How Can A Piece Of Steak Become An Amino Acid In Our Blood

Amino acids tend to diffuse from a blood capillary to the adjacent cell because?

A. this is the only direction they can move
B. the brain directs the movement into cells
C. the cell needs the amino acids to make protein
D. the concentration of amino acids is lower in the cell

What are the effects of dead meat and blood ingestion?

It is very hard to eat living meat and blood, the animals tend to move around and fight back it you try to eat them. And humans are not good at swallowing our food whole.What happens when you start eating is that the smell, sight and chewing of food will start the digestion process.Your saliva glands will produce more saliva so your food will be mixed with enzymes and ground to a managable pulp.In addition the stomach will start producing more acids and digestion enzymes.When the ground meat and blood is swallowed it will be pressed down into the stomach by muscle contractions in the esophagus.In the stomach receptors will notice that the food is mainly made of proteins and therefore it will be kept for a while in the stomach. The stomach will make muscle contractions to mix the food throughly with stomach acids and enzymes. Thereby the meat and blood will start breaking down into smaller components.The receptors recognizing the proteins will also send signals to the pancreas that there is a protein heavy meal on its way, so the pancreas will increase its production of proteases (protein digesting enzymes) in the pancreatic juice.The stomach will start to slowly lead the acid mixed meat out into the first part of the intestine, the duodenum, where the mixed meat will be mixed further with pancreatic juices and bile. Pancreatic juice also contains a base that neutralizes the stomach acid.In the intestine the food is futher mixed by muscle contractions and moved through the intestine by these contractions. Now the proteins from the meat and blood are almost all broken down into amino acids and the intestine will absorb the amino acids and the fatty acids and carbohydrates from the meat.The things that can't be absorbed, like sinews and some trace molecules, will be pushed on to the colon. In the colon our probiotica will ferment the last nutrients of the meat and we can absorb some of the vitamins the probiotica makes.At last we excrete a few traces of the meat and blood that couldn't be digested, together with a large amount of dead bacteria.

Which of the following compounds is a waste product of protein metabolism?

Hemoglobin is a protein that binds oxygen in our blood cells.
Tryptophan is an amino acid.
Vitamin B-12 is, well, a Vitamin, used for various purposes.

The one that's left: Urea. When turning amino acids into carbohydrates, what do you do with the nitrogen? You turn it into Urea and flush it out.

Can somebody tell me about kidney?

The nephron is the functional unit of the kidney. If it works properly then water, salts, and urea will filter into the bowman's capsule via the glomerulus. It will then pass through the loop of henle where various amounts will be pumped in and out... mostly water and salt will come back out at first, so that the water stays in the blood. The hormone Aldosterone is responsible for this pumping of salts out of the loop of henle and where the salt goes the water follows. Then more water will be reabsorbed in the collecting duct (the last sort of tube before the ureter) and ADH (anti-diuretic hormone) is responsible for the collection of water here... this is so that our blood plasma level does not drop and blood pressure drop significantly when we urinate. We try to retain water and urinate out mostly urea and excess salts. If there is excess water, we will urinate that out as well.

An unhealthy kidney might let glucose, amino acids, or even red blood cells pass through the glomerulus (which is supposed to keep these larger particles from entering the kidney). If that is the case, like with diabetes, there will be glucose in the urine. Similarly, if blood passes you will see blood in the urine. These are signs on disease.

Does uric acid require fasting ?

I had my uric acid tested at 8.0 mg/dL whereas the reference unit is 3.6 - 7.7 mg/dL
I ate about 4 hour before the test, could the result inaccurate because i did not fast? but the doctor who prescribed me the blood test did not ask if i was fasting or not, i'm terribly curious

What are the benefits of eating pigeon meat?

High nutritional value of pigeon, only rare delicacies, but also a high tonic. Pigeon as a high protein, low fat foods, protein content of 24.47%, more than rabbits, cattle, pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks, geese and dogs and other meat, the protein contained in many essential amino acids the human body, and the digestion and absorption rate of 95%, pigeon meat, the fat content of only 0.73%, lower than other meat, is the ideal food of mankind. Pigeon eggs are known as “animal ginseng” is rich in protein.Pigeon not only nutritious, and there are some health effects, can prevent many diseases. Pigeon very useful for the liver and kidney, vigor and vitality, brain make God, improve memory, reduce blood pressure, adjust blood sugar, beauty beauty, delicate white skin, longevity.Pigeon liver contains the best choline, can help the body make good use of cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis. Pigeon bone is rich in chondroitin, and chondroitin sulfate in velvet antler is similar to regular consumption, with improved vitality of skin cells, enhance the degree of skin elasticity, improve blood circulation, ruddy and other effects. Pigeon also rich in pantothenic acid, on the anti-hair loss, white hair, etc. have a good effect. Pigeon contains more branched chain amino acids and arginine can promote protein synthesis, accelerate wound healing.