How Can A Woman Ever Be Certain

Do women only have a certain number of eggs?

All the eggs you'll ever have were present at birth. It's usually around 1.5 million. Most of these will never be used - think of it as over a million back-ups.

When you begin menustrating, you release one egg every 28 days. (Every once it's a while, you may release two eggs - resulting in non-identical twins. Certains meds can induce even three or four eggs to be released at a time.) So, if you began menustration at age 15 and continued up to age 55, you released around 522 eggs. You will NEVER, EVER, EVER run out of eggs. However, by the time you reach menopause age, most of those eggs aren't much good to you - they're tough and wouldn't fertilize well.

Menopause has nothing to do with the number of eggs. The ovaries are old and don't function well anymore, and stop making estrogen and progesterone.

Does a woman ever dress a certain way based on how she wants others to look at her, or for herself?

I think I do both. There are times when I wear head to toe black because sometimes I feel powerful or confident in that color…and it compliments my own coloring too, so bonus!When I run errands, I am mindful that I’ll be in public so I might wear yoga pants and a top but I’m showered and typically wear a little mascara and lip gloss.If I’m meeting with clients, I’ll typically wear a dress because I want the clients to know I take them seriously and respect them and myself enough to dress appropriately.At work, I try to be comfortable and professional. Since I commute by train and Metro and then walking a few city blocks, I have to dress for the weather more than I might if I just drove in…and that means I tend to wear knee high flat boots and leggings with a tunic sweater in the winter more often than not.When I go out with my husband for date night, I try to wear something I know or think he likes, or that I feel especially cute in. If I’m trying to get his attention, I might wear something so he’ll notice…..Back when I was single, I’d definitely wear something lower cut or with a higher hemline…and that was for others and for myself…;)When I go see my daughter and grandson, I wear something age appropriate and comfortable since my grandson tries to run me ragged, lol.

Women, do you have certain ways to "accidentally" touch a guy?

Women & girls, do you have certain ways you touch a guy "by accident," to get him interested but have him not be sure whether you did it on purpose? Do you do this when you're trying to get to know him, trying to seduce him, or just playing with a guy you already know?

Do some women stop shaving their legs after a certain age?

It's not so much a certain age, it's because there is no husband or romantic relationship at the time.

If my legs show, I will shave them. Sometimes I will shave simply because the hair has gotten so long that they look furry. If I am interested in a certain man I will shave just in case.

It is a big hassle, It is difficult to shave when you cannot see the hair. Wearing glasses in the bath tub doesn't work because of the steam. Trying to reach everywhere I need to shave is harder and harder. I am 60 years old and this has been going on for awhile. Every once in awhile I will notice after I finish shaving that there are whole strips of hair going up and down my leg that I obviously missed. How embarrassing

Do dogs ever stop coming into heat at a certain age, Just like women when they go through menopause??

Most female dogs will continue to have heat cycles, for all of their life. However, it usually becomes less regular.
My 16 year old still would come in heat about every 10 months, although her cycles were barely noticeable.
They can't usually get pregnant after about 10 or 12.
In fact, to get a litter AKC registered if either parent is 12 or more, requires a vet to document the pregnancy
It would be a wise idea to have her checked by the vet, to make certain she doesn't have cystic ovaries.

I tell myself that only having a beautiful woman, a certain amount of wealth, a luxury car, a nice home, etc. will bring me happiness, and it drives me mad that I cannot find happiness from anything. Can a narcissist ever be happy?

A Narc would face incredible difficulties in finding happiness, because that involves honesty with oneself… and Narcs lies to themselves more than they lie to anyone else.Here you are… trying to tell yourself what you WOULD be happy with… yet you have nothing that actually proves it. Did you once have that certain amount of wealth, the luxury car, the home, the food, the clothes… and when you had all that, were you happy?You deny the things that actually make you happy, because they don’t promote the image you want to portray. This makes you unhappy. You don’t have the things that you THINK should make you happy. This makes you unhappy.Happiness is not a destination. Happiness is not a constant state. Happiness is fleeting, and it is supposed to be. Life is full of all kinds of events.If your wife just died, but you own a Ferrari… should you be happy? Of course you shouldn’t be happy… your wife just died. But you say that owning the Ferrari would make you happy… so which is it?The reason why that situation presents such difficulty, is because of how you view happiness.It isn’t owning the Ferrari that would make you happy… it is the adoration of the public at seeing you in the Ferrari that would make you happy… at least in your mind. The truth is far worse. NEITHER would make you happy.Until you can forget about how the world views you… until you can forget about being the center, or getting attention, or being adored, or worshipped…. you need to know how to be honest with yourself.Why do you think the popular phrase is “Dance like noone is watching”?

Have any women ever experienced unexplained vaginal odor by taking a certain birth control pill?

I have been on Ortho Tri Cyclen since I was 14 ( am 21 now ). Recently after having my son, in July I was put on Tri-Sprintec, which is the generic brand of Ortho Tri Cyclen. I never experienced an odor, but I was severely raw 'down there' for 3 weeks out of the month, every month until recently when I finally figured out it was my birth control causing it and got it switched. I couldn't have sex, I could barely dry myself off after taking a shower, wasn't comfortable sitting, it was just complete hell for me.

Anyway, all I did was called my doctor's office and asked to see if my doctor could prescribe me another type of birth control because I was having side effects with my current one. Didn't have to go into the doctor's office at all, just called, they wrote it out and sent it to the pharmacy I go to. It's simple. I would recommend trying that.

Can a woman not scream during childbirth?

I did not scream while giving birth to my first son, or my second son. The first labor was long and complicated, it was painful, but interestingly, the first instinct is not to scream but rather to groan, grunt, moan. The pain of labor and childbirth is not acute, it is sustained; screaming in pain is more likely to occur during acute injury rather than prolonged, blunt pain. My second son was born after a shorter labor and shorter pushing time. There was pain involved, and some groaning and moaning. For some reason, the endorphins kicked in sooner with my second labor, and they took the edge out of the pain. It was more of an intense discomfort and a very brief burning sensation when the baby passes through the birth canal, at maximum stretching. Even though I was exhausted after the birth of my first son (not really exhausted but rather tired in a more normal way after the birth of my second baby), the birth of a child is such a life-changing event, that the pain is quickly forgotten because all your focus goes to the baby, whether you like it or not. Your brain turns to mush, and you instantly love that little squirming gremlin more than anything else in the world. Thank you, evolution, for tweaking all those molecular interactions and neural networks to produce such an astonishing instant bonding!