How Can I Help/understand My Mentally Ill Friend Who Sometimes Sleeps Rough

I think my Husband is mentally ill, Please help me.?

Im gonna give you a brief break down of me and my husband. I am worried and scared, to the point I don't want him to come home anymore, I love him so much but for some reason he has changed.
I am 27, he is 29, we have been together for 9 years and married for 2 1/2 years.
When he was 26 he got put on a course of anti depressants but decided that he was not going to take them no more and stopped them, from that point he has turned into a nightmare because:
* He does not like to socialize - either going out of having people round.
* He does not like me going out - apparently he says we should spend every second together.
* He moans about 90% of things I do, e.g. i have long dark hair and if 1 of my hairs fall out when i have just cleaned the living room floor, I get called a dirty B***ch, and that I have not cleaned up properly.
*He is obsessed with cleaning the car, and oh god if i get it durty im called everything under then sun.
*When he goes in a mood and I say anything to him, he either pushes me of out the way, or throws things (usually at me).
*He always has to be right, even if I can prove he is wrong, Im in the wrong for mentioning it.
*EVERYTHING is always my fault, and he always causes agruments.
*If we do go out he deliberatly goes out of his way to try and embarass me by saying stupid comments.
*It was my birthday yesterday, and he wrecked that (every year is the same) 4 friends come round, he did not talk to them, he kept the football on all night, he made rude comments about the buffet food I had cooked, and then kept saying I was the only sado who likes to celebrate her birthday with friends,
*He moans we do not speand time together. When we do spend time toghether Im constantly on egg shells, and to be honest his idea of spending time together is sitting on different sofa's watching some violent film.
* We have not had any sexual contanct since May 2008.
*Ive walked in on him masterbating numerious times.
*He always tells me he loves me, but never shows it
*When he calls he is the nicest person on the phone, but not in person.

Please someone tell me what they hell is wrong with him or is it me.

Im at the stage now im prepared to give everything up (including my life) as I cant take this crap for much longer.

I have imaginary friends. Am I mental?

Actually seeing or hearing your imaginary friends is not normal for a 15 year old. If you can see, hear or feel them for real, then those are hallucinations, and you need to talk to a psychiatric professional immediately. At 15, hallucinations could be the beginning of serious mental illness that could cause you embarrassment, discomfort or even disability as the disease progresses, especially if you leave it untreated.

If they're just imaginary people you talk to in your head, though, then there's nothing especially wrong with you. I'm a writer, and I'm almost 30, and I have those kinds of imaginary friends, too. I talk to them in my car when I drive, imagining I can see them sitting in the seat next to me. I talk to them when I'm alone and trying to work out something that I'm trying to write.

Sometimes, it almost seems like they talk back and come up with interesting things I never could have come up with on my own. These types of imaginary friends can be a helpful device if you're a creative-type. Your subconscious mind can communicate with you this way, and help you see the world from all sorts of different points of view you never consciously considered.

If you don't do something creative, I suggest you try. Make pictures, take photographs, write stories or poetry, try gourmet cooking, make sculptures out of available materials, make or write music, learn to sew without a pattern, try building furniture, or anything else creative that appeals to you. Talk to your imaginary friends about what you're doing and why. Start a conversation with them about it, and they might have some interesting comments and suggestions that will improve the quality of your work.

People who don't understand may say you are crazy if they find out about them, which is why I do advise that you keep your imaginary friends mostly to yourself. Don't forget, if you let something like having imaginary friends be a positive and creative force in your life, who says you should give them up? It's only an illness or a disease if you allow it to hinder you by using it as an emotional crutch. Make them work for you, and it won't matter if you really ARE crazy.

How can you tell if someone is being an attention seeker or is genuinely suffering from depression?

I can't speak for the masses but my ex girlfriend suffered from depression and she was very introverted about the whole thing it took months of strange little occurrences and behaviour for it to truly come out into the light, and when the cry for help comes it doesn't come in the form of a Facebook status or group text or announcement but in the form of a desperate cry for help, well in her case it did. I assume that people doing it for attention will be the polar opposite and will use it as a reason to justify behaviour or to make them seem more interesting to people. Bottom line you cannot honestly tell make this person aware you are there to help if needed and don't jump conclusions depression is horrible having seen the effects first hand, you cannot force them to seek help this pushes them further away you simply need to make them aware that no matter what your help is there for them if they ask.


OH and i need help with my last sentence for the paragraph, but this essay isnt one where your going against or for a statement, its just an essay on mental illness and later on in the essay i talk about a specific mental illness i have chosen, called dissociative identity disorder

Why are people so harsh towards those with mental illness like depression?

I probably will get a lot of hate for this but I just thought I'd ask.

