How Can I Get My Phone Back And Is This Too Long

My iPhone 6s is taking too long to backup?

I was trying to back it up because i was switching to a 6s plus and giving it to my daughter. But it would move really slow and keep increasing the time. I turned it off and on many times but it wouldn t change. It has never been backed up before


So my parents are concerned about me staying on my phone too long ! (I have a blackberry and its very addicting with the unlimited service and stuff)
My dad came to my room and just snatched it off me, changed the password and deleted all my blackberry messenger contacts.. He also saw some of my conversations with the guy i like :3
So he said that he will never give it back to me, and earlier today my parents kept rubbing it in my face that i dont have a phone anymore and that they will give it to my brother to keep, i got so angry and told them that if they want me to carry on with life without a phone they dont have to bring it up all the time and annoy me with it! God i hate it SO much!!
Please help me ! i even tried doing some house chores and helped them with some stuff and stopped asking them for things i really want so they can actually give it back but they arent!
I want my phone and i dont know if they're serious about it but they said i'll never get it back!! I want it SO bad!
Help me, Ill do anything to have it back, they're not even letting me pay them the money they bought my phone with, they just dont want me wasting time, and its already the summer holidays and i will not be doing anything at all ill be bored all day!
And dont suggest me to get them and talk to them into letting me have my phone, it never works. -.-
Sorry for the long paragraph thouu xx Thanks :)

How can I get my parents to give me my phone back?

Even though I bet none of you read like the entire desc., I need to add something.

These aren't ordinary parents, they're kind of suffocating parents; if you know what I mean. They don't care if I'm depressed or upset, they think it's a joke; or they think it's a plus for them, cause they think that their disciplining me? Anyway, they're not the type you sit down with and talk about your feelings with, they don't care what i have to say. So yah.

My bf gets mad if I take too long to text back?

Sometimes I don't check my phone as often & don't text back for a couple of hours especially if I'm out. What is really frustrating is that there are plenty of times when he doesn't text me back for over 7 hours & I know he's seen my text. But if I take more than an hour to reply it's an issue for him. Should I just leave things alone and not say anything or should I confront him about it? (Reason I haven't done so is because I don't see an issue with not texting back right away unless it's that the other person is choosing to ignore you)

Why does the iPhone take so long to start after a flat battery?

No modern device ever allows a Li-ion battery to completely die. Not even Apple. When you do that, bad things happen.. the battery essentially starts devouring itself.However, that’s not the issue here. When you’re getting low enough on a battery, the power management circuitry in your iPhone, always monitoring power, will shut down to prevent your totally killing the battery. Different phone manufacturers have different cutoff points, but it’s usually between 2.0V and 3.0V.When you plug your phone into a power dongle, that power will activate the power managment circuity in your phone, which includes the actual charger (nope, that thing you plug into the wall isn’t the actual charger) and the protection circuity.If the battery voltage is below around 3.0V, the charging circuity has to run a very low current trickle charge cycle until the battery voltage exceeds 3.0V. Again, every phone company has their own specific battery charging rules here, which factor in different formulations of the battery, etc. But given this low charging level, the phone can’t be turned on.Even after that, most phone manufacturers like a bit of margin before they’re going to allow the phone to turn back on. Depending on the power supply, it’s quite possible for a phone to draw more power than a charging circut can supply, particularly if you’re connected to a computer or modest-current power dongle. And there’s a big rush of power necessary to boot up the OS… no sense in allowing the phone back on at a battery level that would do little more than drain that battery.It’s also dealing with the nature of the battery charging cycle. One you’re past that initial trickle charge, the battery charges at full permitted current for most of the charging cycle. But battery voltage grows as the charge progresses, implying that a lower power batter discharges faster (Dave Haynie's answer to Is a battery discharging faster when it’s close to running out of juice or when it’s almost full?). So assuming the capacity scale for charging isn’t corrected for this, your first 5% into the battery will last significantly less time than your last 5%.So it makes sense to build up some reasonable, safe charge level in the battery before allowing the phone back on to draw it all back down again.

How long should I wait after a Google phone interview?

Both my friend and I recently had a phone interview with Google.My phone interview was on Thursday 3pm and they gave me feedback by Tuesday afternoon.My friend had his on Tuesday 3pm and they got back to him on Monday afternoon.From both my personal and my friends’ experiences of interviewing with Google and Amazon (both have similar interview process), I can say that they'd typically get back within 3 to 5 business days. Unless there arises a situation like sickness, emergency delays etc.If you don't hear from them within that time, you can politely follow up exactly after one week or after 5 -6 business days of your phone interview date.

My parents took my phone away. How can i get it back?

haha that happened to me so much as a kid, right basically what i found worked best is to just pretend like it means nothing to you, they only want it because they know its a good punishment, the second they think its not they will give it back because it doesnt benefit them
good luck
if not housework, cup of tea and breakfast in bed maybe some flowers.. should do the trick

Why my phone taking so long to restore WhatsApp message back up?

There are tons of reasons this is happening. You’re using mobile data and currently your connection isn’t the best so data takes longer to be sent and received. You’re using Wifi and you’re distant from your router, so it takes data longer to be sent and received. You simply have a slow connection speed.The WhatsApp servers may be bogged down with traffic at the momentYour back up may contain lots of multimedia and/or chat messages meaning the file is much largerOr a slew of other things…My simple advice is to check your connection and signal strength. If possible, take your device off power saving mode (or similar) and close any programs utilizing data. Though seeing as you asked this question Monday and it’s now Tuesday, I’m sure by now you’ve received your back up and you’re likely up and running.

My iPhone 6s was dead for 3 months. How long will it take to charge?

If it took really that long, go straight to the apple store, get a new iPhone 7 8 or X or get a new iPhone 6s. Did you get something stuck in there like sand or BQQ sauce.