How Can I Go To Bed Earlier

How to sleep earlier?

Well if you're waking up at a reasonable time (6-9 AM) , not napping during the day, and getting exercise during the day, then all you need to do is go to sleep earlier. You might try a melatonin supplement (NOT a drug), which will help you sleep by giving you more of the natural chemical in your body (melatonin) which makes you go to sleep. If it's just getting to be on time, there's a simple solution. Change up your evening routine. Be in bed by a certain time. Lights out by a certain time. Be strict with yourself. Allow a certain amount of time to read before bed. (reading sometimes helps me get sleepier quicker) And just stuff like that. If you regulate your sleeping schedule, over a few days or weeks it will change to be how you want it. But everyone has trouble sleeping, and some just don't fall asleep as easily. (such as myself) So don't turn to drugs unless it's a last resort and the problems are ruining your life.

How can I go to sleep earlier at night?

I had the same problem...

I have two things that always work for me

Try tylenol PM (even half of one) because it helps you get to bed. Also, try counting down from 200. Your mind should be cleared by the time you get to 150 and you will drift off around 120. If that works and you continue, once you get used to the numbers 0-200, try starting at 300, then 400, etc. The more you recite them, the more you will become familiar with them and the more familiar you are with them, your mind will easily get distracted instead of counting/falling asleep. Both of those work for me every time.

Some other things I have heard that work for people me and others are:
Maybe you're room is to cold or hot. I actually open my window at -2 outside just because I get hot easily
Warm milk
Listening to a fan
Music on a low level
relax every muscle (start with your toes. squeeze them for 5 or 10 seconds, then move onto the next muscle a little higher up, and continue until you finish your entire body or fall asleep)
Try eating or drinking foods with tryptophan 30 minutes you go to bed. Tryptophans are a chemical that make the body sleepy. Don't eat a lot because when you fall asleep, your body will still be working digesting the food instead of sleeping. Foods that have tryptophans are bananas, turkey, milk (warm or cold) and more which can be easily looked up.

Of course if nothing else helps and the lack of sleep is interfering with your work/school or quality of work, you can always contact your doctor or a local sleep specialist/center

To get a better quality of sleep, make sure you don't have much on your mind or any worries because even though you don't think you think about them during your sleep, you actually do and it will cause you to wake up in the middle of the night. Also try to make sure there are no noises or lights. If you sleep with someone or a pet, don't expect to get a great nights rest. If you have an exciting or scary dream or have to go the bathroom, that will also cause your sleep to be more poor so try to avoid disrupting dreams if you can (I know it sounds hard, but it's possible) and use the bathroom before going to bed.

Now that I've gotten a regular sleeping schedule, I can get to sleep within 20 minutes or less without counting, focusing, etc.

Good luck

My mom wants me to go to bed early, What to do?

I'm 13 years old she wants me to go to bed at 9:30 pm my dad when i lived with him raised it to 10:30 pm, but my mom continues to want me go to bed at 9:30pm the time my little sisters go to bed. And when my older sister was younger she went to bed later, but when it comes to me i go to bed earlier (I'm most likely her least favorite. Me and my mom was arguing, and she saying mean things to me and my older sister was laughing. I'm so upset... i tried telling her then we argued. I tried calling my dad he didn't pick up, i'm upset. My mom said she is doing this cause i have to travel and wake up at 6:00am, but yet my sister had to travel at my age and had a later bed time, she traveled less though.

Go to bed early and wake up more tired ?

i get up for school at 6o'clock in the morning, early yeah?.. Well in order to do this every day i need to go to bed at 1o'clock in the morning, any earlier of any later i feel like death when i wake up. My parents told me that i needed More than 5 hours sleep a night and of course i agree. But after trying to go to sleep at 11 o clock for a week i am exhausted. Never been this tired and found myself dozing off in lessons. I am also only tired on Tuesdays and wake up at least once every night because i sleep in weird positions and regularly sleep on my arms and completely loose all feeling in them.... . I know this is weird but is this a normal thing like everyone is different and that or is it something that should be changed?

Do your parents go to bed early?

My parents are in town, we haven't seen them since November for thanksgiving and they are here to visit for spring break/to take care of my sister who is having her mascetomy for breast cancer tomorrow. It's 9:15ish here and we ate dinner at 6 pm...sat around and talked a little bit and then at 7 pm on the dot they were like "alright! well time for bed! goodnight!" and kissed everyone goodnight and went to bed.

Do your parents go to bed early? Anyone wanna place bets on what time they will be getting up? 4 am, 5 am? My goodness.

BQ: what time do you go to bed?

Always tired, go to bed early?

i used to be the type of person who would stay up reading until 11 o'clock, wake up, and be fine the next morning. i used to love staying up at night. for the last month or so, as soon as it gets dark, i could go to bed. im tired all day. i go to bed around seven to eight o'clock.
is it bad for me to always be tired and to go to bed that early?

i'm thirteen, if that is relevant.

thanks !