How Can I Gain Weight And Tone Up At The Gym

How can I gain weight and tone up my body at the gym without losing my boob fat?

U shud go to qualified trainer. U will loose ur body fat if u involve in aerobic exercise and high intensity gym activities. Now... breast and bums hv fat if loose that fat u will loose ur figure. So u shud design ur workout accordingly. U can do chest n shoulder exercise that will improve ur looks. All the best

How do I gain muscle but not weight?

I am a big man, 36, 5"10", 300 lbs, but I am not very fat- think football lineman. I am very stocky, but I do have a belly, around 27% body fat. I workout at the gym often, but I find I put muscle on constantly, so i tone up but gain even more weight. Is there a way to gain muscle and not gain weight? My worry is when I am 65, it wont matter how tone and muscular I am, 300 lbs is 300 lbs.

How can I gain weight and tone up a lot? I am 15 and a bit underweight. I am also quite fit and I am vegetarian. Also I do eat a lot but I still don’t gain weight. Can someone help?

Basics …. Muscle weighs more than fat. Build muscle. How? Do muscle building exercises like body building. Use a qualified instructor. The number of people i see in the gym doing all sorts of bad techniques and form is frightening.You are young so get a very good ground base and build from there. An instructor would cost but long term benefits will pay for itself. Once you learnt correct form and techniques you can go solo. Read various credited articles on diff exercise regimes. Adopt and adapt one to fit YOU (note emphasis)You need plenty of proteins ..about one gram to one pound of your weight. Eat regularly. 4, 5, 6 times a day. Read up on good nutrition.

I’m a skinny girl. Will going to the gym help me gain weight?

Yes! You'll surely see a different you in 6 months time. But, never in the world think of leaving the squat rack for any reason even after you have put on some weight.Follow a decent diet. Calculate your carbs(50–55% of your total calories), proteins( atleast 1 gram of your bodyweight in pounds), vitamins and minerals. Do not skip meals. Have three large meals and 2–3 small meals.Sleep for 7–8 hours. They'll repair your cells for the next day's workout.Drink plenty of water. Eat whole foods all the time and processed foods once in a blue moon.After joining the gym, concentrate onUpper body/lower body splitsCompound workouts (Squats, deadlifts, and other barbell workouts)Limit your cardio. Do dynamic warm-ups before your workout and static stretches after you finish your workouts.Talk to your gym instructor and make them vary the intensity for every week or atleast every month.Don't lose hope. SQUATS and DEADLIFTS will pack you with quality muscles…Get Big soon!

Good gym routines for women to lose weight?

Along with dieting i've been going to the gym a lot. (3/4 times a week) I've been generally rowing for 30 minutes or so and then running on the treadmill for 10 minutes. Burning altogether around 500 calories a time.

I was just wondering if anyone knew any good routines to do at the gym, and how many times a week they should be done to help me lose more weight? Especially belly fat.

I am a skinny guy. How can I gain weight? I eat a lot but I could not gain weight. Should I go to gym?

I have gained 15 Kgs in a year. I was 51 at a body height of 5F 8Inches.I am 66.1 now.I hope my two cents would help you gain some more.There is no shortcut to bodybuilding.Intense workouts, proper nutrition, sufficient sleep and lots of water will help you achieve your goals.Dedication: Do not skip workouts. There will be times when you feel lazy; push yourself to hit the gym 5 days a week.Nutrition: Prepare a diet chart with right ratio of Protein, calories and carbs. The ratio depends on your goals. You can take Whey Protein, Glutamine and Creatine for better results. Always remember, to gain muscle your calorie intake should be more than your calorie burn on a daily basis.Sleep & Adequate Rest: This is when your body recovers and comes to shape. You tear your muscles when you lift weights. Your muscle recovers & grows adequately if proper nutrition is supplied to these broken muscles. This recovery process takes place while you are asleep. Realise when you grew tall? You were sleeping.Water: The Protein, Calories & Carbs you intake are distributed to your muscles with the help of water. Make sure the intake nutrition reaches your muscles.If you follow these points religiously, stay patient, and work for atleast a minimum of 6 months, there is no force in this world that can stop you from gaining weight.My Diet:Morning:8:00AM: Approx 60Gms of Chana Sattu Water.9:00AM: 5 boiled white Eggs, 3 Chapatis with Veggies, a cup of cottage cheese.11:00AM: 2 BananasAfternoon:1:00PM: 2 Chapatis, Small Bowl of rice will Dal and Veggies, Cup of Curd/Yoghurt.3:00PM: 2 BananasEvening:5:00PM: 3 White Eggs and Creatine Pre-workout.7:00PM: 2 Bananas and a serving of Mass Gainer with Glutamine.9:00PM: 4 Chapatis with Veggie & a glass of Milk.11:30PM: RestIn case you are confused about your whey protein purchases, please read my answer:Where do I get the best CDS coaching in India?...