I've noticed that pretty much (if not almost) everyone seems to be very unsympathetic and tend to chastise people who are suffering from mental illness like depression, bi-polar disorder, etc. Most people seem to think that people who are depressed, for instance, are either pretending, making stuff up, or are attention whores.

Another thing people seem to think is that someone has to be suffering or starving in Africa or some third-world country in order to be depressed and if that person isn't "starving in Africa" he or she doesn't have the right to be depressed. Does a person really have to be living in poverty in order to be depressed? People are all different, a problem that might be easy for one person do deal with doesn't mean another person can deal with the same thing.

I've also heard so many tell depressed people "oh why are you sad? there are people with so much worse out there, than you." I don't understand the logic behind this, That would be like telling someone "oh why are you complaining about having diabetes? this other person has it so much worse than you because he has cancer."

So my question is basically why are people so mean to the mentally ill?

Please help! I hate mentally handicapped people and cant cope?

It doesn't make you a bad person, I understand you and you can't help it. Neither can they but it's not your fault. I'm not too fond of mentally handicapped people either. The thing is so many people have mental illnesses like ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, OCD, you name it. It's hard to find people without those things these days. So you've just gotta try and get over it because not everybody who is mentally handicapped is like that. Most of them are, though. I recommend seeing a therapist because honestly i can't help you with it. I really don't like mentally handicapped people because they always get special treatments. When I was in second grade there was this class called Speech and idk what it was exactly, maybe it was for people who had a mental condition or something but whenever they came back they would always have something like a piece of candy or a gift like a toy. The regular people got nothing. And I used to have this dyslexic friend who got straight F's all year and still passed. But enough with that, what you need seriously is a therapist to get you over your hatred of mentally handicapped people. I hope I helped!

How do you live a normal life while dealing with a mental illness?

Have a normal life how?As in, does it go away or ever stop? Even if you pop a pill and go see your therapist? Poof, it's gone?Nope. Sadly not.To me, a large part of living a normal life with mental illness is accepting that life is always going to be weird and uncomfortable. Let's just get that out there right away. It's weird, but it is something that you can decide to be (mostly) in control of.I faithfully take my medication, have learned good coping skills, and see my therapist when things get rough, but there is always this…bubbling inside. It feels hot and tarry, churning and oozing. It bubbles because all the medication does is dull the bumps; makes a moraine rather than a mountain out of molehill. Sometimes some hapless thought or feeling—things that once use to be erratic, viciously fanged beasts—falls into its putrid, sticky depths to be smothered and trapped forever, never fully expressed or carried to fruition. The suppression is a bitter consolation prize, to be emotionally castrated when I felt so keenly before. I am writing this now while depressed and struggling, and while I am certainly not enjoying it and never have before, the loss of feeling sometimes makes me feel that I have lost some of my humanity for the sake of fitting in.That's part of why bipolar is so hard to medicate. It sucks so much out of you that the parts of the illness that actually have a kind of richness are gone.But it does have its benefits, some of which confer a sense of normalcy. With treatment and accepting that normal will never be something that I can actually possess, I would say that I am fine. I am more productive. I have a stable job. How in the ever living hell I wound up with excellent credit while bipolar is a mystery to me, but it happened and I am working on buying a house. I do have few, but worthwhile friendships. I have learned about my strengths and limitations, which makes me an honest and thoughtful friend and partner, a good employee. I find joy in excercise and burning out my frustrations. I am self aware and have worked on cultivating an identity in which bipolar is just a facet.I get a veneer of normal to use to pass while I bubble below.I made the decision to do the absolute best that I can and work on it every single day.You can do it. I know that you absolutely can. But I won't ever lie to you and say that it is easy.

If someone experiencing depression doesn't answer your texts, is it ok to keep on texting them anyway? How long do you ask someone to come out for a coffee/go for a walk/help with the groceries?

No not at all. If you know someone who is depressed, don’t call him/her over and over. Because they lack energy to have conversation. Its very easy to sleep on the bed for many hours and do nothing than to answer phone calls or text. It is nothing at all personal with anyone. And only people in Clinical Depression with Anxiety will understand this, its one of the deep/horrible stage in Depression. I am suffering clinical depression and anxiety from last 12 years. I also neglect text/calls many times. And later come up with lame excuse why I did’t answer. (Because many people don’t understand depression and don’t believe about this stage of depression, so I come up with excuses like, Phone was on silent, Phone had problem, I forget phone at home etc. in which I suck) And its very hard if someone keeps calling and then you have mountain to answer. They get more worried for searching an excuse which is also hard. So it is better not to call someone over and over again if he is not answering and if you don’t have important work. Just text anything which might cheer them. Also I have experienced that, as soon as I finish answering to that person, I feel very relaxed and enjoy like I have achieved something big. Its a relief. Depression is very bad, it ruins your relations with your friends, family and professionals.