How Can A Teen Girl Stop Giving So Much Mind To Every Litte Critics .

Why can't my son take any kind of constructive criticism?

My son is 14 and I cannot tell him anything is wrong with his looks. He always answers back "I don't want to hear it". For instance, he started getting some stretch marks, I told him I had noticed and would help him with the issue. He just blew up saying he did not want to hear it, "don't you think I know" and bla bla....

Why would he act this way and how can I help him see that he must accept constructive criticism?

A cashier was giving me attitude. How should I response?

We have all had similar situations and a part of me says that she does not deserve that job as there are probably a lot of more friendly customer oriented folks that would be better at it.

So is it worth it to write a letter to Costco and complain about her? Probably not. Sometimes we have to be the bigger person in these situations and realize that perhaps the person is the way they are on that day and in that moment for a very good reason we don't understand.

Maybe we need to extend them some slack that we wish others would give us when we are not at 100%.

Best wishes!

Could you read and critique this beginning of a book?

Yeah, the characters seem fairly realistic. The only two that I'm having issues wrapping my head around are Dan and the MC (I can't seem to find her name). I don't understand Dan's fascination with a girl who continually dumps him, though you're probably going to explain that later. As for the MC, I have a hard time believing that a pretty girl would be tripped. That's just mean, to any girl, that is. I get that you needed to start your story with something, and I do think it's a good way to begin, but guys wouldn't be that rude. I'm assuming that since she's pretty, she's probably very socially awkward or quiet, which is why people don't like her. Still, the naive person in me would like to believe that even high school guys wouldn't be that cruel.

Anyway, I don't think your choice of wording came off as contrived. It gave me more the impression that the MC just naturally speaks that way. I kind of liked it, actually.

Overall, I thought this was good. Overall, that is. There are still a few things you need to nitpick, but I think once you edit it, it could be really great.


DO NOT starve yourself. If you suddenly stop eating everything, your body will think there's a famine going on. At first, yes, you will be losing weight. But then, when you start eating normally again, you'll suddenly gain LOADS of weight and become even heavier than you used to be! So never do that.

Try to eat a great variety of foods. Do not eat the same things every day. This will bore your body, and therefore it will be easier for your body to digest it, and thus, you will not lose any (or much) weight.
Instead, try to keep your body at work at all times. You can achieve this by, for example, eating more proteins than usually, and eating less carbohydrates. Then on day two, you'll eat more carbohydrates, and less proteins. This will keep your metabolism going like crazy!

Also, you can eat quite a lot for breakfast! A few sandwiches, a piece of fruit, glass of milk...Do remember to vary. This will give you an energy boost at the start of the day, and you'll have more energy to burn fat! Because remember that you need ENERGY (calories) to BURN fat! Don't eat too much for dinner. And certainly don't eat a lot after dinner. Many people feel the need to take a snack right after dinner-- don't! Instead, take a walk! It will give you more energy and it keeps your body busy. You don't have to go outside and play sports like crazy- that won't work. Taking a walk a few times a week is a much better idea.

Well, I hope these tips can help you lose weight! Feel free to mail me if you have more questions. =)

What are the problems experienced by Indian girls in society?

