How Can I Do To Know If Someone Is Looking Into My Lat Top Files

How can I know if someone copied my files in my USB to their computer?

You could check the last time the files were accessed, but that will probably just tell you when he inserted the USB stick and the computer scanned the contents. It will not tell you either way whether he copied them or not.I think you need a reality check. If you give someone a USB stick containing private or secret files then its your own fault if that person accessed them.No you don't have a right to search their computer for the file. You could ask your friend about the files, but this might just make things worse, especially if he simply copied the files and doesn't know yet exactly what the files are.If you dont want files to be accessed by someone then dont give them a folder full of them. If you absolutely have to, then you can encrypt the files. If you cannot do that then dont store them on a USB stick that you give out to your friends.Chalk this one up to experience and think carefully the next time you need to share files. Have you ever heard of email … or the cloud? Just a thought

How do you find out if someone's been viewing porn on your computer AFTER?

If he covered his tracks, there will not be any real way to discover it short of purchasing programs to do a deep search of your hard drive for deleted files. An easier and less expensive way is to track future usage. See the link below for Internet tracking software.

Basically install it and you can see where he is, has been, and for how long.

Hope this helps!

How can I find out if my husband is looking at porn on his laptop? Does the laptop store info?

Look at his history, cookies, temp.

In the Tools/Internet Options.

You can also recover the deleted files if he deleted them.

All deleted files (via IE or recycle bin) can be recovered!

For the average user, there is no way to use it. But lets say you had a file recovery program. Than yes you can recover deleted files and anybody can view them. You need to get a program that "erases files" not just deletes them. Google programs that do just that.

"Windows Washer" is an example of one of those programs.

When you delete a file it goes to the recycle bin.
When you empty the recycle bin the pointers (reference link the the file) to that file are deleted. Eventually the file will get written over, but the file is still on your computer. EVERYTHING YOU DELETE IS!
Programs are made to erase the file and make them unrecoverable.

To retrieve these files you will need a file recovery wizard.

To erase the contents (of a file, folder, or the entire HDD):
You need a program that erases the hardrive.
You can search the internet for freeware.
This is an example of a program that will erase the contents off your HDD



If someone where to look for some deleted pics from 6 months ago on my laptop's hard drive would they find it? Asking for someone?

The more activity you have had on the disk, the less likely it would be that folks could find it. However, there are circumstances for which recovery MIGHT be possible. The more time that has passed, and the more non-picture activities you have had, the less likely such recovery would be. However, there is no guaranteed answer.

Checking file system on the C; The type of file is NTFS?

Ok. If you don't know if your computer is doing anything, the best way to check is to look at the hard drive light which flashes during hard drive use. Most computers will have this. If nothing is happening, its ok to force your computer to shut down. I would suggest trying again. If it doesn't work again, I would suggest using a live cd like ubuntu to recover files to a usb, and rescan your drive and/or wipe it.