How Can I Build Muscle

How to build muscle fast?

consume more protein. your muscles can't grow without the right fuel. You may not even be doing the exercises properly. There is no set number, you just do them untill you can't do anymore. To gain size you do fewer reps and more weight. For size, the muscle needs to fail at 8-10 reps. If you can possibly squeeze out one more after that you need to use a heavier weight. ab exercises are a do-as-many-as-you-can type exercise.

How to build muscle mass?

Eat right, mostly protein meals like chicken, lean meats and turkey.......... make sandwiches out of them! like tuna? too bad, get used to it! eat it daily! or switch around!

drink 8 glasses of water, drink milk on your cereal or alone! 2 -3 pieces of fruit daily, and vegetables! vegies are your allies! :)

do that and youll be armed with all the nutrients you need to fuel your workout! and I mean workout!

weights! dont have any? buy some! dont go to a gym if you can help it! youll either lose interest or its too costly or youll meet some girl and forget about working out!

if your serious then do this mass builder!
worked for me and I was a 90 lb weakling at 17

split routine,

day 1 chest/shoudlers

shoulders - military presses 4 -5 sets 4-6 reps heavy!

chest - Incline presses 4-5 sets 4-6 reps
bench press 4-5 sets 4-6 reps

day 2 arms - legs - back

back barbell rows 3 sets 6-8 reps

arms barbell curls 4 sets 4-6 reps
forearms 3 sets 15 reps

squats 4 sets 12-15 reps
calves 3 sets 20-25 reps

day 3 rest

start again!

this routine should work for about 6 months if you go stale add an exersise or two but no more then 1 per group! compound exersises are what you want! dont worry about pissy little shaping exersises! if you cant use a barbell your wasting time!

eat 4 -6 meals a day, dont eat close to bedtime or it will turn into fat, get 8 hours sleep and stay off the drugs and alcohol! stay off energy drinks and fizzy drinks and take away! grilling is your allie! forget fried rubbish!

you have the chance to build real muscle with good food and not crap muscle with steroids and protein powders! the choice is yours!

do this and youll build! work heavy and increase weight when its too light by 5 -10 lbs a week

dont worry what others are pushing theyre doing their limit, you do yours, listen to your body!


What's the best way to build muscle?

Need a little more specifics on what you are eating and when. Check out this site for lots of help: This is not a plug. It has changed my life as a weightlifter/bodybuilder.

Without the specifics, I'll make a few assumptions. You are less than 10% body fat so your lean body mass is probably 135 or higher. Use this formula. Take this number and multiply by 1.5. This is the amount of protein you should eat in grams every day - about 200 g or 800 calories. Protein, and more specifically the amino acids within protein, are the building blocks for muscle.

Take this same number and multiply by 2.5. This is the amount of carbs you should eat every day - about 350 g or about 1400 calories. You will see a lot of "advice" about eating protein to gain muscle. This is only half the story. Without carbohydrates to shuttle the protein to the muscle tissue, the protein is useless and will simply be excreted from the body. Stick to slow burning carbs such as oatmeal, brown rice, brown bread, and sweet potatoes. These carbs do not spike your insulin as heavily as processed carbs such as sugar, white bread, white rice, etc.

Take this number and multiply by .75. This is the amount of fat - yes fat - you should eat every day. About 100 g or 900 calories. In particular, omega 3 fatty acids promote insulin sensitivity helping to gain and retain muscle tissue. (see Essential Fatty Acids - An In Depth Analysis Your metabolism is so high that I wouldn't worry to much about retaining if you eat cleanly.

This is about a 40-30-30 macro (40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat) about 3100 calories. With this diet and a strenuous workout plan, you should see growth of about 1-2 pounds per week. So you should reach your goal in about 4-5 months healthily.

Eat this amount of calories split up into six meals. If you still aren't gaining weight, eat 200 calories more. Eat your carbs during the day when they have less of an effect on your insulin levels.

Hope this helps.

How many sets/reps to build muscle mass?