Will we gain weight if we stop going to gym and working out?

Yes & no.Yes you will gain weight .The food you take daily & the extra calories consumed eating junk food will not be burnt in work out and consequently results in gain in weight.When you are in working out mode your body has a revved up basal metabolic rate (BMR)but that would slow down if you stop the work out & consequently the extra calories you have consumed through eating  junk food and/or eating a little extra everyday or week would result in weight gain.But remember even when you are working out in gym  pigging out on junk food would result in weight gain.No.You do not need elaborate gym work out or high intensity cardio outside gym to control weight gain.All you need to do is keep minimum work out or just work out when you feel like subject to time available to just keep the  BMR not slowing down.Most important control your eating by not pigging out on junk food & daily intake of food is to suitably adjusted to prevent extra calories getting loaded (as this results in weight gain)Adding a daily walk through out the day & keep moving & fidgeting helps to burn calories to keep your weight in check.A gym workout helps in building muscular mass ,bone density  & strength by use of different equipment available there & used by you regularly.But you could do plenty of resistance exercise everyday with body weight - work outs at your  own convenience or a simple pair adjustable dumbbells could be useful to maintain physique.Most important is not eating too much food everyday/week/month/year & that is the key to stop weight gain.I do not believe in dieting which is very tough on the body & mind .All the extreme dieting  tricks leads to failure & a rebound weight gain so I am personally not for it.

How to tone up without a gym?

Jen, there are two ways to approach this. The first is just to get out and walk or jog and the weight will come off. This will definitely tone the legs and the hips to some degree. But if you want a more toned look then add some resistance movements to your workout. You are still going to need either walking, jogging, or some other type of aerobic exercise to go along with this. With walking get two one pound wrist weights and walk with those one. The arm movements are somewhat exaggerated to get the total effect. At home do some push ups, crunches, squats, lunges, and if you know how Good Morning exercises. These movements will add the tone you are looking for. Add some resistance to those movements and the toning will be even more. The resistance factor doesn't have to be very much. Lastly you could do some yoga or Pilate's to tone up but neither of those is going to take off the last five pounds. Again for that you are going to have to do some aerobics of at least twenty minutes.

How can I gain weight and height? I'm a 19-year-old F, 5'1", and I weigh 38 kgs. What vegan diet should I start? Also, would going to the gym and exercising help? Any suggestion would be appreciated. I'm home after 4 years of staying away and thus would be able to eat well.

Hi Barkha,Surely, i will be able to suggest you on this.First of all, as per your height, your ideal weight should be near around 60 to 61 kg, so obviously you have to put on some body weight in terms of clean muscle mass and not the dirty fat :)In order to gain a pure weight, you need to follow a particular diet and continue with that, till you get the desired results.You have to increase both the Calorie as well as protein content in all of your meals.I will suggest you the below food to include in your daily routine, in order to gain some healthy weight:You need to increase your caloric intakes by about 500 to 1000 Calories per day. Extra 500 Calories/day will help you gain up to one pound in one week.Eat your three main meal (breakfast, lunch Dinner) spaced about 5 hours apart. In addition eat two to three snacks a day in between meals.Snacks should be of high calorie such as milk shakes, yogurt, high carbohydrate food- banana.(Avoid oily, fried food)Eat more complex carbohydrates like whole-grain breads, pasta and Brown Rice etc.Never skip your breakfast. Include one eggs and fruit juice to your breakfast.Eat bigger than normal portions for your regular meals.Eat food with higher calories, Moderate fats, Higher Protein, Higher Fiber, Higher nutrition.Choose high-quality protein sources such as eggs, meat, fish, milk, seeds, protein supplements etc.Since most of the calories for weight gain come from carbohydrates and fats, do not replace them with protein.Eat starchy vegetables (Potatoes, Peas, Cauliflower, Pumpkin, Sweet potatoes).Consume nuts, calorie dense ripe fruits like Banana, dried fruits like dates as snack between meals.Eat the right kinds of fats. Avoid Trans-fats. Add healthy unsaturated fats in moderation such as olive and canola oil, nuts, seeds, peanut butter, avocados to your diet.Also, going to gym or exercise will surely help to increasing your muscle mass, but always remember Gym/exercise only constitutes 30% in healthy body development rest 70% depends on the diet you take.Hope this helps.Thank You. :)