How Can A Father Keep His Daughter

How does a father feel about his daughter having her boyfriend over for a sleep over?

I was asked to answer this question: “How does a father feel about his daughter having her boyfriend over for a sleep over?”This seems to presume that the daughter is still living at the home of the father. If not, the father’s feelings are irrelevant and he probably wouldn’t even know whether anyone sleeps over. It also seems to presume that “sleep over” is code for “having sex.”My daughter is about to turn 13 years old, so there’s no way in Hell this is happening in my house right now. And, to tell the truth, certainly not before my daughter is 18 years old.In the general sense, I think that most Americans of my demographic (white-ish, middle class-ish, suburban, Christian-ish) are probably somewhat uncomfortable thinking about their children or their parents having sex.Sex is a ridiculously taboo subject in America. Look at our movie rating system; a naked female breast or two is as objectionable (meaning, has a more restricted movie rating) as a dozen chainsaw murders. We’ve perhaps not quite grown out of the Victorian era yet. But, that’s the fact; sex is a closed-door topic here. So, if we as a society are not comfortable openly discussing sex, we’re not going to be comfortable openly condoning it in our homes for our (presumably unmarried) children.Note: Not everyone in the US is like this. In fact, I don’t think there are any significant cultural topics that all Americans agree on. And note that if you try to prove me wrong, I’ll disagree, thus proving me right. ;-)

Mother is keeping daughter away from father, what can we do?

My boyfriend has always had issues with the mother of his daughter not really letting him see his 4-year-old daughter. She would let him see her like twice a month. I guess since she was raised without a father, she thinks her daughter doesn't need one. When he would ask if his daughter can spend the night for like 4 days, she would say "oh no that is too long," like he has no right to see his daughter for a few days. Or like another time he asked to see his daughter, the mom said "you just saw her a couple of days ago", like there is a time/day limit on when he can see his child. My boyfriend finally got tired of her crap and decided to file custody papers so they can share 50/50 custody. The court date isn't until a month away. So ever since she got served with the court papers, she has been ignoring his calls and won't let him see his daughter. He is a good father, has a good job and gives her $500 a month on his own without a child support order. Before the court date, they have to attend mediation to see if they can come to an agreement, which I know she won't agree to anything. So this case will go to the judge. But in the meantime, I want to know if we can do anything about this issue of her keeping the child away??? We miss seeing the child, we had just made our computer room into her bedroom, she was so excited. Please help!!!

As a father, what is it like to have an attractive daughter?

I have an attractive daughter.She has been attractive since birth.She was told from a very early age how beautiful she is and I guess eventually she began to believe that.One fine cold yet sunny afternoon, our little family was strolling down the main street of a little artsy/craftsy town near where we lived. As it was quite cool out, I had given my little 3 or 4 year old daughter my big, grown man sized leather gloves to wear on her itty bitty little girl hands. It looked somewhat comical.We were walking along and a nattily dressed fellow with what sounded like a Russian accent reacted quite demonstrably to my cute little girl child, told her how beautiful she was and asked if he could have his picture taken with her.My beautiful little daughter, when told she was beautiful, promptly replied, “I know!”After we took her photo with the Russian fellow’s camera (cell phones weren’t common back then), he went on his merry way and I took my beautiful little daughter aside for a brief chat.I explained to her that there is external beauty and internal beauty. I told her that everyone could see that she possessed external beauty. I calmly told her that when she told people that she knew she is beautiful, her inner beauty was not very visible.I impressed on her that when complimented, she should consider a polite “Thank you” rather than the reply she had given. I told her that it would allow her inner beauty to shine through.I was not scolding her, just pointing out that there are different ways to express one’s self.She took it to heart and has allowed her inner beauty to shine through ever since.I believe that that day and any day she is there, she is always the prettiest little girl in La Conner. And anywhere else she goes.I have written elsewhere in this venue that she was a model and actually graced the cover of a national magazine before she turned 12. She did not get her daddy’s height, so her modeling ceased shortly after the cover shoot.She is still beautiful, inside and out. And I am proud to be her dad.

What can a father do to keep his daughter in his state of residency when filing for a divorce?

The Divorce is separate from Child Custody (and financial settlement, spousal support and child support). Note: this could be different in different States. However, it is my understanding and experience that the Custody (at least) is decided by a Judge in the City/County that the child resides in. You should have a lawyer. If your wife is trying to move to Florida to avoid keeping your daughter accessible to you, it may be illegal. But, then you’re in the Military and I don’t know how the Court treats “home”, as in my experience, that changes whenever you are relocated. Lawyer up, quick.

Can a father keep his child?

you both have legal joint custody of the child until you go to the courts and they decide otherwise, but there is an easier way, you can organise with ur x a visitation plan, ask her if she thinks it would be better if you had the child while she is at school and she can have it on certain days or something. be senistive though please, this situation is never easy and i know im going to sound nasty but she has more of a bond with the child already - its been growing inside her, eating what she is giving it, and she will have its little routines down pat most likely and no loving mother ever wants to give up their baby it can be the hardest thing she does. she may want to keep it, and she may drop out of school, if this is the case and she is going to have time to care for the child then the court generally gives custody to the mother unless she is very unfit to have a child, which does not include not being ready, because once this baby comes into the world it will grow her up so quick and her motherly instincts will kick right into gear.
so it is kinda going to have to be up to her but yet a joint decision.. remember be sensitve about it.. and if she wants to keep it her self you need to make sure you get the visitation plan you want! make sure you get to see your baby when you want ( within reason, dont be hasty) or if there is a chance of reconsile between you twothat would be fantastic!

but courts dont usually sign full custody to the father unless there is EXTREMLY STORNG evidence of her being mentally unsable, dugs, alcohol addiction and so on. they look for what is best interest for the child, the reason they generally choose the mother is basically the motherly instincs and bonds the two hve before the baby is born. if ur a firefighter, are YOU going to have time for ur baby? to give it 24 hour supervision???? the only way u can do that is by quitting, then you will have no funds, and i highly discourage getting a nanny or babysitter, because why leave ur baby with someone other than it parent?? so if thats the case give it to the mother.

