How Can I Lose Weight Super Fast

Lose weight super fast?

Just DON'T stave, but try eating very healthy food and drink lots of water. Don't eat big meals specially after 5 PM. Eat lots of fruit nothing fried and no bread or pasta. Mainly salads boiled things and you know all that healthy stuff we don't like ;o)

Good Luck

How do I lose weight super fast?

Hey!! So I know this question must be posted like....a million times a day. But I mean really fast. Like my prom's coming up in five days and I just want to lose like a quick ten pounds or around there at least. I know, I know. Sounds impossible. But there must be SOME way to do it out there! Any one got it? haha. :D

Lose weight fast!!?

1. 20 minute walk ( NOT RUN ) everyday. walking or tread mill speed less then 3.0 possibly with incline will burn fat do not run. running will do cardio. you want weight loss.

2. park far as you can at work, grocery store, use manual door, useless elevator. ( this alone can shave off 5lbs in a year.

3.Drink water at least 8 cups a day. no more pop. diet soda is worst than regualr soda, aspertane is really really not good for you.

4. when you eat. do not watch tv, talk on the cell phone..etc.. focus waht you are doing, eat! enjoy the flavor. listen to your stomach. when it say i'm full stop

5. let the fork down while chowing!! slow down don't inhale food.

6. eat when you are hungry. do not starve your self. REMEMBER #4.

7. Always leave something on your plate. even if it's a bite.


for your graduation....

here is a trick. volumetrics..

how does your body know when you are hungry or not?

when your stomach is full, it's not hungry..

your job is fill your stomach with low calororie high volume food.

if the food is close to natual state, it's less calorie per same size, ( corn < corn mill < cerial < bread)

eat raw veggie, oatmeal, you will eat meat but lean meat, not fast food,

NO LIQUID CALORIES beer, coffee, soda, your bod'y does not count those calories because it goes right throw you.

AVOID CORN SYRUP. it's worse then sugar.


work out...

swimming is great and so is basket ball..

watch your diet..

add low fat burning accersices.. incline tead mill at low speed. / YOGA / and bodypump.

if you are serious about loosing weight in two weeks..

EAt breakfast, and work out everyday. ( treamill)

How to lose weight super-duper fast?! URGENT!!!?

Hey! I'm 115 lbs and I look really hot in a bathing suit. Most people give the eat right and exercise answer because it is the only right and effective answer.
If you want to loose weight super fast though I can give you some bad advice. Only drink water and coffee. Drink coffee before you work out because it will make you feel you have more energy that you do and you will push yourself harder. Every time you eat make sure you go burn it off after with exercise. Another option is throwing up, but you will get ugly teeth which is also not healthy or attractive. Amphetamines are also good for quick weight loss, they make you feel active all day long and not hungry at all. Also liposuction.

Any tips and tricks on how to lose weight super fast?!?

First, what kind of bone structure do you have? And your height. For a 5'3" woman with a sturdy bone structure, 130 is a healthy weight to aim for. For a petite bone structure at that height, 115 could be better.

As long as you're overweight and trying to lose a few pounds, here you go: 1, build muscle. Put emphasis on protein and weight training, eat healthy foods, but don't increase your calorie intake with the extra activity, unless you feel light headed or dizzy, then ease up. Excercise should not be painful. Uncomfortable, yes, but not painful. Muscles use a lot of calories even when you're resting. That's why you want to build these first. 2, at an appropriate time, stop the weight training: you're not trying to bulk up. Now, focus on a healthy diet with lots of veggies, but still balanced, and keep your calorie count a little lower than what you want. Nothing extreme. The muscle should have eaten up the calories and the fat before this. Muscle is more active than fat, so if strictly dieting, the muscle will be lost first. That's why you have to exercise along with it. Summary: to lose fat, muscle building. To lose weight, dieting. In that order.

Will fasting make me lose weight ?

Fasting one day a month can be extremely beneficial to your body as it cleanses and has actually been said to make you live longer.

Short answer, if you don't eat, yes you will loose weight, anyone is stupid to dispute that.

The problem is when you resume eating, your metabolismm will slow as it thinks there is no food entering the body, thus holding onto it.

Hope i helped, thanks

Need to lose weight for prom FAST?

i have prom during the end of april, and i need to lose weight super fast. i don't have a date yet, but i have a dress and i look literally disgusting in it. i am 5'8 and weigh 140lbs. i look horrible in pictures so im hoping to lose a lot of weight (i absolutely do not care if its unhealthy) by prom. thanks!!!