How Can I Help Someone Who

How do you feel when you help someone?

It makes me feel good that I can help people. As I mature and age more, I realized that it's not just me that need help. I helped my family, friends and the poeple I worked with. It's a great feeling helping others, especially those that need the most help. For example, helping anyone do not cost you anything. Give a hand and one day, you will received 10000 more. Be genuine in helping others without asking for anything, be kind in helping others.

How do I help someone with the same problem as me if I can't help myself?

It is almost always easier to help someone else do something they are struggling with than it is to help yourself.Because you already have explored both “the problem” and possible solutions you are a subject matter expert. As an SME you can rapidly focus on what might be “the tipping point” for the “helpee”.That said, teaching a subject is a great way to make sure you have mastered the subject. So helping someone else may be a vital step in learning how to help yourself.Try getting someone else to help you. It can’t hurt. It might help.No failure is permanent.HTH,T

How do you help someone with depression?

I have a beautiful girlfriend who I love and adore but sadly she has been through a horrific ordeal that has lead to her being diagnosed with depression. She is often sad and worryful and is always worrying about my health, which is lovely but i would rather her feel as though im safe. She worries about me getting into a car crash or planes crashing into her backgarden. I realise that maybe this is because she feels as though the world is against her but i would love her to see the greater side of life and what it does have to offer. I dont earn money, i go to college but i would love to do something for her or even just say something that would make her know how much i love her. I don't know what to say to her when she is upset because i know what the reason is and it's something that cant be fixed its sortof like her pet dog died but obviously a lot worse! i often find her just gazing into space which breaks my heart and i sometimes notice her mood just dropping. I always ask her what's wrong? but she says either '' nothing '' or she just doesnt speak and it doesnt matter how many times i ask her she just will cry or i will get frustrated that she isnt telling me and we end up rowing. I love her so much and she doesnt need arguments right now but i dont know what the best way is to help her get through it. I have been through hard times but never depression and i know its a dark time which you cannot just simply ' pull ' someone out of. I will always listen to her and she knows that but she does find it very challenging to speak to me which hurts but i guess that's the way it is. Have you ever been through a loved one with depression? what were there symptoms and how did they get through it? How did you help them? Thank-you for all your answers and advice.

How to help someone study over text?

Ok so my boyfriend has two tests tomorrow and isn't prepared. He told me he's going to study but I doubt it. So I told him I'd help him but how do I help him over text? Any ideas?

How can you help someone stop cutting?

Sadly, I can answer this as I used to do the exact same.The best way to help someone to stop cutting is to show them that you actually care about them. Don't pry into their life (nor the reason why they do it), instead just sit there with them and talk about other things. When they trust you enough, they will open up themself. Don’t get all high and mighty the next time you see new scars on them, and definitely don't say that they “shouldn't do it” for whatever X reason. We know that. It just pisses us off and gives us another reason to cut.Love, care, and patience are critical here. Love to show them that there are people out there who care about their well-being and them, care to show them that the love isn’t fake, and patience to show them that you are willing to wait until they feel able to open up to you. This may take a while, but it will ultimately help them to stop altogether.Once you get to that point where they open up willing to you, don’t condemn them. Be supportive, and sympathise with them. Having a judgmental attitude or retiring your care for them will make them shut up and want to cut again. Most cases of cutting come with depression. It is very hard for depressed people to open up about their feelings, as we believe that either people don’t care, or they’ll hate us for feeling a certain way. That’s why people cut—it’s a self-relieving method for all those pent up emotions.I cannot stress how important it is that you don’t judge them. They are a human being with emotions that they don’t know how to cope with anymore. If you can make them feel important, you will have taken a huge leap in helping them.I will mention as well that you shouldn’t say anything about them getting help, like going to see a doctor or a psychiatrist. This will make them feel like they are an abnormal human being unworthy of love from others. Once you can see a great improvement in their cutting, and it has been a couple (I would say wait at least 6) months since the last time that they did, then you may suggest it, but still be very careful about your wording. Perhaps tell them that you care deeply for them and you wish that they could feel better completely.

