How Can I Break The Habit Of Biting My Nails

Is nail biting a bad habit?

Yes, nail biting is a very bad habit. Not only does   it look bad, it’s also harmful for your health. Firstly nail biting increases   the risk of catching a cold or other diseases because you put your unwashed   fingers in your mouth. Secondly, it also raises the risk of paronychia, which   is an infection of the skin surrounding the nails. Apart from this, if a   person has warts on his hand and bites nails, then there’s a high risk that   the warts will spread to other areas of the hand. and

Nail/skin biting habit?

I've been biting my nails and cuticils since i was in kindergarden.
I stopped biting my nails but boy. are my fingers ugly from the skin biting habit!
Help me find a way to make it better or cure the nasty habit.

Does biting your nails break your fast?

Only if you swallow them. Same thing with boogers. :)

How long does it take to stop my nail biting habit?

It's actually only supposed to take 27 days, not 2 months.

How can i stop biting my nails? .. help!?

Simple, but hard work: It just takes constant willpower to stop biting your nails. You need to be aware of each time that you feel like biting your nails, and figure out in that situation something else you can do instead. For example, each time that you feel like biting your nails, take out a nail file and just gently smooth the edge of the nail, and the urge will pass. Also, make sure you are using hand lotion after each time you wash your hands, which will keep your hands and nails moisturized. You should generally keep your nail edges filed smooth, so that there are no little bits that are tempting to start to bite, and there are no rough parts that will snag on things or break off. After a couple of days you will start to see the difference in the health of your nails, and then you just have to keep at it every day. After about 2 months of not biting your nails, that actually becomes your new habit, and you just have to stay on top of those situations where you want to go back to the comfort of the habit of biting and keep dealing with it.

Help me stop biting my nails?

Simple, but hard work: It just takes constant willpower to stop biting your nails. You need to be aware of each time that you feel like biting your nails, and figure out in that situation something else you can do instead. For example, each time that you feel like biting your nails, take out a nail file and just gently smooth the edge of the nail, and the urge will pass. Also, make sure you are using hand lotion after each time you wash your hands, which will keep your hands and nails moisturized. You should generally keep your nail edges filed smooth, so that there are no little bits that are tempting to start to bite, and there are no rough parts that will snag on things or break off. After a couple of days you will start to see the difference in the health of your nails, and then you just have to keep at it every day. After about 2 months of not biting your nails, that actually becomes your new habit, and you just have to stay on top of those situations where you want to go back to the comfort of the habit of biting and keep dealing with it.

I have a bad habit of biting my finger nails and chipping off my toe nails. It looks pathetic. How can I change this habit?

One way to get rid of bad habits is to ignore them and start a good habit in parallel. Focus on good habits continuously and one day the good habit will fight with bad one. As always the good/positive will win over bad/negative.Literally carry a nail cutter. Be aware of when you are biting nails and cut them off with cutter.