How Can I Get Rid Of My Big Belly

How to get rid of belly fat?

Losing belly fat is hard especially if you are overweight. But there are a lot of ways for you to have your dreamed slim tummy or having abs.
You have to change your lifestyle and eating habit. Try this few tips I gathered for you.
- Don’t eat sugar and avoid sugar-sweetened drinks
- Eating more protein is a great long-term strategy to reduce belly fat
- Cut carbs from your diet
- Eat foods rich in fiber, especially viscous fiber
- Exercise is very effective at reducing belly fat
- Track your foods and figure out exactly what and how much you are eating
- You're eating too many processed foods
- Get motivated
- take healthy fats from nuts, seeds, vegetable oils such as corn and safflower oil, and fatty fish
- Pass on the potatoes
- Drink water before meal
- Replace softdrinks with water
- do abs exercise like Sit-ups or stomach crunches
- try running and bicycle exercise 2 hours a day
- You must have a good sleep and drink more water

Try this and I know you can do it.. Go go go go.

How to get rid of belly fat?

Eat a very healthy diet. Go for a brisk 45 minute walk twice a day if you can, everyday. Climb lots of stairs. Drink plenty of water. If at all possible start a weight lifting/strength training program at a gym and get some instruction from the gym trainer. But you can also start a program at home using household objects for weights and also by doing exercises that use your own body weight - push ups, squats, lunges, dips, planks, etc. Use google to your advantage and learn about these exercises. It will work.

How do I get rid of my belly fat?

Summary version at very bottom. Wall of text:

About October of 2007, I started to exercise doing a 10,000 walking program. At the time, I weighed in 208 pounds, which is a HUGE amount considering my age at the time; despite my height at 5'9, I was only 13 going on 14. For three days a week I used this program, and then I worked up to five days a week, and eventually seven. After three months I was down already to 173.

After another four months I moved onto running, first for thirty minutes a day, then forty minutes a day, then forty minutes with incline, then recently back down to forty minutes with reduced incline. By the time the one year anniversary passed, I was down to 155.

SUMMARY, AND CONTINUATION OF ABOVE: Fast forward to today, and I'm still at 155. I've still got a belly fat problem. I still run at 40 minutes per day, but I think it's the diet that's killing me; I might need to further change my diet. Any tips?

How To Get Rid Of A Big Belly!?

My whole family uses this account btw. Because my older bro got in trouble for the questions he asked. Just saying, because i dobt want people bribging it all up in their answer.
Kay, im 13 and a girl. Ive always been chubby. Chubby arms, legs, face, and tummy. My tummys like this.
BTW. Thats not me. Lol. Well yeah my tummy overlaps. Im just wondering if i eat right and exercise can i have a SUPER flat tummy? Or can i have a tummy like this.
PLZ look at the pics. And PLZ dont tell me what to eat and stuff. I mean, my moms helping me. And shes gonna tell me what to eat. And she knows what to do. So im all good on the diet food stuff. And im doing crunches, 50 sittups a day, and running in place. Will i lose timmy weight if i do that? And do you guys have any tips on how to lose tummy weight. Like any special exercises?
Thanks so much!! :)

How to get rid of belly fat fast?

I need to lose some chub on my belly, and fast. I can't go to the gym because my parents won't let me and my sister always makes me eat junk food. Is there an exercise to lose belly fat quick? HELP

How to get rid of belly fat fast?

i need to get rid of belly fat and fast, the reason is i know this summer i will be going to alot of pool parties and i just dont feel confortable in a bathing suit with my stomach. please help summer is just around the corner

How much to get rid of an outie belly button?

I have a similar belly button, it is a complete outie that looks like a big knob on my stomach and sticks out really noticeably through my clothes. I used to be really self-conscious about it and I would go to great lengths to keep it covered, like I would wear a shirt when swimming and change in stalls and stuff. Once I got a little ways through high school though, I realized it wasn't such a big deal and most people don't really care what your belly button looks like, so now, I'm not really self conscious about it anymore. Trust me though, I know exactly how you feel.

My advice to you would be to learn to deal with it. I know you feel embarrassed about it, but like me, you will eventually learn its not such a big deal. Some people might make weird faces when they see it, but some people actually think its cool! so dont worry what others think, its just a belly button