How Can I Lose 50 Pounds But May 16

Can I lose 30 pounds in 2 months? I am a nearly 50 pounds overweight woman.

Hi, great to here you want to lose weight! Before you start please remember this image below.But firstly check this website: Tip 4 Fitness | Home they have good advices for you.So here are six simple weight loss tips you can try today.Number 1: STOP drinking beer (or any alcohol), drinking one single beer is equivalent to 2 slices of bread.Number 2: Allow yourself a cheat meal once a week. I know you might think why should I do that? It will do the opposite of losing weight! Well, yes that’s true, but remember you are not a ROBOT. Having a cheat meal once a week will keep you motivated and therefore you won’t think losing weight is too hard and finish by quitting everything.Number 3: Don’t eat the same food every day. Many people eat chicken and rice all the time because there is a low percentage of fat. But after a week or two, you will get bored. Go on some cooking website and try simple and healthy recipes.Number 4: Go to the supermarket after eating. I know it’s weird, but its effective. Once you are full your body won’t desire any more calories and therefore you won’t buy any junk food.Number 5: Buy smaller plates. This again, is another wired trick, but there are over 50 studies to support my tip. Having smaller plates will reduce the quantity of food you can put on it and your brain will think its full.Number 6: If you are still hungry after your meal, eat either bananas or apples. These two fruits will help you full your stomach with a very low calorie count. And if you are still hungry after that drink water or green tea.Source:

Will you have loose skin after losing 50 pounds?

Yes. Probably. You have something called skin elasticity, which is impacted by a few things like age and the amount of stretching your skin had to do to accommodate that extra weight. Fifty pounds is not so much as to guarantee it will cause loose skin, but it is enough that it's likely, especially if that weight was mostly carried in one place, such as your abdomen.I lost close to 300 lbs, and I had loose skin all over my body. It required a number of surgeries to remove all the excess, which totalled around 18 lbs itself. Because of how mine was distributed, I still have a little bit of loose skin in some places that isn't enough for a surgical procedure, like under my chin, which sucks because altho it isn't super visible, whenever I notice it myself it makes me feel older, like something I'd see on a lady twenty years older. I hate it.Fifty pounds evenly distributed over someone who is very tall and on the younger side of things might not have any trouble at all with elasticity and the skin may shrink without leaving any looseness, especially if you are also doing some weight training to fill it in with muscle.Fifty pounds on a shorter person who is older and only does some extreme dieting perhaps, without any weight training, especially if it's all carried in the midsection, is much more likely to result in loose skin.

If I lost 50 pounds, would I have loose skin?

maybe, but on the show the biggest loser those ppl lose a lot and look really good, they dont have loose skin. so it prob depends on the way you lose it! if you just stop eating you prob will but im sure if you work out youll look toned and good!

Possible to lose 50 pounds in 2 months?

You might think about trying this book called "The Movie Star Diet" by Steve Simmons. It helped me lose thirty pounds in 2 1/2 months when I didn't think anything would work. My goal to begin with was only 20 lbs! It has a really easy plan to follow and an excellent workout as well.

I’m 16, I weigh 150 pounds, and I’m 5′9. Do I need to lose weight?

The easiest way to answer a quesiton like this is to calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI). To do this you should go onto a BMI calculator website. I see that you are 16, so an adult BMI calculator may not be suitable. Instead, you can choose to use a child-teen BMI calculator website.Sometimes, though, a BMI calculator may not be helpful. This is because your body could be mostly made up of muscle, and it is a commonly well-known fact that muscle weighs more than fat. If you find that your BMI is more than 25, this does not necessarily mean that you are fat or overweight. You can ask yourself, ‘Do I exercise on a weekly, daily, or monthly basis?’ ‘Do I eat healthy?’ These questions are an insight to your daily life. If you find that you are fit and have a Body Mass Index of 25 or over, it’s probably not a problem. But if you find yourself struggling to exercise or have excessive body fat, you may want to either start exercising or exercise more.

Can a 17 year old female lose 40 pounds by September? How?

Okay well its possible but hearing you, you don't have that motive to lose that much. But you need to do an exercise every morning and the same one, you can find some routines on youtube. That's very important because your body needs that exercise, and these routines do not need machines. Another thing is that you don't have to stop what you love to eat, but you have to watch how much your eating. For example if you like to go to mcdonald that go once every 2 months. Some people will eat a lot but the reason for that is because there eating fast. If you slowly eat your food you get full and it feels like you ate a lot but really you hate very little. Also you should try to drink water before you eat that makes you full to, but also sometimes your body mistakes hunger for thirst. So you should drink water before you decide to eat. Another good trick is eating an apple, sometimes we tell ourselves we are hungry but really we are not, we just want some food because we are bored. For the motivation part there lots of thing that get people motivated, but you are the  motivation. Although it's hard to believe that you can do it, so something I love doing is reading people articles about how they were motivated. I read at least one article a day to keep me motivated. I also have pictures of famous people for example Gisele Bündchen a famous model. She keeps me motivated to keep my body in shape because I want to end up like her. You don't have to go for models or actors or actress, but you can do someone you like that does  sports or art that's fit, it doesn't always have to be someone famous. If you have anymore question please let me know ill be glad to answer them.

Is it possible to lose 50 pounds in a month and a half?

Please read all, many of the same Q because less than 1500 calories you body stores fat. try this:

After an accident I was incapacitated for nearly a year and ate out of boredom, and as you could imagine I got obese, but I'm just 5 pounds more that my BMI should be. And the friend that told me about this was obese in high school and now still looks great 20+ years later. It's a combination of calories and shrinking your stomach naturally (what lap band surgery does.)

1500 calories makes you lose weight for some people less than 1500 makes their body go into starvation mode and so it stores fat. Once at your target weight 2000 maintains it there.

It takes 2 weeks to naturally shrink your stomach, but ONE MEAL can stretch it out again.

I was eating approximately 3 days worth of portions in one day back then, so since a "portion" is approximately the same size of a deck of playing cards. I started out just counting the first week how many "deck of card" size portions I ate. After a week I took my daily average and divided by 16 and began the process of shrinking my stomach before I even tried counting calories. From last bite to first I waited and hour eating every hour 1/16 of what I had been eating (I often ate only 14 times but at times I did eat all 16.)

Instead of the 2 weeks I continued for 3 weeks to be sure I was filled up with that amount (8 meals), I then began to wait 2 hours last bite to first (4 to 6 meals per day.) During this time I began experimenting with cutting out saturated fats and hydrogenated oils.

Then I then began counting my calories and reducing my meal size by 1 Tablespoon at each meal until I was only eating the 1500 calories.

I couldn't walk so I held myself up on the counter to "dance" sort of just to move. I got to just 20 pounds over my BMI and finally was able to walk, I walk 4 blocks then 8 then 16. Once I could barely ride a bike I started riding and now ride at LEAST 1 mile 12 blocks 3 times a week and eat 2000 calories. I also walk 2 blocks every day, and I'm firming up muscles needed. Once my tone is back (they turned to mush when I was bed ridden and I need to build them back up) I will go back down to 1500 for the last pounds, also a resent set back had me down again, but I'm not out.