I am a dark skinned girl with big boobs, average looking, little chubby.Being dark skinned is something of a sin. No matter how much people make themselves seem open minded, there will always be a filter in every girls photo. You are never somebody's crush. Relatives and sometimes your friends ridicule your dark skin. Pimple prone short, boyish fair skinned girl who is average in studies = nice skinned dark curvy girl who is good in studies.Conversation I heard between my well settled civil engineer graduate uncle and my grandma.Uncle : I wouldn't have married Rita (name changed, she did b. Pharm) if she isn't so cute, white skinned.Grandma : Kids are going to be fair. *looks at me and then adds* I wish Aarthi (me, name changed) was fairer. Ananya (cousin sister) is so fair, she's going to settle well.I was at 3rd grade but the scene etched so well in my memory. I can't look at my uncle and grandma with confidence.Some random conversations.Me (at 8th grade) to my dad : I will earn well and protect my parents. I will get married at 27.Mom : 27?!! For a dark skinned girl 24 is the right age. Also you are so fat looking.Dad: stop it.Friends, even the close ones, look down on me.Me : I have a crush on this guy. *goes on explaining*Fair skinned Fri 1 : Okay. Isn't he a bit good looking, I mean he always has a fair girl as his girlfriend. He gave me friend request on fb and…… Do people ever has crush on you?Me : um… NoFri 1,2,3,4 : *Looks at me pitifully like I am an breast cancer survivor*Now, big boobs.I never be comfortable with my big boobs. They are kind of droopy due to more weight it seems. And my mom ridicules me every day. It's traumatizing. I never asked for big boobs. Why can't people seem to accept curvy chubby girls with big boobs. I used to get highly self conscious when I go out and it made me walk or stand awkwardly.In south India, teachers always have a fair skinned girl as a pet. Dark skinned girls are not the front person in any competition. The partiality is utterly disgusting and soul crushing.Bottomline:Every south Indian guy wants a fair skinned girl with Aryan features.As a dark skinned, I am always trying prove something to someone. I need to overachieve in every aspects.Even a dark skinned guy will ridicule a dark skinned girl.I am seriously considering boob reduction surgery to save myself from my mom ridicules, perverted looks, etc etc.To society : Be kind to all girls.

Can anyone give me examples of how women are treated unfairly?

A woman can sit on the bench at a bus stop and within a couple of hours some man will offer her a place to live free of charge.

A woman can earn upwards of a million dollars from age 18 to age 24 if she dances well, and she doesn't even have to take off all her clothes. A nude dancer can earn several times that.

Welfare is a major source of income in some areas and it is mostly only given to women.

A woman waiting tables at a banquet with a cash bar will make about three times as much in tips as a man. Ten times if she has blond hair.

But when an employer wants to get some work done, he hires a man. Even when men and women are paid the same, the men will work overtime and the women will try to get out of it. Women take more time off, for reasons acceptable to the employer. The whine about women making less than men for the same work is a lie. The women as a rule won't do the same work.

What do you think about the book "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson?

Thanks for A2A.Aaah, someone had to ask. I'm going to say things that may offend people who like this book. But the only lesson I learned from the author, is to not give a f*ck about such books. Here's why :I don't mind cussing here and there. It's in the title of the book afterall, so I expected more to come. However, within nearly 10 pages I re-read that word 50 more times. It was to the point where it no longer even seemed like a real word anymore! Sir - you've got to find a better vocabulary for expressing distate. Strike one.I'm an avid reader of Non Fiction genre of books. Psychology and Spirituality/Metaphysics in particular. Both of the subjects were touched upon in the book. And both were way off key. Infact they had no key, so to say! The author's understanding of Human Psychology and the teachings of Buddha is very limited, only capable of calling the Buddha a “cool guy sitting under a tree”. I don't think anyone yet has attained Enlightenment from this book. What I do know is, thousands of people till date still practice spirituality and Buddhism, and are truly more happy than this other, not-so-cool writer. Strike two.It's one thing to write a blog. It's another to combine 50 blog pieces into a book. The points made in this book don't always even make complete sense, and sometimes the guy goes off track and you realize much later that he meant something else from what he was just talking about one paragraph ago. In short - it's disconnected at many points. Strike three, and he's out.I couldn't stand it after about 50 odd pages of cringing.To me, this book is filled with arrogance, resentment, unclarity, repetitiveness, etc and lacks the true niche a timeless book contains. From the writing style, to the flow of the book, every single thing is off. It only feels like a Wikipedia research combined with personal life inferences and grudges, with no scientific backing, that made this book (with lots of perverted profanity thrown at highly respected public figures).I understand if you want something fun to read, but there are way too many great books out there to spend time on this one.He's a good blogger and I hope he can stick to that.That's my two cents! Peace! :)