How do you help someone who is being gaslighted?

A friend of mine is being gaslighted by her boyfriend into thinking that she is 'loose' and I believe she isn't far off becoming physically abused also. She told me about it in a moment of anger but now will not admit it is happening. What can I do to help her?

'gaslight' - to try to make someone paranoid. perverse psychological abuse.

To manipulate events and situations in order to make a person believe that he or she is crazy.

How to help someone with depression?

Hi, my boyfriend's brother who is about 19 years old has been diagnosed with depression. I'm quite concerned about his condition because his family seems to lack the needed support to help him out of this. His parents work full time and only took him to the doctor once to diagnose his depression. The doctor prescribed anti-depressant but his parents refused because it may cause suicidal thoughts. So they kind of have done nothing about his depression ever since. My boyfriend tries to talk to his brother but he seems unresponsive, and when he does respond its only a one worded answer. He sleeps a lot, and is always at home on the couch.

I think his depression stems from failing high school. He has repeated his senior year twice and the only way for him to graduate is to get his GED. But he doesn't seem to care about getting his GED. Also, his parents don't seem to care that he has stopped attending school, and they just kind of let him drown. One time the child services came to ask about his lack of attendance; and they just gave an excuse that he was sick all the time. I feel like they are making it worse than helping at all. My boyfriend also doesn't seem to know what to do.

Also, his friends have graduated and moved on. Beside so, I'm not quite sure what had happened but he had offended a couple friends and they had shunned him. I think this added on to the catatonic state he is in.

What can I do to help him? He is not suicidal yet, but I'm afraid he may be razor close. Would helping him get his GED help? But the part is motivating him to even try to study for it..He doesn't abuse substance except for the occasional cigarette. Uhm, he sometimes is willing to talk, he doesn't shower...he kind of has a lack of hygiene now when he used to be always worried about how he looks. I don't know what to do, would psychotherapy help? Thank you for reading this lengthy question.

How do I help someone who hates herself?

If you can find out what is the main root of their self-hatred. It is usually one thing which that someone would change about themselves if they were given the chance by the creator, It’s something they feel causes their downfalls, whatever goes wrong in their lives it’s because of it. Mostly, they’d not talk about it because they feel people will never understand and they may use it to hurt them.This is as much as you can do.Have them realize their strength or good qualities, whether its physical appearance, personality, intelligence etc.Help them concentrate on positive thoughts and positive things such as smiling, laughing, interacting with a lot of positive people and doing what makes them happy.Make them understand that whatever they hate about themselves, someone somewhere lives happily with it. This may help them get some inspiration into loving themselves.If you can demonstrate or inform them about other people who suffer or find themselves in different misfortunes life threw them in yet still manage a smile and live happy life. They may be inspired at the way a rose strives to grow from concrete. They may understand how fortunate they are.Everyone has their own fortunes and misfortunes. Kids in orphanages, the homeless, the abused, the disabled, the disturbed, the rich, the poor. No one asked for anything, it was given, just like that, we have to live with it.Let them understand that whatever thing they hate about themselves they can not change because if they were able to they would have. They should rather look at the bright side, I may be blind but I have remarkable ways of observing and understanding the world in ways none else can. Its our defects, our faults that makes us perfect as a human. The sooner you realize there is nothing wrong with you and start loving your defects, you will be surprise at the disadvantage the defect brought you.Stop looking for excuses to hate yourself because you believe there is something wrong with you, find reasons to love yourself more because you have a lot of things special about you.Because such kind of people have a tendency of being perfectionists, make them understand imperfection is human nature and it’s a wonderful thing, it provide room for change, improvement and advancement, the essence of life is to live, experience, learn and advance.Recommend books which may help them to alter their thoughts of themselves and of life and world, Quora makes good recommendations.