Father/Daughter relationships?

Yes it definitely plays a huge psychological role, especially if the father & daughter were once close and now aren't, or if they fight a lot. As someone who hasn't been on speaking terms with her father in 3 years due to psychological damage, it can have a big impact on her as a person and dating life. Daughters are mostly attracted to the male figure that was around a lot in her early life.

How can we keep my daughter in law from getting my son's money which he inherits from me.?

Please dont take offense! But you sound really too overly concerned about things well into the future. When you die ( I am assuming you are feeling it is iminently soon) You can leave your money to whom ever you wish. That is your right. Assuming you are a Hilton and you are leaving millions and millions to your son, you are expecting him to not spend a dime and die shortly after you to which he will leave to a wife whom he loves, assuming she hords that money and dies following him to the grave; the millions fall into the hands of children whom you should have accepted as step grandchildren.

In reality, I think the money is much less and your son who will miss you dearly probably will spend it on himself, his family or his own retirement. If he should live another 20+ years with the same woman as his wife she will have (earned) which is not a good use of a word, she will have been his wife for many years and saw him through not only the loss of his mother but perhaps his own illness. That is to say that you havent scared her off first or if she should die first.
Perhaps if you are a Hilton, she will devestate your dear son, break his heart and take half of his money and leave him now, before either of you shall die.

How do we tell his daughter about our relationship?

It sounds as if you really want him to acknowledge you as his girlfriend in front of his daughter. But you'll have to be patient. When to tell her about you must be his decision, not yours.He hasn't exactly lied to his daughter by telling her that you're a "friend". While it's her business to know about any girlfriend who's going to be a part of her life in future, it isn't her business to know about every single casual girlfriend in her father's life. Since he's still legally married to someone else and still hiding his relationship with you, that's effectively what you are - a casual girlfriend. I don't know whether your relationship is more than this in reality; but until his divorce is final, you don't have the right to be acknowledged in front of his daughter.If your presence in his life might affect the divorce (i.e., if he is trying to deceive the courts) then it's his business to hide you from anyone who might betray his secret. It's not your business to go out of the way to collude, although you don't gain anything by non-cooperation with his suggestions.Eventually, of course, you need him to come clean about his intentions. Does he intend to marry you? Do you have a date for the wedding? Does he expect you to live under the same roof as his daughter? If the answer to those questions is "Yes," then he needs to tell his daughter. If he doesn't, you can question whether he intends to keep his promises!But if he's serious about you, he will tell her. You don't need to help it along.

Can a mother legally keep her child away from the father?

Yes, she can, for MANY reasons:
1) the father is abusive, physically or mentally to mother &/or child
2) the father is rarely, if ever around
3) the father never signed the child's' birth certificate, even if the child was given his last name
4) the father has never or rarely has provided any kind of financial support to care for the child

I am going through #'s 2,3 & 4 with the father of my kids. The birth certificate being signed or not is a big deal because in alot of ways, it still puts the father in control of things. Since my kids' father never bothered to sign the birth certificate for either my son or daughter, I could legally leave the state with BOTH of them if I wanted to because he hasn't claimed them as his on paper. It's all about documentation when it comes to the court system.

Overall, YES a mother can keep a child away from the paternal father, even AFTER child support is established. She is considered the main, providing parent in the child's life. Child support is just that: SUPPORT. Which means that out of every day to day thing that comes up in a child's life, whatever the mother isn't able to completely pay for herself, the child support only HELPS fill that want or need. It can't ever fill the fact that the father is not physically there.

Your question is vague in regards to your situation, but normally the above reasons ARE legal reasons for a mother to keep the child away from the father.

Are dads ever bothered when their daughter doesn't shave?

Haha, yes. Yes they do. At least when it comes to the legs.My father tells me/has told me I’m going to look like “a feminist bitch” if I don’t shave my legs (which I don’t and have never have. I’m 14, god). And he and my mother both ended up forcing me to shave my armpits. My mother literally did it for me when she knew I didn’t want to, and then took me to a hair removal place. Because they thought it was “sanitary”. Not only that, but because I need to “play society’s game” and that “it will benefit me in the future”. And apparently if I really hate it, I can stop doing it when I’m out of the house! Not the point, dad. The problem is you forcing me to do it now.To me, the double standards are just annoying, and I prefer modest clothes anyway. What’s the big deal? But nooo, my father gets so annoyed by hair on my legs. Thank god the hair on my arms is uber light!In terms of pubic hair, however, both my parents respect my boundaries there. Especially my father. I said that they are never touching that and that was final. Funny how they didn’t listen to me when I asked nicely to abstain from shaving in other places and when I said I wasn’t comfortable doing it, hm? Or when I argued with them because they weren’t respecting my decision? Or when I was crying, because they weren’t listening to me and because I was terrified? Guess setting boundaries is something a teenage girl shouldn’t do. Oh, right, that just makes me opinionated about everything and difficult to deal with. Sorry, I forgot.