How Can I Improve My German

How to improve my German?

You have to sound out a lot of German.

Listen to a German radio show while aping every sentence they utter.The show can be anything from news to music, anything. The story and meaning at this point is not important at all. IE , don't try to understand anything . Repeat words ad nauseam till they sound silly . Your head has to be filled with German , no English word is allowed in there.
After a few hours of this , take your favourite lexicon of words , and start watching a good German movie , where the ide will be to understand in detail what 's going on in the movie. Start watching , and have your German words with you. Read the words out loud , one by one , while watching , stretching the words as long as you can . .. pronounce them sssssllloooooowwwwwlllyyyyy. Make sure your list is long enough to last the whole movie.
Lastly take an audio book , or a radio broadcast of something that's in the form of a story and actively force yourself to picture every bit of the content in detail (pictures in your mind) do not let any English words in at this point , any English word that comes ito your mind is -1 point :P.

Doing these exercises each day , will break your English-German relation . You must conceptualise in German , not become a quick translation device. Once you have achieved this point. The things you watch and see will become clear due to the context in which they are placed . You will assimilate new words in a different way , and not see each word as an alternative to the English one you know.

I speak 3 languages fluently (yes only 3) but they have only a minimal effect on each other. I moved from France to Belgium on a weekly basis , my friends were different in each place , and the circumstances of my day to day life were different. When I go to France , or watch a French movie or talk to someone in French , my mind works in French.

I am a very bad translator ... It takes ages to find the corresponding words from one language to the next . However , a concept I understand I can easily explain or talk about in any language I know.

How do I improve my german grammar?

Thanks for A2A by Denis IshutinI am in no way a good German speaker, but I do have something to share on learning German.German grammar can be divided into three interdependent levels: word level, phrase level. For word level. Nouns, adjectives and article can be memorized as group. You might already aware that German nouns has three different genders, and so are the articles (der, die, das and there different variations under different cases). You might also know that adjectives have different "tails" with accord to the case and gender of the noun it modifies.  For phrase level. You might have a series of question: Which nouns and adjective should be used with which preposition? which of the preposition should follow by which case? Why is there a difference between "Forderung an" and "Forderung nach" etc.For sentence level (easiest of the three). Always remember in a dependent clause, the verb goes to the end of the sentence, and the sentence occupies a position (someone can come up with a better word please tell me).  How do you train German grammar? For the first two levels, I am afraid you have to memorize them, word by word, rule by rule. You might find some interesting or creative ways to memorized, but you have to memorize them nonetheless.For the third level, well, congrationlations, you've learned all the rules. Only problem remains is that you need to practice it, by speaking and writing. Personally I found writing is a very helpful way to improve my overall competence in German. Happy learning German. : )

How should I improve my german vocabulary? Spend 30 minutes a day on each site and pick topics you are really interested in. The other methods are by reading, listening and writing.  Langsam gesprochene Nachrichten is also a good site for advanced German language learners.

How can I improve my German?

You can connect to people online which you can skype with. There are some websites offering lessons with natives.The thing about books is that it's at your own pace. In real language usage, things are never at your pace. You just land in some situation and you get yourself out of it. So try to get out of your comfort zone by talking a lot. I would look at films in German, especially things you have seen before. Put the subtitles on and talk along. This really helps your speed of reading and pronunciation, and you get in the zone. Your goal is to try to surround yourself with the language. So don't study German in a loud French cafe for example. And in case of books, I don't know your level. But you need sufficient grammar and word count. Try to have a daily moment where you focus on German, you have to immerse yourself. Language is a game of consistency, perseverance, and out-of-comfort-zone behavior.If you need a program like Rosetta Stone to get your German game on, allow yourself to do that. But try to do things and get in situations that are fun, where it's a second thing to talk German. (This is also the best way to meet cool people. Just participate in a German environment.)Lastly on a positive racism note: don't fuss about your pronunciation as the French accent has always been regarded as charming. German people are really friendly. You can be yourself as long as you're punctual.

How to improve oral skills for German oral exam?

Verbal fluency does not always mean you plan out your sentence structure before you utter your first syllable.

Start with a noun - either get the article right on the instant or forget it and proceed without it, correcting it as your fluency improves.

If your noun happens to be the agent of the verb action, go with the active.

If your noun happens to be the recipient of the verb action, go with the passive.

If neither (prep'l object), start over (but not to the point of stuttering) !

Simplicity is the key to oral fluency. Simplicity guarentees speed; for any glitches, either live with it, or hammer them out with intensive practice.

How do I improve my German speaking skills?

I would suggest you to start thinking in German. Start thinking and expressing simple sentences in German.Ich werde Ihnen vorschlagen, dass Sie auf Deutsch denken müssen. Fangen Sie bitte an, ihre Gedanken auf Deutsch zu denken und aüßern. Das ist egal wie viele Fehler Sie machen, aber das ist wichtig, dass Sie auf Deutsch reden.Ja, das ist einleuchtend, dass die Deutsche Grammatik schwerig ist. Aber Sie müssen immer wieder versuchen auf Deutsch zu reden.Sie könnten die Serie “ Tatort” anschauen, um Ihre Ausspeache zu verbessern.Sie könnten auch Deutsche Lieder zuhören. Suchen Sie bitte in Youtube mit Kennwort “Beste Deutsche Lieder”.Alles gute!!! Viel Erfolg!!!

How do I improve my German reading skills?

One of the things I do almost daily is visit “Deutsche Welle” on-line: THEMEN | DW.COM…You will need to select the German language version from the drop-down menu in the upper right, “DW in 30 Languages”…It is an excellent site—current news, not only in Germany but around the world, including current American news. It even has an entire menu of “Deutsch Lernen,” to improve your German reading/listening skills.Second, I visited used bookstores to look for German novels in paperback, especially anything written by Heinrich Böll, a Nobel Prize winning German novelist whose prose is simple and uncomplicated, i.e. you will not need to hold a dictionary in one hand—in other words, sort of a German language “Ernest Hemingway” style. They are good novels, too. The trite old saying from German class in high school is, nonetheless still true: “Übung macht den Meister!” I hope the foregoing helps you!

How do I improve German in one month, especially in speaking?

I faced the same issue not with German but with Chinese Language many years ago.Your question is: How can you improve your German speaking ability in one month?So I assume you already know basic German and are able to speak out easy concepts.Now, if you are not living in any German speaking country and you learned the language for example in school, you have to rely on online newspapers, online German Television and general German related media. The best reault you will achieve with meeting German native speakers living in your area, befriend them and just talk to them once-twice a week on German.If you are living in Germany, above mentioned problems of finding ways to speak German language are not problems anymore, my friend! This is way easier, because you are surrounded by all German!In Germany your language-basics you will get from your German lesson (I assume you also participate in a German language course), but here you receive only rudimentary knowledge of language and more theoretical concepts like grammar etc.The most important progress you will get after your language lesson together with German friends or non-German friends. In the end, if you sprak German with Germans or German-learning students at a certain level is not a big difference for your own improvement in active speaking.What you need to do now in one month of time is talking, talking and more talking: talking to anybody you meet in your life.Exactly this happened to me when I was learning Chinese: between two courses there was a one month holiday and I only spoke Chinese to anybody I met outside. I spoke Chinese to Koreans, Japanese and of course Chinese people all the time. After 4 weeks I came back to the language lessons, and most of the teachers were impressed about improvement of my spoken Chinese language level compared to before.Language basics you learn in lessons, but the living language you learn outside in the world via using the spoken;dr:Just actively SPEAK the language!!