To build muscle you should be doing about 10 reps per set. Your weights should be heavy enough that if you would be physically unable to perform 11 or 12 reps.

You should not have long rests between sets. Take about 60s to recuperate, then start your next set.

You also need to consume protein within 30 minutes of finishing your resistance training, When you train, a proportion of your muscle cells are killed by the strain, Your body then overcompensates by replacing more cells than those killed off. This is how your muscles get bigger with training. If you don't provide your body with adequate protein you will be unable to rebuild your damaged muscles and will have poor muscle enlargement. Good sources of protein include lean meats, protein shakes or low-fat dairy products. As a general rule people need about 1g protein for each kg body weight per day. If you are intending to increase your muscle mass you should consume about 1.5g per kg per day (eg a 50kg person should consume 75g protein per day).

Finally you need to give your muscles time to repair. This means you should not train the same muscles every day. Rotate through arms one day, legs the next and pecs, back and abs the day after that. This means you are giving each muscle group time to repair in between training sessions.

How to build muscles without vein?

I was always the scrawny kid in school and i was constantly picked on and made fun of. All the bigger guys would push me around. I continuously tryied and tried to build muscle but for some reason i just couldnt. I tried protein shakes, different types of pills, different gym equipment but nothing was working. I felt so disappointed i just had to keep going to school and facing these guys that just wouldnt leave me alone and all the girls that didnt want a scrawny guy. They wanted a guy with a six pack and big biceps. I was talking with a friend i hadnt seen n a while and i noticed he had gotten big, he used to be just like me. I vented my fustration to him and he suggested I got my copy and coouldnt put it down. I read it and reread it multiple times. It involves carrying out special weight training and exercise routines in combination with a diet program based on your personal body type. Most traditional muscle building programs have been created with a one system fits all approach and this usually leads to less tan desired results This program is straight to the point, is easy to read and easy to get started on. The nutrition program is specialized and individually tailored to your needs.The muscle maximizer gives you a muscle building plan unique and individually tailored to your body. Comes with a 60 day money back guarantee. This is a program for serious muscle builders. I learned things i didnt even know were important to building muscles. Now 3 years later Im healthy, fit and soon to start a modeling job. Im so glad i got it and i would deffinitly recommend it to anyone trying to build muscle.

Building muscle mass and toning muscle?

You are correct, for mass and strength building you need to do low reps with high weight. The most important aspect will be your diet though. You need to take in 1-2 grams of protein for every pound of your body weight. So if you weigh 200lbs you need to take in between 200-400 grams of protein every day. This is only if you are serious and training serious. If you are not, then it will be a waste of your time and money. If you are serious about your training, and you are doing heavy weight with 6-8 reps per set, then you will notice the difference immedately. The most common mistake I see is people that train very hard, but their diet sucks and they are not giving their muscles enough protein to grow. I promise if you train hard and get 1-2 grams of protein per pound of body weight every day, you will explode in muscle mass and strength. Also, remember that you want to constantly progress. So as soon as you can do a weight for 8 reps, add 2.5 lbs. Then when you can do that weight for 8 reps, add another 2.5 lbs. Just a little at a time, the key is to keep moving forward.

Remember, your muscles grow while you rest. So when I say serious training, I dont mean training the same muscle groups 5 times a week. I mean that you train hard when you are at the gym and you make it to the gym at least 5 times a week. Unless someone is doing steroids, they can not train the same body part more then 2 times a week, 3 at the very, very most depending on the person and their age. I personally like to train chest, tricepts, and shoulders on mon and thurs. Then do back and bicepts on tues and fri. Then do legs on wed and sat and take sunday off completely. Last thing, I know that most people dont like to do legs but there has been study after study after study that shows people that train their legs gain anywhere from 10%-21% more UPPERbody strength then people that just train their upperbody. I know it sounds crazy, but its the truth. It is your body trying to remain in a state called homeostasis. Your body likes everything to be equal and balanced and does much better when everything grows equally.

Does wrestling build muscle?

Not quickly.

But combining weight training with wrestling can help with that. Just doing wrestling won't.