How Can I Get Rid Of My Tan

How can I get rid of my tan?

Take many warm baths. Use a lot of soap as you take these baths. Use an exfoliating pad or sponge and gently scrub.

Buy a lemon or two. Slice the lemon into halves or quarters (which ever size is easier for you to handle). Get into the shower. Gently take the lemon quarter or half (with the rind still on) and rub over the skin. Keep rubbing for two or three minutes. Wash the lemon juice off of your skin. Then, wash with soap as you normally would.

Dab a small amount of hydrogen peroxide onto a cotton ball. Gently wipe over skin. Remove any access with a damp cloth. Wash off within a minute.

Mix some tomato juice with cucumber juice. Rub onto the tan. Allow it to sit for several minutes. Wash the juices off with clean water.

Allow time to fade away the tan naturally.

I need to get rid of my tan lines!?

I okay lacrosse and I have tan lines from my goggles! I need them to go away because my cheeks are white and the area around my eyes are tanish. I want to even out my skin color and I feel like a zebra. And I want to know how to prevent this from happening

How do I get rid of this tan in my hands in 15 days?

Well, there are many home made remedies, which can help you to get rid of tan on your hands. You can try any of the following: Grate potatoes and dry it well under sun. After that, crush it well and store in an  airtight container. Now, when you want to remove sun tan, just add a little  milk powder and make a paste with water. Apply it on your face and let it  stay for about 15-20 minutes. Wash well.   Cucumber juice also helps to remove sun tan. Mix cucumber juice with turmeric powder  and apply on face and body. Wash after for 20 minutes.   You can try any of these remedy and it will going to give positive results for sure.

How can I get rid of my glasses tan?

Use a fake facial tan in the mean time and exfoliate until the tan on your face fades. If you have red raw skin from sunburn please do not exfoliate you will end up in so much pain. Please don’t exfoliate with lemons. It’s too acidic for most peoples skin to handle and especially when it’s traumatized by the sunPlease don’t try to tan your face it ages you prematurely and you risk skin cancer. use a high SPF in future and apply it regularly.While covering up the glasses tan focus on the area on the bridge of your nose and the area under your eyes where the tan begins. Because people will notice this the most.

Is it possible to get rid of a tan?

Sorry, but no. The tan is due to an increase in melanin, which is basically a defensive reaction from your skin being damaged by the sun. It will slowly fade if your skin is exposed to low enough levels of UV rays (e.g., in winter), but there is no way to speed this.Tan lines from a sunburn are therefore extremely difficult to correct. You've got to add that same amount of UV radiation damage to the unburned skin in order to get the color even, which is a very difficult feat.I wish the best to you, but I've had very little luck in evening out bad burn lines. I tried heavy tanning with a combination of baby oil on the pale skin and strong sunscreen on the formerly burned, and it never evens out. I even once had a sunburn tan line on my thighs that was visible a year later.

How do I get rid of the tan I have on my arms, chest and legs only?

It takes about 28–35 days for your new ski ncells to reach the surface. So if you want to get rid of the tan the best thing you can do it use a body scrub once-twice a week untill you get rid of your tan. Don’t overdo it tho’ since you can irritate your skin.This is best done while in the shower and your skin is more soft, and can get hydrated more after it. Be sure to use a body lotion after you get out of the shower so you don’t get dry skin.If you do not have a body scrub, you can mix coffee or sugar with a lody lotion or oil and scrub your body while in the shwer.Good luck and have a beautiful wedding! :)

What is the best way to get rid of sun tan from hands?

It sounds to me as though you have hyperpgmented skin on your hands, there are many home remedies for the removal of hyperpigmentation such as Lemon juice, Apple cider vinegar, Buttermilk or Aloe Vera.The acidic properties in lemon juice help to reduce discoloration on your skin.Use a cotton ball to apply the lemon juice onto your skin twice a day letting it sit for 5 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water. I recommend testing this first on a small area of your skin to see how your skin reacts to the juice. If your skin is too sensitive to the juice, I suggest diluting it with a bit of water.Apple cider vinegar is rich in alpha hydroxy acid which helps to eliminate dead skin cells along with the pigmentation.Mix a 50/50 solution of apple cider vinegar and water and apply with a cotton ball over the pigmented skin and let sit for 20 minutes then rinse with luke warm water.Apple cider vinegar is also pH balanced, so it works well as a toner. However, many people find the smell to be offensive in which case you may want to try a different remedy.Buttermilk contains a high concentration of lactic acid which helps to lighten and exfoliate your skin. Apply a small amount of buttermilk directly onto your skin like and leave on for 20 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.Aloe Vera is full of antioxidants which help to even out skin tone. Aloe works especially well if you have uneven skin tone caused by excess UV exposure.You can get pure aloe vera at most health food stores, or you can use it straight from the plant do this, cut a piece of Aloe Vera leaf and split in half. Carve out the gel and apply this directly to your skin leaving on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing.These home remedies above will not work over-night however with time and patience you should see results within about 3 months.A faster solution for the removal of pigmented skin would be to use a quality Skin Lightener containing Kojic Acid and Alpa-Arbutin which will often yield significant results in as little 2-3 weeks.If you found my answer helpful, PLEASE share the love by giving me an Upvote.ThanksPat>> Click Here to See What Skin Lightener I Recommend to My Clients <<