How Can I Lose 30 Lbs Before 2014 In 4 Months

Will I be able to lose 30 lbs in 3 months? I'm 5'2 and 163 lbs.

Why would you set a target in weight as general as that is?If I asked you, “from that loss, would you want it be mostly fat, muscle or water?” What would you choose?I presume fat would be the choice. So focuse on loosing fat, not weight.It’s difficult to gain 2 pounds of muscle, and not too difficult to loose 2 pounds of fat. However, 2 pounds of muscle occupy less volume than 2 pounds of fat. So, if you start loosing fat, the way you look will be improving quicker (and healthier).Excercise with muscle training with your own body weight (beleive me, you won’t get like ANY body builder in a poster) and do some cardio while reducing your caloric intake, eat protein and a few healthy fats —nuts, almonds, peanuts— and less carbohydrates.

Can I lose 30 pounds in 2 months? I am a nearly 50 pounds overweight woman.

Hi, great to here you want to lose weight! Before you start please remember this image below.But firstly check this website: Tip 4 Fitness | Home they have good advices for you.So here are six simple weight loss tips you can try today.Number 1: STOP drinking beer (or any alcohol), drinking one single beer is equivalent to 2 slices of bread.Number 2: Allow yourself a cheat meal once a week. I know you might think why should I do that? It will do the opposite of losing weight! Well, yes that’s true, but remember you are not a ROBOT. Having a cheat meal once a week will keep you motivated and therefore you won’t think losing weight is too hard and finish by quitting everything.Number 3: Don’t eat the same food every day. Many people eat chicken and rice all the time because there is a low percentage of fat. But after a week or two, you will get bored. Go on some cooking website and try simple and healthy recipes.Number 4: Go to the supermarket after eating. I know it’s weird, but its effective. Once you are full your body won’t desire any more calories and therefore you won’t buy any junk food.Number 5: Buy smaller plates. This again, is another wired trick, but there are over 50 studies to support my tip. Having smaller plates will reduce the quantity of food you can put on it and your brain will think its full.Number 6: If you are still hungry after your meal, eat either bananas or apples. These two fruits will help you full your stomach with a very low calorie count. And if you are still hungry after that drink water or green tea.Source:

Could you lose 40 pounds in a month by strictly water fasting?

You can certainly lose 40 or more pounds in one month. Some people have the capacity to live weeks or a month without food. Your body will start to break down the glycogen, protein then fats over time. You will have to drink water since the maximum days without water is ~3 days.However! I highly do not recommend fasting on water only for a month. The reasons are you can cause significant harm to your body that can take months to repair. Moreover, your health may deteriorate by the end of the month making you more vulnerable to diseases, health issues, psychological effects, gain the weight back, etc. As I mentioned if you fast for a significant amount of time and you consume food after fasting. Your body would have been in a starvation mode and when you eat food your body will react by storing the food you ate into fat. Why fat? Fat provides high amounts of energy making it efficient for the body to survive. Therefore, fasting for the month you will most likely gain the weight back and plus more because you had your body in a starvation mode. Basically, during starvation mode, your body does not know when you will get food again and turns the food you eat into fat.If you want to lose weight in a healthy way it will take months. At least ~10 pounds a month would be healthy without having too many consequences. Daily workouts, eating healthy, staying motivated to lose weight, find a friend or group to work together to lose weight, learn more about diets/nutrition books will ultimately help you lose weight wisely. Best

How long should it take to safely lose 30 pounds? What are some tips for doing so?

Best to provide you with some basics on weight loss first:As I’m sure you already know, if you consume less calories (from your food and drink) than your body needs, your body will burn up fat to try and make up the difference - it requires energy for daily maintenance. Slowly, you’ll lose weight.One pound of body fat is equal to approx 3,500 calories, ok.The recomended safe rate of weight loss is to aim to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week.After doing some quick maths, this means you need to eat at least 500 calories less per day than you do now.What’s the catch?If your dietary nutrition is out of the window, i.e. awful - then either you need to burn off way more than 500 calories per day to kick start your weight loss, or you need to make some serious changes to what you eat!If you head over to any online Calorie Calculator, or use an app, these can usually tell you a couple of important things (based on your current activity levels):Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)Your BMR is the number of calories required by your body to keep functioning at rest.The number of calories you’ll need to burn in order to safely lose 1 or 2 pounds per week.Remember though, these are just estimates which give you a defined goal to work towards.How long will it take?Well, let’s say you work on losing no more than 2 pound per week, it will take you approx 15 weeks (3–4 months) to lose 30 pounds of weight. This is assuming you have a healthy diet and some exercise in place!What are some good tips for losing 30 pounds of weight?Review your dietary nutrition!Add some regular exercise to your weekly regimeIf your current diet (i.e. what you eat & drink) is pants, then first and foremost, take a good look at what you are eating!Swap out 1 unhealthy choice per week with a healthy choice - Repeat!Increase your intake of Fruit & VegHydrate well by drinking plenty of waterIncrease the amount of protein & healthy fats you eat (Helps keep you feeling fuller)Reduce/cut-out all white carbs - such as sweets, cakes etcReduce beige carbs - such as white bread, pasta, rice, potatoes etcEat more smaller meals at regular intervals throught the dayAdd some exercise into your weekly regime!Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise per dayTake the stairs, walk/cycle to workExercise before, during or after work - as long as you do somethingGo for a speed walk at lunchtimeJoin a sports club - play tennis, go swimmingBuy yourself a fitness watch to keep tabs!Hope this helps :-)

How much weight can I lose in 109 days?

I'm 5'2, 180 lbs as of right now. My girlfriend and I have a bet going on to see who can obtain their goal weight by August 12th, 2014. My ultimate goal weight is 140 lbs. I'm sure that that's not obtainable in 109 days, so I'm wondering how much weight can I lose in that amount of time with the following:

- I'm a Vegetarian, so I'll be substituting a meal in the morning for a protein shake with lots of fruits and veggies (kale, mango, pineapple, apple, etc). As well as snacking on fruits the entire day and eating more than my limit in greens (I love spinach!)
- We plan on doing T-25 together and then doing the 30 Day Shred afterwards
- Aside from the T-25 and the 30 Day Shred, I'll be going to the gym to do some weight lifting and more cardio (treadmill, stair climber) and assisting Zumba classes and spin classes.

I know I have to take it easy the first couple of days since my body isn't accustomed to all that I'm going to put it through, but what do you guys think is a weight goal that I can put down for myself in 109 days?

Thanks in advance!