How Can I Gain Weight Without Looking Fat/out Of Shape

Can I lose weight without working out?

So I m 18 years old and I want to lose weight. (maybe like 30-35 pounds) so I can feel better about myself, and just feel better physically. So I m planning to cut out all fast food, only drink tea & water, cook from home and make sure I eat fruits & vegetables everyday and I m going to make sure I have my portions under control. By doing this would I be able to lose the weight I want in a decent amount of time without working out? After doing research, I ve seen that working out does little to help you lose weight so I was just wondering if that s true.

Also how long do you think it d take me to lose 30 pounds just by improving my diet?

I ve been trying to lose weight for YEARS and I ve tried everything and have seen no results. Thanks for the answers!!!

How to gain weight without getting out of shape?

I eat a lot already, but I think I've got a high metabolism from all the running I do (I'm in cross country and track.) I'm underweight now and I'm trying to get to a healthy weight....Because it's seriously gross.

How can I gain weight healthily without quitting the exercise?

How can i gain weight without my face getting fatter ?

Gain Lean Muscle Mass, your face will only get bigger with fat not muscle. Focus on your Clean, Healthy, and Balanced diet. You can always eat (still healthy) more to bulk that way your lifts will improve quickly then when you get bigger you can assess when you would like to start "cutting" and loosing fat.

Best of luck

How do I gain weight without too much fat but without exercise?

Gain weight without fat and without performing exercises because to gain weight you must take several products and also take healthy diet. but the question is, if you not doing exercises while taking this things your body consume only fat. Exercises is must to use your unnecessary fat to get in proper shape. If you need to gain weight, make your healthy with sufficient quantity of calories and protein. For Protein powder take a light and effective mass gainer like Endura mass, Accumass, Nutrigain. One more important thing is that, you have to sleep at least for 8 hour at night that will also helps you to gain weight.

Will we gain weight if we stop going to gym and working out?

Yes & no.Yes you will gain weight .The food you take daily & the extra calories consumed eating junk food will not be burnt in work out and consequently results in gain in weight.When you are in working out mode your body has a revved up basal metabolic rate (BMR)but that would slow down if you stop the work out & consequently the extra calories you have consumed through eating  junk food and/or eating a little extra everyday or week would result in weight gain.But remember even when you are working out in gym  pigging out on junk food would result in weight gain.No.You do not need elaborate gym work out or high intensity cardio outside gym to control weight gain.All you need to do is keep minimum work out or just work out when you feel like subject to time available to just keep the  BMR not slowing down.Most important control your eating by not pigging out on junk food & daily intake of food is to suitably adjusted to prevent extra calories getting loaded (as this results in weight gain)Adding a daily walk through out the day & keep moving & fidgeting helps to burn calories to keep your weight in check.A gym workout helps in building muscular mass ,bone density  & strength by use of different equipment available there & used by you regularly.But you could do plenty of resistance exercise everyday with body weight - work outs at your  own convenience or a simple pair adjustable dumbbells could be useful to maintain physique.Most important is not eating too much food everyday/week/month/year & that is the key to stop weight gain.I do not believe in dieting which is very tough on the body & mind .All the extreme dieting  tricks leads to failure & a rebound weight gain so I am personally not for it.

Can I use weight gainers without going to gym?

+1 to Puskar’s answer. Here are the contents of 2 products from Optimum Nutrition:Weight GainerWhey Isolate1 scoop of each contains about the same amount of protein, but look at the difference between their carb and sugar contents.Without enough resistance training, the protein (the building block of muscle) you consume will go to waste. Our body is efficient, if it doesn't feel it needs to build muscle, it won't. Maintaining muscle mass is an ‘expensive’ operation for the body. That's why once you stop exercising, your muscle will break down.So we're left with carb and sugar. And excess carb and sugar will be stored as… fat. You'll gain weight, but most probably not the type of weight you want.If you're very skinny, I suggest to consume weight gainer and pump some iron. Once you're meaty enough, switch to whey protein (and keep pumping iron).

I am In shape, but I am underweight and my bones sticks out ALOT. how do i fix this problem?

You will fill out more as you get older most definitely. Everyone does. The younger you are the faster your metabolism is. This is why teens can eat huge amounts of junk food and still stay skinny while middle-aged adults have to try so hard to eat healthily because anything and everything will make them gain weight.

You could potentially fill out a bit more than you are now by attempting to beat your metabolism. This would require you to eat probably 1.5x-2x as many calories as you are eating now. If you do this, and keep a regular exercise routine (im guessing your ballet is probably physically challenging), you should gain some weight without too much of it being fat.

How can I gain weight only in my face?

Chubby cheeks have a huge impact on how to look. Chubby cheeks create a youthful appearance as shaggy cheeks are often a sign of aging. Trying to get chubby cheeks does not mean piling up fat on your face. You can achieve it by toning your facial skin. A few natural techniques, exercises and home remedies can give your cheeks a plumper and chubby look.Facial yoga is the best way to get chubby cheeks and lift sagging skin. It helps produce collagen and elastin, both of which make your skin firm and help to plump up, lift and augment hollow cheeks.Place both forefingers in line with the flare of your nostrils just under the apex of your cheekbones. Make small, firm outward circles in the cheek depression for 1 to 2 minutes.Next, place both forefingers on either side of your nose on the smile furrows, about ½ inch from the outer corners of your lips. Do small, outward circles with your fingertips for 1 to 2 minutes.Finally, place both forefingers on the hinges of your jaw. Make small, firm upward circles in this depression for 1 to 2 minutes.Repeat this complete facial yoga routine a few times a day.You can also blow balloons to work out your cheek muscles. The process of blowing into a balloon puffs up your cheeks, which in turn helps build up the muscles to add beef to your cheeks.Blow into a balloon with your mouth.Hold your puffed-up cheeks for 1 minute before letting out the air.Do this 5 or 6 times each day.Olive oil is a time-tested remedy to get chubby cheeks. It contains healthy, monounsaturated fats that aid in maintaining healthy and supple skin. Olive oil works as the perfect moisturizer for dry skin and ensures soft skin. It also helps prevent wrinkles and fine lines.Consume 1 tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil daily.Use warm olive oil to massage your cheeks in an upward direction for 5 to 10 minutes twice daily.Avoid using a straw as it causes the cheeks to sink in.Eat foods like nuts and seeds with healthy fats to get smooth and healthy skin.Avoid smoking and drinking as these habits can cause skin to lose elasticity and make you look older than your age.