How Can I Answer Questions

What is the best way to answer questions in exam ?

First and foremost, I like to share with you - I hate to say this, but it's a harsh reality - an exam is essentially a form of game played more or less in the same way all around the world, and you got to learn to be an excellent game player. First of all, an exam is always a game of PRECISION and SPEED. No matter how you look at it, examiners are only interested in your ability to answer questions PRECISELY and EXPEDIENTLY, all within the prescribed time limits. They don't like any fancy stuff from candidates. So, to beat them in the game, you got to master the technique of doing a "surgical cut" of the exam questions at first glance, no matter how they are phrased.Here, I like to introduce you to the 'Question Dissection (QD) Protocol', a very powerful technique for reading and dissecting an exam question.It has been developed by Doug Buehl, a 33-year veteran teacher and award-winning educator in Madison, Wisconsin, USA.The QD Protocol leads students through a rapid multi-faceted, step-by-step analysis of an exam question: 1) Test Verbs:They are the specific verbs used to introduce an exam question, which imply or give clues to the style or format of the response. Discuss, compare, contrast, describe, explain, criticize, evaluate, and summarise are commonly used test verbs. 2) Topic:It's the knowledge domain that is being tested and suggests the segment of your learning that needs to be recalled and showcased for the response. 3) List:It's the listing or elaboration of types of in­formation that every exam question requires: causes, reasons, ways in which something is in­fluenced, steps or instructions, etc. Identifying a list helps one to narrow the focus within a topic. 4) Number:This specifies or implies that a number of things should be included in your response: a single reason, cause, or method; a specific num­ber (3 reasons, 2 causes); or multiple items (many causes, or some ways). 5) Order:This is a particular order of information asked for in your response. Some questions allow infor­mation to be listed in any order (flexible), while others require a specific sequence. 6) First Sentence:The first sentence is the recasting or reconstruction of the exam question so that it becomes the first sentence of your response. This provides momen­tum to begin writing and helps with structuring an organized response to the question.Godspeed to you!

How can I properly answer questions?

A. Did you hear the question clearly? If yes, go to B, below.If no, say you didn’t hear the question clearly and ask that it be repeated.B. Do you understand the question? If yes, go to C, below.If no, say you don’t understand the question and ask that it be rephrased.If you still don’t understand it, say so politely. Maybe say something like, “I’m sorry, I don’t know how to answer that.”C. If you are willing to answer the question, go to D, below. If you don’t want to answer the question, for whatever reason, you almost always have the right to refuse to answer it.You could say something like, “I’m sorry, but I'd rather not talk about that.”D. You understand the question and are willing to answer it. Compose yourself and rehearse in your mind what you wish to say. Keep it as simple as possible (don’t answer what wasn’t asked). Most of the time these steps are almost automatic and take only a couple of seconds. Then smile (if appropriate) and give your answer. Be prepared to address follow-up questions. If you are asked another question, go back to A.

How do I answer questions in Chegg and earn points?

During a certain period you can see list of questions allocated to users. This list of questions comes depending upon the specialisation you have chosen during registration..Once you start answering questions , you will money for every right answer whose price starts from 100Rs per right answer and it can upto 500rs…Cheers

How do I answer economics questions in exams?

I agree with Anonymous's answer to How do I answer economics questions in exams?Also, there are a lot of materials online that can help you get ready for an exam. Because exams are always stressful.Some resource that might be helpful for you:Test Preparation with Economics Exam Questions and AnswersEconomics Exam AnswersPast General Exams at HarvardEconomics Final Exam QuizEconomics 165 Practice Exam QuestionsHope this will help!

What is the best question and answer platform? Why?

As per my knowledge and the extend I am able to explore Google here is the list of websites for questions and answers:Answerbag.comStack OverflowStack ExchangeYahoo AnswersWiki HowAbout

How do I answer a question intelligently?

Hi, your problem is very common, don’t be disheartened. Here are some tips that can help you how to answer any question efficiently.Before answering any question learn why the user is asking that question, what he really wants.The second most important step is to learn what the question is about, understand the question inside out.After having the clear knowledge about the question, start searching for the content you will include in your answer, remember quality is better than quantity.After you have done enough research on that question, ask yourself, will my answer help the one who has asked the question. Modify your answer accordingly.If you feel right, post it and help the needy ones.I hope my answer has helped you. If you have any other doubts you can email me. Thank

What's the most polite way to answer "can I ask you a question?"

If someone begins a talk with ‘can I ask you a question ?’ that person feel some anxiety about asking you and this is an attempt to calm things. I think it is more of an expression that really says, ‘I am not sure I should ask you this question, so let me know if you do not want to talk about this, please’I often answer something like ‘you can ask, but I can’t guarantee that I will answer you. If I am comfortable answering or if I know the answer, then I’ll try to give you an answer. “If that is too formal or rigid, you can always say, ‘let me hear the question’.

How would you answer these job assessment questions?

A= Not at all true B=Slightly True C=Somewhat True D=Mostly True E=Very True.

1. I am usually satisfied with work that is "good enough.
2.Most people exaggerate a little on employment applications.
3. All people tell "white lies.
4.I set milestones to measure my work.
5.Other people at work know that my work usually has few, if any, errors.
6. I think that people place too much importance on their jobs.
7.Everyone knowingly overdraws his or her bank account.
8.Sometimes you have to exaggerate a little to protect yourself.
9. Sometimes I get quite irritated.
10. At work, others think I am a perfectionist.
11.Most people will exaggerate their previous work experience in order to get a good job.
12.I have made a promise that I could not keep.
13. People often find it hard to get much satisfaction from their job.
14.Very few people who find a wallet containing money would return it to its owner.
15.Work gets me pretty discouraged sometimes.