, their water always spills ashore, and then returns to sea, or there wouldn’t be much of a beach left. Waves striking the beach are at the end of their polarized wave motion, becoming mainly longitudinal motion after which the H2O laps ashore briefly and returns to sea, ducking under arriving waves, to join the undertow. Were there not a shore there, the wave action would continue transverse and at points longitudinal. A water wave making shore, like a guitar bridge or nut, is a terminus wave node where H2O and all the other crap redirects back to sea in a longitudinal orientation to the wave action that brought it in.

How are transverse waves produced in water?

Transverse wave do not propagate in deep water. What you mention is surface wave, a combination of longitudinal and transverse. Try to read this artical Categories of Waves or watch this video:Surface waves

Is a water wave a transverse or longitudinal wave?

Neither.Water wave is actually quite complex and cannot be modelled after purely transverse or longitudinal wave alone. Some model water wave by many small circular flows. I think the following link explains the phenomenon quite completelyWater waves

Why are water waves transverse as well as longitudinal?

Water waves are an example of wavesthat involve a combination of bothlongitudinal and transverse motions. As a wave travels through the waver, the particles travel in clockwise circles. The radius of the circles decreases as the depth into the water increases.

What type of waves are the ocean (water) waves: longitudinal or transverse?

I'm going to take a guess that this might be a trick question.

For the most part, ocean waves are known to be transverse as the water displacement is perpendicular to the propagation of the wave energy thus they're transverse (observe the movement of a boat in a windless area of the ocean). The underlying processes are a little bit complex, and I won't go into them, but just know this. As the ocean waves approaches shallow water, a frictional force is applied to the water medium that causes offsets in the displacement of the water, thus creating a mixture of transverse and longitudinal wave (which is what you will see on the beach).

Are water waves transverse or longitudinal?

Actually they are both. Particles move in circles, both up and down and in the direction of propagation (and opposite).

Why is light a transverse wave?

Light travels as transverse waves and can travel through a vacuum. Sound travels as longitudinal waves and needs to travel through a solid, liquid or gas: it cannot travel through a vacuum.

Light and sound can be reflected and refracted, just like water waves. Optical fibres work because of total internal reflection. Light and sound can be diffracted, just like water waves, but diffraction in light is much less obvious than it is in sound.

Transverse waves
Light and other types of electromagnetic radiation are transverse waves. Water waves and S waves (a type of seismic wave) are also transverse waves. In transverse waves, the vibrations are at right angles to the direction of travel.
Longitudinal waves
Sound waves and waves in a stretched spring are longitudinal waves. P waves (relatively fast moving longitudinal seismic waves that travel through liquids and solids) are also longitudinal waves. In longitudinal waves, the vibrations are along the same direction as the direction of travel.

What is the difference between a Transverse Wave and a Longitudinal Wave?

Transverse waves are like the sine function (snake like) and can travel through a vacuum. Light is an example of a transverse wave.

Longitudinal waves (like sound) need a medium (like air) to travel through. Think of a slinky lying on a table and moving one end back & forth along the length. That is a longitudinal wave.

This is why (sound vibrating air) a sound wave can go down your earhole & vibrate your ear drum so that you can hear it.
Without air (or water etc) to vibrate, sound cannot travel, which is why sound cannot travel through a vacuum.