How Can I Ask My Parents If I Could Shave Me Hair Off

My parents don't know that i shave my pubic hair and i want to keep it that way but i want to shave more often?

i'm 15 and for about the last year and a half i've been shaving maybe once a month. i really like the feel of it (though i've never done anything sexual yet lol) but i really want to keep it from my parents. every time i have shaved i would boil my dad's razor and then use it on myself since i only shaved when people aren't home. well i just used nair like tonight (it is my mom's and no i did not use that tool thingy) and i really liked the feel of that smoothness.

my big problem is 1 my parents don't know and i want to keep it that way
2 if my parents (dad mainly) find out he will get mad. if i tell my mom it would just be really embarassing.
3 i share a shower with 2 other brothers and
4 i can't drive yet.

so i really need some help with how to get a razor or nair and keep it hidden from my parents because my dad will have a cow if he knows since he doesn't give me any other freedoms ( such as: going out on my own without meeting the person i'm going with, he makes fun of me over everything and just every other thing he can think of to make my life constricted)

ps: i do have an excuse to a point i do marching band in the summer and pubes itch like crazy.

thanks in advance

How do I shave without my parents knowing?

Assume your parents probably know a thing or two you don't. They have been here on Earth longer. Very likely if they are both on Quora. Some smart minds.They understand biology. They have seen hair growth on you and then if it suddenly stopped, permanently. They know if their child is shaving.Your parents can add up. They know you are shaving. They just don't see it or get told it. If you start deceiving your parents over such things early in life, they will only worry what you may hide later. Drug, alcohol,cigarettes and the like.Best option, talk to them. Again. And again. And again They’ll get fed up and give in often over such things. You don’t lie or decieve the closest to you. The ones that probably work all day to feed, clothe, and put a roof over your head.Are you sure you want to build mistrust with “those people”? Your parents.Try the better way. Ask nicely a few times. Make sure they understand fully what's wrong. Kids making fun of you is an acceptable reason to debate against skin health. So get debating. Valuable skills for a youngster. Negotiate. Compromise. Learn to use your words. Your voice. Get a headstart on other kids.But why not go further? Show your intelligence. Show them how if they got you, or you buy as a compromise and suggestion of importance(many levels to this game in my head) an electric razor.Better skin. Healthier relationship with your parents. If it doesn't work out,nag the hell out of them. If they dont give in, consider again what a girl or boy does. Sneak around and deceive. Its where they pushed you.Or see if you can work with them, if they co-operate, and learn to become a growing woman. They want that, too. For you to learn to grow.Hope that helps.

I recently shaved my pubic hair and now it’s all red and itchy. I can’t tell my parents because I’m too young. What should I do?

Was this the first time? Did you use a shaving cream/gel/soap to help the razor glide easier? Was it a new razor or used? Did you go with the grain or against it?The skin around the vagina is rather sensitive. If this is your first time shaving that area, it could be just that the skin isn’t used to this exposure yet.Get a decent shaving gel or foam, it’ll make a lot of difference. If your parents ask, just say that it’s for your legs and armpits because you get razor burn.Use a new razor every time you shave, especially if you’re shaving your pubic hair. Using an old or used razor puts you at risk of infections and cysts.Shave with the grain to reduce the risk of aggravating the skin and hair follicles, which can lead to redness and itching.Get a cream from the pharmacy that has a small dose of hydrocortisone in it, and use that after shaving. Obviously, make sure that you’re not allergic to it, and if you’re on any medications, make sure your doctor knows that you wish to use this cream, so that they can be sure it won’t affect the medications you’re already on.You could have ingrown hairs. These are extremely common after shaving. Wait until the hair has grown back a little and you’ll be able to free the hair from under the skin by squeezing it (with clean hands), or using tweezers that have been cleaned thoroughly.For now, I’d recommend a cool washcloth to help take down the redness and swelling, and then use a gentle lotion to keep the area moisturized and reduce the itching.There’s also a chance that this could be a yeast infection. I used to shave, and I got yeast infections after because I didn’t have any pubic hair to protect the sensitive skin. My doctor told me to stop shaving and use a bikini line trimmer instead, so that I always have hair but it’s kept tidy.

My mum wont let me shave my arms, help!?

The problem with shaving is that is doesn't last very long, and your hair grows back really 'ugly' looking, it looks like it has been cut. And if you start shaving your arms they will probably end up looking like when you shave your legs... black and prickly.

My best friend is italian, and she used to wax her arms, because she has dark hair. All my friends agreed that it was kinda creepy how she was completely hairless there- its not natural. But for special occasions, sure :)

What she does now is bleach the hairs on her arms, so they appear lighter, almost blonde. You cant even notice them anymore, but she still seems natural. I know that Nair have bleaching products you can buy. I think its just like a wash off cream.

As for your mum, ask her. You will never know unless you ask, and she might be more comfortable with you waxing, because shaving in my opinion, is worse.

Good luck :)

Is it within my parents' legal right to prevent me from shaving my head until I turn 18?

Don't worry about what is legal with respect to shaving your hair - at the moment. Even if you are legally obligated to listen to your parents, what are they going to do - send you to jail for shaving your hair? Can you imagine the judge listening to this and thinking hmmmm am I going to take the space of a thief away from jail and place a person who shaved her head instead? I don't think so.I wouldn't even worry about your parents view on a shaved head at the moment.Focus on this: WHAT DO YOU WANT, WHY DO YOU WANT IT, AND WHAT IS THE IMPACT IN YOUR LIFE? Do you want to shave your head to piss of your parents? Do you want to shave your head because you just like that look? Or are you bored and simply crave change? Explore your own feelings. What is the impact of shaving your head on your social life? On your relationship with your family?In the end, after exploring, if you feel you must shave your is not that big of a deal. The hair will grow back and you are not stealing or hurting anyone. But depending on where you are, it may impact how your family is perceived by the larger community. But regardless of what you decide, do some thinking on the matter before you proceed. Then move ahead with eyes wide open and knowing what you want, why you want it and knowing that you can life with the impact on yourself and others.

I m a 15 year old boy and i want to shave my arms and legs.?

So i m 15 and pretty hairy. I don t like it at all and it s also dark hair so its noticeable. I want to shave it off, but I m not sure how my parents will react to me asking them if i can shave it off. It s currently summer break for me so maybe asking them if i could just try it over the summer and see if i like it would work? Any suggestions on what I should say to them?
BTW I m gay and many people (excluding my family) know and they re cool with it so I know I won t be bullied or anything like that.

Im asking my mom to shave tonight!?

I've wanted to shave for like almost 1 1/2 yeasr now and Im finally going to ask my mom tonight. Were going out shopping for summer clothes (I know, a little late) And I was just wondering, does anyone have any tips for me???
Im really scared to ask and im horrible and akward at talking to my mum about girl stuff.
