How Can I Get Rid Of My Nasal Voice

Is there any way to get rid of my nasally voice?

This biggest part of talking is breathing
You need to make sure you are getting big, deep breaths, from you DIAPHRAM
when you breathe in , your stomach should stick out (like your prego) if it sucks in when you breathe in, you are not breathing correctly
The only way i can think of describing this is to do exercises with your voice
place your hands your your cheeks, with your thumbs on your jaw hinge, release your jaw
it needs to be OPEN and LONG (think TALL! is what I think--have you ever seen that famous painting with the mouth open LONG, like that--i copied a link)
practice saying sentences, speaking them with your mouth over-exaggerating the fact that your mouth is TALL and LONG (so its going to sound like you are mumbling instead of speaking)
Like Will Ferrell when he says " HOW NOW BROWN COW!" in whatever movie that is

this is a good way to start speaking, breathing from your diaphram--the biggest issue with nasally voices is you push the sound out through the nose instead of through the nasal CAVITY or back of the throat

Always think tall, long and supported and try to push the sound/breath out through the TOP of your head

I know this all sounds a little strange, but once you get the hang of it, it really should help

How can I get rid of my nasal voice?

Hi, Alex. A voice coach can help lots. And I suspect your voice still isn't fully formed, but that's OK.
In my own (past) experience as an untrained singer, I eventually figured out two things. First, too much tension, trying to force the song out. Worked way better getting the belly involved, not just the head. Second was trying to sing above my natural range - which got deeper as I got older. Trying a song in a different key could solve the problem in some cases. In others, a big key change and lower voice just didn't work if trying a "cover". Can't do everything, OK too.

How to get rid of a nasally head voice?

When you speak you should feel a vibration if you put your hand on your chest. You may not feel this if you have a naturally 'nasal' tone - but play around and see if you can make your chest cavity resonate when you speak or sing. (It helps if you think of the sound coming from there and if you choose lower notes too sing - just to get the feeling.)

Words also play a part. American speach is naturally quite nasal so you have to make the vowels more neutral. Try speaking like a posh old english woman and then try and use that same accent when you sing. It should give a deeper resonancy to the sound which should level out the nasal quality a bit.

Don't forget though that the nasal qualities of the voice help with focus and brightness of sound so it is not altogether a bad thing - you just need to learn to mix it with some more mellow, deeper qualities of the voice to gain a richness of sound. Just try singing from a deeper, more physical part of your body rather than just you head and mouth.

How to get rid of a nasally voice from a cold?

I've had a cold for a few days and I'm basically over it my nose isn't running as bad. But my voice is really nasally(sp?) and I have something coming up and my voice sounds really there a way to make that go away in the next day or two?

it was just a regular cold..runny nose,cough, and sore throat

Why do Americans have such nasal voices?

I am not a phonetics and acoustics expert, but as an actor who has studied these things in a broad way, this kind of question intrigues me.My Google search “nasality american speech” landed me in a book called Acoustics of American English. I did not delve deep, but came across sentences that correlate an open “velic port” and vowel sounds with nasality. In other words, I gather, the amount of tension in the velum (soft palate) and the sounding of vowels influences the degree of nasality in (American) speech. The discussion also suggested that this kind of thing varies from speaker to speaker in an idiosyncratic way. Compared to British speakers, say, Americans do tend to sound diphthongs longer, (why we do that, I don’t know), and we use a narrower pitch range, generally - so these things working together could increase nasality.My experience reducing nasality in my own speech, working to achieve Standard American pronunciation from a Midwest dialect, (grew up in Detroit, lived in Chicago 10 years), primarily involved loosening up the back of the tongue. High, back tongue tension forces air into the nose.Having noted, some of the physical causes and speech habits, the question becomes, why do so many Americans have speech habits that result in increased nasality?At this point, sometimes people resort to armchair anthropology to explain certain sounds. An Australian friend told me a story about how the profusion of flies in Australia, when settlers arrived, resulted in the habit of Australians keeping mouths relatively closed and lips spread, thus giving Aussies their characteristic sound. People resort to the noise of the city, to explain New York and Cockney dialects…I don’t think these carry much water, but they are fun exercises in speculative empiricism. Relying on them leads to stereotyping, I think and bad impressions of other people’s sounds. I doubt that national character, or environment, result in particular sounds being favored in certain regions…but perhaps linguists and phoneticians do have evidence of such phenomena?And that’s the limit of what I know / can speculate.

Nasal voice, is there a cure?

there might be surgery you could have - you could get a consult with an ear nose and throat doctor about it. That said if you can control it when you are singing then it is unlikely you would want to have surgery as it means you CAN control it.

Basically when your voice comes out your nose it's because your soft palate isn't sealing shut properly when you talk. When you sing you are probably concentrating more on your mouth shape, and are working harder to keep your palate up. You could go and see a speech therapist for voice therapy and they will be able to give you exercises to help you change your voice. If you can't afford a speech therapist then here is what to do:

when you are singing and it is not nasal think really hard about how you are holding your mouth shape, especially at the back of your throat and up the top where the palate is. Try sing a line and then speak the same line keeping the same mouth shape. once you can do that try singing a line and then speaking a different line without your voice going back to nasal. Even if you can't do a whole line try getting 1-2 words spoken non-nasal. Once that is easier try to make the amout of time you can keep up the non nasal voice longer and longer. Oncer you can be non-nasal for a few lines after singing a line try to speak in the non-nasal voice without singing first. Once you can do this just practice using this speaking voice as often as possible until it is natural for you.


I have a nasal voice can I ever get a job?

Getting a job depends on your attitude towards work, which you show the recruiters. If you give them the impression that you will be able to handle your responsibilities and more, they will definitely offer you a job.Being nasal will not be an impediment.

How do I talk in a nasally voice?

Hold both your nostrils close and then Try to speak through your nasal passages. Attempt to send the air from your voice into the hole in the back of the roof of your mouth. This hole connect to the nose.

Naturally nasally voice..?

When I either talk or sing, I naturally have a nasally voice. Is there possibly a way I could get rid of this while I sing, or maybe use it as an advantage?

Thanks for your help! ^.^