How Can I Help My Baby Sister

Help my baby sister ate a weed brownie?

It's not harmful, troll. Don't do anything. She's just in for a good time. People smoke weed ALL the time, and they're fine. Just because she's a baby doesn't mean it's dangerous. It is stupid no matter how old you are, though. If this is real, you're an idiot and you should be in jail.

I hate my baby sister!

Wow.. that is a lot of responsibility for a girl your age... But I imagine that your parents are grateful for the help.
Just remember... It isn't your little sister's fault. None of it. She is just a baby who is helpless and only knows how to cry to convey what she wants ( or to let you know she is unhappy or feeling bad). Your parents should not place so much responsibility on you. Please talk to them.
I have an 11 year old daughter and a 10 month old. While my 11 year old does help out sometimes... the baby is not her problem. Period. I appreciate the help. Maybe you could offer to help, but set some limits. Maybe they don't know how you are feeling??
Just so you know... my 10 month old ADORES her big sister... You will start seeing BIG smiles from her soon, if you haven't already.
I know you are stressed out about it, but that smile and knowing that you are her hero will melt your heart.
Best of luck, sweetie!

My little sister gets bullied. How do I help her?

When I was in middle school, I was bullied on the school bus very horribly. People would take off my shoes and throw them out the window. I got to walk home in bare feet, in an area where goatheads were prevalent. A boy once spat in my hair on the bus.When my older sister and her friend found out, they got in their cars and approached each one of the bullies when they were walking home by themselves and threatened them to within an inch of their lives if they ever said boo to me. No one ever bothered me after that.But, that was 40 years ago, and that probably wouldn’t work today.I’m still in favor of taking somebody out and beating the crap out of them.

How can I help my little sister learn how to read and write?

There are a lot of ways to help her learn to read and write just by playing with her. For example, write all the letters on small square sheets of paper so that each letter is on a seperate cut out square (you might need several copies of the poplular letters) and then spread the letters out on the floor and piece them together to spell words. Maybe you’d want to start with rhyming words like car, bar, far, jar. At first, you can read the word to her, but then see if she can sound out the word. Then just keep changing the first letter to help her read new rhyming words.If you have a smart phone or tablet, delete all the games she likes and download some letter apps. A lot of these apps are also fun and helpful.Most important is to remember that kids love spending time with you, so if you spend your time with her doing reading, spelling, or letters, she will love that too. And don’t worry if she doesn't understand in the beginning, it's more important that you do this everyday with her and have fun. Don't make it stressful, but spend everyday playing with letters and sounds and reading, and she will start to love it because she also loves you.

Help my little Sister has a crush on my Boyfriend!?

My Boyfriend an I will be expecting a baby. When he met my family everyone fell in love with him. Especially my little sister who is 6, he's 20. He thinks she's the cutest thing in the world, which she is very cute. They have developed a really good relationship and are very playful with each other. She always jumps on his lap and tickles him and always wants to play with him, pick her up and throw her. At a family party I told him, "I think she has a crush on you!" And he laughed and then we looked over at her. She was playing "Beer-Pong(with caprison juice)" and she glanced at him through the reflection of a mirror right before she through the ball. Her look was so seductive! I might just be tripping out but I never seen my little sister interact with someone like that it makes me feel awkward!

How can I help my little sister from my "helicopter" parents?

Even though you've been through a lot (from your account), you've managed not to let that affect you. As you mentioned, you've made a success of what life gave you. Obviously you have inner strength which will come in handy to face your problems. Stay close to your sister, and as others said here, keep telling her how special she is and that she can always rely on you. Don't be suicidal, the best revenge is to live well as they say.  Life is bigger than one or two people you encounter. You'll find friends, make sure they are for life, not judgemental ones. Find strength in religion or writing or whatever lightens your load (not drugs, they are temporary and damaging).  Your sexual orientation is nobody's business but yours. God bless.

Brother in law, touching my little sister HELP!?

I'm freaking out. I have a deaf little sister, 16.. who just told me that our brother in law (engaged to my sister, and also father to her newborn baby) was rubbing her leg, and moving closer and closer to her private area. Then he got up quickly (because his my sister engaged to him) was calling out for him. She was originally sleeping in their bedroom (very sick) while my little sister was sleeping over, on the couch, watching TV. Anyways my little sister says he always slaps her ***, and flirts with her. I wouldn't doubt it either. He is sick, and perverted! Ive always hated and disapprove of him. He is going to be marrying my sister/best friend (but not so much best friend anymore, she changed so much since she got with him) And anyways, my sister doesn't trust anybody. That's why I'm so surprised she told me (and i know she isn't lieing ,because i can see the hurt in her eyes) I wanna tell mom, but i don't want to let my sister down. She will be so mad. She doesn't understand things, like regular hearing people, so its hard to convince her that she needs to tell mom. She feels like they wont believe her. I understand how she feels, but i just dont want to let something like this go. I feel so much hurt for both of my sisters. For the youngest one, because she had to go thru this, and for the engaged one because she has no idea what a loser this guy is. I feel so helpless.. i dnt want to let her what should i do....