How Can I Lose Fat In Lips And Face

Can lips lose weight?

Lips are consisted of skin, muscle and mucous membrane, but not fat. I believe they might become even more prominent as the rest of the face and body loses fat.

Lips do tend to get thinner as one grows older, but that's a different process altogether, and you shouldn't expect to see it before you are close to 50.

Will running help me lose face fat?

i hate a very rounded out face shape (i'm not sure if it's just my cheeks, but my face overall is big) and i have very small - but full - lips. it gives my face a very childlike appearance, and since i'm already so small, its very annoying when people believe i'm like 10 years old. i know the lips i can't do much about, but i've just taken up running. will it help get rid of some of the fat on my face?

i believe at least some is removable even though my parents also have round faces...i'm hardly active and i don't doubt that i've gained weight on my face instead of my stomach like most people do, since i'm naturally very skinny.

I have fat around my lips, how can I reduce this?

See fatloss cannot be done from a specific area you have to loose whole body fat. But their a simple trick that you can exercise for your face to make it look good in shapeChew chewing gum atleast 2 hrs daily in my opinion best exercise for face but eat sugar free gum.2nd exercise and very effective one is smile as hard as u can and hold that for 30 seconds and reapeat it 10–15 times daily3rd is close your lips and curl them4th and the weirest one open your mouth wide and stick your tounge out as much as you can for atleast 10 seconds and repeat it 10–15 timesAlthough i will still say exercise and loose wholesome fat your face fat will automatically reduce fatFor diet and training program contact me on

Can your lips look smaller when you lose weight from your face?

iv been really ill for the past 2months and have lost atleast two stone maybe even 3! I've lost alot of weight from my face and it looks more sullen. my question is a few people commented that my lips look smaller to because they were always rather full and quite big. can this actually happen, if you lose a lot of weight frm your face can your lips look smaller/ become thinner too??:S thanks

How to lose fat around your mouth?

Please don't tell me they look fine. I look horrible from the side and in pictures. They make me feel self conscious so are there any.. I don't know.. facial exercises to reduce-if not completely make them go away- the fat? And will they go away if I lose weight?

How to lose fat around your mouth?

Please don't tell me they look fine. I look horrible from the side and in pictures. They make me feel self conscious so are there any.. I don't know.. facial exercises to reduce-if not completely make them go away- the fat? And will they go away if I lose weight?

Will my lips look bigger if I lose weight?

I know this is a silly question, but I have chubby cheeks and a long face.
I have nice and plump lips, that I think go unnoticed due to my chubby face.
So If I lose weight, and my face get's slimmer will they look bigger?
I'm not gonna lose weight just for that, I want to be healthy as well, but I was just wondering.

Thanks guys :D !