How Can I Express My Emotion For Music In A Drawing

How can you draw your feelings or emotions?

It depends entirely on what kind of work you like to do. Once you have decided what feeling or emotion it is you would like to convey, decide if you want to evoke that emotion in the viewer through a scene, or a portrait, or symbolically, or through abstract, etc. Lighting and source is important. For example, lets say you want to portray the feeling of isolation and abandonment. You might draw or paint a lonely elderly person's face looking out of a convalescent home window at sunset... or you might draw/paint a rural farm scene with a solitary fallen down barn in winter's all depends. I usually decide on the emotion first then consider the best way to convey it (in subject matter, lighting, medium, etc). But you might be inspired the other way around, and when a scene or person happens to bring out that emotion in you, take a mental note and return to it at a later time when you're ready to start creating your work.Various charcoals can create emotions just through application of their intensity or softness, you just have to consider their selection on that basis and play around with it until you get the look you want- until you feel that look yourself- and if your finished work evokes emotion in you, it is likely to have that same affect on others

Why are the arts often used as a way of expressing emotions?

Well it depends from person to person.Someone expresses emotions from writing, someone painting, someone making music etc.Anything that would make a human being express what they are feeling it’s called art.Because that piece of art is giving people a message and creating something, basically creating emotions to the people also.

Is music the best way to express emotions?

Have you ever wondered why music can have such a profound impact on your mood? How one song can move you to tears in 2 minutes flat and another can make you smile? But the connection between music and our most profound emotions.Why does music make us feel happy or sad? Or angry or romantic? How can simple sound waves cause so much emotion? Modern neuroscience says our brains may be wired to pick certain emotions out of music because they remind us of how people move!We are the only species we know that creates and communicate using music, but it's still unclear how or why we do that, brain-wise. Is it just a lucky side effect of evolution. The connections between movement and music go far beyond dance moves!Music therapy sessions may have the ability to help drug users who are attempting to break a drug habit, with users reporting feeling better able to feel emotions without the aid of drug use. Music therapy may also be a viable option for people experiencing extended stays in a hospital due to illness. In one study, music therapy provided child oncology patients with enhanced environmental support elements and elicited more engaging behaviors from the child When treating troubled teenagers, a study by Keen revealed that music therapy has allowed therapists to interact with teenagers with less resistance, thus facilitating self-expression in the teenager.

Which of the Arts is the one that express feelings and emotions most authentically? (e. g. Poetry, fiction literature, comic books, films, painting, music, etc.)

I don’t think there is any one specifically that is the most authentic. That is the beauty of all these genre’s because it is really within ourselves to see which resonates for us.I have seen some books translated into film and prefer the books to the movie version and vice versa.I prefer some poetry versus their version turned into song and vice versa.It isn’t about which is most authentic it’s understanding inspiration of the creator of it.I think there are some books that wouldn’t be good as movies at all because of their complexity and I feel that some movies couldn’t possibly be turned into books either.Some books have areas that cannot be visually created because of the emotional element which is too complex to visually show. And some parts are too dull and slow which cannot be expressed visually either.I think we have to enjoy what resonates with us and not try to categorize or label one more authentic than another.

How do artists express their emotions through art?

I would encourage you to consider the role of the artist less as someone who expresses emotions and more as someone who expresses ideas.Expressing an emotion simply means acting upon it in a way that is perceptible. Artists do this the same way everybody else does, and the notion that artists somehow use their jobs as their emotional outlet has implications that are potentially damaging to those in our discipline.It’s not that artists never express ideas that contain emotional baggage or connotations, but those emotions don’t have to belong to the artist. For example, a painter working on a painting depicting the horror of genocide does not have to have been a victim of genocide in order to express the idea of the feelings associated with that kind of victimhood.In many cases, strong emotions can actually get in the way of the kind of productivity and attitudes that are needed in order to create artwork. Ascribing artistic achievement to simply “feeling something” undermines the effort, discipline, and skills required to make art.

What is the best way to express my feelings, art or music?

Hello,The way you express your feelings can not be restricted to only art or music.If I go for the meaning of art according to the oxford dictionary “ doing specific thing acquired through practice” Music is also a art, so the question of choosing art or music is bit confusing or can be little wrong.There is no specific way to express your feelings. It can be through writing, dance, music, paintings and many more ways.

How do you think more abstractly and express emotions creatively? Are there any exercises, experiments, and mentality one can adopt?

Draw what you think….and feel.  It doesn’t matter if you’re an ‘artist’ or not.  I draw what I feel…  “What color do you feel today”?  Think about that….What color describes your mood today?  Draw that.  Write down your dreams as soon as you wake up.  Open your Third Eye Chakra.  Allow your mind to wander freely.  Draw in http://abstracts….Do this and you will see change.

What is the best music to listen to while drawing?

For me, I often choose EDM (maybe progressive house/trance) because it helps inspire my drawing style. And because the background beat is fast, I am able to draw faster and my thoughts will be illustrated onto the paper more easily. Moreover, edm music usually brings out our positive emotions. That is just my own opinion (I draw a lot so it’s kinda true as I conclude through my experiences).I think there will be no best kind of music for you to listen while drawing because it depends on your emotion. Ask yourself how you feel before you begin to draw something and then decide which type you are going to listen. If you’re super happy :)))) then you should choose classical, pop or edm. In contrast, if you’re depressed or upset and you just want to express your emotion on the paper in order to release stress, I strongly recommend heavy metal or blues (cause you know, as ive mentioned b4, we draw base on how we feel n what we r thinking so it’s crucial 2 choose music that matches your mood for like, a good drawing/painting and a fluent emotion flow).And also, choose that genre which can boost your creativity.Okayyy that’s my advice for ya. Hope you find it helpful :)

Why is it that ''Depressed'' people can draw?....?

i guess they dont know how to express themselves so they are quiet but the only way they know how to express themselves is through drawing
its like another language that is silent i suppose
I think another reason is that they use drawing as an escape from their depressive lives. i know i use drawing to keep thinking about things.

but of course not everyone has to be depressed to draw well