How Can I Lose 30-40 Pounds In 4-5 Months

Is there a way to lose 20-30 pounds in 5 months???

I lost 25 lbs in 5 months doing the following:

- high impact exercise for at least one hour, 3 or 4 days a week. you need to do different kinds of exercise each time, if you stick to only one it is not really effective.

Ideas: martial arts, kickboxing, dancing, fast aerobics, pilates, advanced yoga, running, cycling, swimming, weights, situps. Do a lot of stretches, but only after the workout.
(I did martial arts (with lots of kicking and punching!), situps/pushups, running, stretching, and long walks.)

- Drink LOTS of water (at least 64 ounces a day if not more)
- Eat lots of raw, steamed, boiled or baked vegetables. (NOT fried)
- Eat only Whole Wheat bread, whole grain rice, whole wheat pasta. No white bread, white rice or white pasta.
- Eat whole fruit in the morning. Don't eat fruits after 12 noon. NO fruit juices or sweet drinks!
- No Sugar Soda, and No Diet Soda! Carbonated beverages make you bloated.
- No sugary foods (like donuts, cake, candies, chocolate, sugary cereals)
- No more than one serving of red meat a week.
- No more than 2 servings of chicken/lean ham a week.
- No more than 3 servings of lean fish a week.
- Only use vegetable oils (olive oil is the best, canola oil comes in second). No butter, no fatty meats, no shortening, no margarine.

Stick to: vegetable salad, tofu, sushi, (they have whole grain rice sushi at some places!), lots of whole grain rice (it fills you up without being fattening), beans, nuts, peanut butter, whole grain low-sugar cereals, boiled eggs, low-fat or non-fat dairy, fish, lean chicken breast.

Keep in mind: Sugar makes you gain more weight than fat does. So stay away from sugar!

Eat light after 6 pm. Eat your heaviest meal during the daytime hours.

How could I lose 30-40 pounds in a month?

Losing that much in one month is not to healthy. But if you want an honest answer, I lost 41 pounds in 30 days by eating only 2 small servings of meat per day (handful portions), taking the recommended dose of ripped fuel(from wal-mart) and drinking only water(about 6 liters a day).I was also working ful-time and watched no TV. This can lead to gaining more weight back though.THIS IS VERY UNHEALTHY. I recommend that you take your time, do a cardio workout 20 minutes a day 3 times a week and use the availible online calculators to Keep an eye on your calories. Intake less than you use+exercise=lose weight.

How to lose 40 pounds in 5 months?

40 lbs in 5 months is an attainable goal. I wish you well on your endeavor.

There are two ways people will typically go about losing weight - exercise/ diet, or surgery. Starvation doesn't really count because people typically gain weight back once they start eating again. Surgical options generally don't kick in unless people are morbidly obese, which you likely won't qualify for.

Your best option is therefore exercise and dieting. By dieting, you should eat normal amounts of healthy foods. Watch some shows online such as Biggest Loser where you can glean much exercise and dietary information from the trainers on the shows. But then the hardest part is going to be actually doing it. It won't be easy, and you likely won't like it. But it's worth it. Another thing I'm going to tell you is that you REALLY have to want this. I'm not talking about the same level of wanting that one gets for a Big-Mac that can be sated in a few minutes. I'm talking about the level of wanting that comes from deep within that can only be sated with the attainment of a difficult goal. Without determination to accomplish what you want, you didn't really want it so badly in the first place...

So good luck and get to work!!

Can I lose 40 pounds in 3 months? I'm 176 lbs, 18, and is 5'4.

The short answer is yes. It is possible to lose 40 pounds in 3 months. Do I think it is a good idea? Probably not.You are looking to lose almost 23% of your weight in a short amount of time. You will need to average 3.33 pounds per week for 12 weeks. In order to achieve this lofty goal you will probably need a strict diet and intense exercise program. Not to say it can’t be done but it will not be easy especially as you work through training soreness, daily life stress, and weight loss plateaus.M suggestion is to have smaller achievable goals. Small wins builds confidence and keep you going when times get tough.Evaluate what you eat (food diary) and have goals to eliminate bad foods. ie for the next 2 weeks, I will replace all liquids with water. Instead of eating out/fast foods I will prepare all my meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) with lean meats and fresh veggies.get more active. walk more, get a pedometer and have a daily goal of 10,000 steps. Do squats or crunches during commercial breaks when watching TV. Get a work out buddy.If you can do these two things consistently for 2 weeks you are already on the road to new habits. They will be part of your new lifestyle. As you get stronger and more fit, you can begin to incorporate strength training and running (sprints) to turbo charge your metabolism.My opinion is if you do not change your current lifestyle, you will regain any weight loss in short order.

How could I lose 40 pounds in two months?

The first 10 lbs will be “water weight” lost in the first week of an extreme diet. So let's look at the remaining 30 lbs. You would need to create a significant calorie deficit each day for the remaining 53 days. Here is the math.1 lb lost = 3500 calorie deficit. In the first week you lost 10 lbs of water, so now there is 30 lbs left to lose. 30 lbs x 3500 = 105,000 calories, the deficit you need. 105,000 calories divided by the remaining 53 days = 1981 calories you need to burn off each day.Next you need to know your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) which is how many calories YOUR body needs each day to sustain life if motionless. I don't know enough about you to tell you that number but at 170 lbs it is likely between 1600-1700 calories, give or take 100 in either direction.You should never consume less than 1200 calories per day for many reasons. Let's assume your diet is 1200 daily calories. You will already have a 400-500 calorie deficit, but where will the remaining 1500 calories be burned? You will need a rigorous exercise program that would likely replace your full time job! It's not realistic.Let's look at it another way. If you consume the 1200 calories per day and remain motionless (no exercise at all) your deficit will be 400-500 calories per day. That's about 1 lb per week… add exercise and you can lose even more.Remember, every body is different, so this info is based on averages.

I need to lose 30 pounds in 6 months!!?

Think about it, that's only 5lbs a month.

One pound of fat equals 3500 calories. So you'd need to lose just a little over a pound per week.

The "trick" to weight loss is using more calories than you consume. There are three ways to do this.

#1 Consume less calories. (eat less)
#2 Use more calories (exercise)
#3 Consume less calories AND exercise

Obviously, #3 will be most effective. However, any of them will work theoretically.

If you could eliminate 4000 calories from your diet each week, then that's all you'd have to do. Second choice would be to exercise 60minutes per day, thus "using" more calories than you are taking in -- the trick with this is to make sure you're NOT eating more and exercise WILL make you hungrier! Third and final choice: you could eliminate 2000 calories every week and exercise (fast walk/jog) 30mins per day.

Hope this helps. Good luck!