How Can I Fill In A 3 Feet Deep Pool - Thinking Of Using Cinderblocks With River Rocks On Top -

Imagine you’re in a room that is filling with water. There are no windows or doors. How do you get out?

Lame answers…-Stop imagining.-Imagine you are out of the room.-Go out the same way you came in.Real answers…Since there are no details, I’m going to assume some things. You didn’t say how fast the room was filling. If the room was filling very quickly, you’d be dead. If the ceiling was low, you’d be dead. If the water was filling slow enough, you could just drink the water & get rid of it (after you leave the room). Also, if the walls are weak (but infinitely thick), you could just dig out spaces for the water to fill & make the room bigger. But the question is asking how to get out, not how long you can survive. For that I’m also going to make more assumptions, the walls are made of rock, & they are not infinitely thick.Do the laws of physics exist?Since water is somehow just appearing in this room that you got teleported into, it is very hard to define if physics exists. Lets just say it still exists to some extent, but allows teleportation (for the water to work).Options…Can you teleport yourself or the water out of the room? If so, then you’re out. But if you cannot use teleportation (& assuming you can survive forever) there is only one other way to get yourself out of this room.Firstly, take some cloth from your clothes & sift through the water. Because water has minerals in it, after about 200 days, you should have enough minerals to extract metal from. Meanwhile, the hydraulic action from the water should have eroded some of the walls. Water usually contains: arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, copper, mercury, selenium, nickel, thallium, antimony, and beryllium, so building an axe head shouldn’t be a problem. Wave your arms in the water long enough that it becomes too hot & starts evaporating. Then wave your arms in the air & turn the hydrogen from the water vapor into plasma. Use that heat to smelt the minerals in your hands to create an alloy based axe head. Then you need a handle. All you have to do now is remember your level 20 warlock training from World of Warcraft & use an incantation to summon a…-Screw it. Just wrap your hands in cloth & start punching the wall. Desperate times…

What are the steps to prevent soil erosion in hilly areas?

What reduces erosion is essentially whatever holds the soil and rock particles in place. This can be natural or human made.Natural bares to erosion include:soil cover (that reduces erosion of the bedrock)plant cover:any root systems, be it from grass or trees or anything in between, will hold soil in place, somewhat.Man made bares include:terraces (they essentially remove gravity as a factor and serve as a barrier for eroded material- you can see this in action in most wine rich areas),A somewhat unusual set of terraces, planted with young grapevines.Rice paddies on terraces - South East Asia.retaining walls (they hold hillsides in place, etc.),anchors (they mimic the action of roots, holding hillsides in place),Here you can see a retaining wall in the back and where anchors are used in the front-bottom (the grey cylindrical pieces are covering them).afforestation (planting trees to achieve the desired effect).A community afforestation action - can be a contracted job, done by professionals.There are some other techniques for reducing erosion, all are applicable in almost any landscape, but most importantly, none can prevent erosion entirely, lest we level every mountain and hill on Earth under water and then drain the oceans somehow. Even then, there would still be some erosion going on somewhere. We can’t create a perfectly smooth sphere in a factory, let alone make one out of Earth and as long as there is some slope, there will be some erosion going on. As well as accumulation.

Why does my baby red eared slider seem to be floating lopsided?

Your turtle has a respiratory infection. The lung on the side that is lower is filled with water which is creating this. You need to get it to a vet immediately as these are deadly. This is possibly the early stages of pneumonia as listing (floating sideways) is a sign of pneumonia. Raise the temps in the tank by 5 degreese and consult your vet.

How to permanently prevent weeds around pool area.?

It is very similar to this (except for having pool instead of pond):

Leave path to pool where appropriate. Path is better looking if a bit unusual in some way rather than straight and blocky like most people's heads. But a path should not be an impediment, so do not overdo it.

Do NOT use weedkiller. Save the rivers and whales and birds and butterflies and so on.

There are many excellent short ground cover spreading succlulents -- no attention, grow by themselves with virtually no care.

Else you can dig all up and plant grass or clover. But an interesting pool fringe that is very attractive adds value to your property. There could be an alcove in the fringe with higher items providing shade for a bench, or for a smaller, lower bench if the pool is small, and if you do not want the shade provider to grow too high.

Even better: Some climbing, flowering vine and it grows over an arched trellis that provides AMAZING shade and coolness for the bench.

Get rid of the tarp. Succulents outdo the weeds, hardly any.

Alternatively you could plant creeping Alyssum in three different colors. It also outdoes virtually all weeds. White, pink, purple or blue or just whatever colors you can find -- even just one color is VERY nice looking:

The tarp ruins the GROUND there for ALL good stuff. Lazy man's UGLY solution. When and if anything does grow it will be ONLY WEEDS that can take the dryness and minimal nutrients plus the extra heat from the tarp.

If your place is not too hot and dry, put interesting different mosses on the larger rocks or on them all (northern side).

Every little bit adds to attractiveness. Several details make a beautiful picture. Different vision of beauty looking at moss from the north.

How does an aircraft carrier float on water even though its made of iron, steel and cement?

This is about averages. The aircraft carrier is a bit like a balloon.A balloon not filled with air, doesn’t float in air - because the plastic that makes the balloon is more dense than air.A balloon filled with air, still doesn’t float in air - because the air in the balloon is slightly compressed, and so it is denser than the air around it, and also because you still have the plastic of the balloon, also more dense than air.A balloon filled with helium floats in air - because the helium is lighter than the air around it, and it is enough lighter to compensate for the weight of the plastic of the balloon.A balloon filled with hot air also floats in air - because the hot air is less dense than the unheated air around it, and it is enough lighter to compensate for the weight of the plastic of the balloon.Same thing with an aircraft carrier in water. Even though the aircraft carrier is made of heavy things, it’s kind of like a big iron, steel, and cement balloon - and there is enough air or open space inside of the carrier that its total weight is less than a similar volume of water. As other answers say, it sinks in the water until it’s pushed water equal to its weight out of the way - but there���s still plenty of it left above the water at this point, and so we say it “floats.” If you filled the aircraft carrier with water instead of with air or open space, it would sink because it would weigh as much as water, plus more than water because of the weight of the iron, steel, and cement. It would never be able to push enough water out of the way to “float.”