How Can I Make An Anonymous Facebook Page

How can I grow an anonymous Facebook page?

You need to share your page to other people, Man. If you are justing posting to your page but no one sees it, it’s just wasting the time. You can stay anonymous by sharing your posts to your facebook friends or giving like to the posts occasionally.Also you can share your page to other communities like Reddit, Hackernews, Quora, etc. It’s a cost effective way to drive traffics from other sources.

How do I create a Facebook page anonymously?

You always, by default create a page anonymously, that's the purpose of having a business page on Facebook.However, you can display your existence as page admin by manipulating few newer settings provided by Facebook nowadays, but It's just your habits that you somehow, somewhere leak your identity, anyway, you have to be too mindful to keep your every Facebook activity purely anonymous.It's not necessary to use a fake profile to create page that you want to always keep anonymous, but it's easier than using using a real I'd with full precautions ;).PS: Kimberly's answer is purely wrong, because she didn't even understood the premise of your question, please do not follow her steps, because her step 5 says ‘invite friends and family', the normal habitual mistake done unknowingly(what I was talking about), when you invite your friends/family they clearly see your name, there's no anonymous-ness in that!!

How do I promote a Facebook page anonymously, and get many followers, without inviting friends and people I am connected with to like it?

When you promote a page, either organically or via paid campaigns, you can do it anonymously.Some use fake profiles (something I don’t recommend doing, together with post bombing unless done once in a while), some use others to do so for them…whatever it is, you don’t have to invite a single person you know personally. You can just go to different pages and groups and promote your business page through dedicated posts.I do recommend you use some good curated content for your posts to grow your business page organically over paid endeavors as most people who like your page, don’t really follow it and Facebook knows that.

How to send a Facebook message anonymous?

no one will be able to track the new account in any way

however, a message from someone that person is not friends with will mostly likely not be seen as it will be put into the "other messages" folder and the person will not be notified that it's there

so the person will probably never see it

and you dont need to create an account on facebook, if you know the person's vanity URL

you can just mail them from the email account like this

How can you make an anonymous comment to a Facebook post?

This is a frequently asked question answered many times here. Facebook does not provide a way to be anonymous without creating a fake account not using your real name (a requirement to make an account). Fake accounts, if discovered, will be closed down and the ones making it may be banned.Making a business page may allow you to post under the page name but that practice is easily tracked. If the posts are reported for content or as fake identity, Facebook will retaliate. If your content is tame and not controversial you’re likely able to get away with it.Most reasons for anonymous posts are not upstanding reasons. Some are proper and the reasons just. Anonymity is a regular practice of the trolls.

How do I make a group on facebook but keep myself anonymous?

In the groups the creator becomes an admin, and the admins are showed. To be anonymous you should create a Facebook page, also called fan page. Page creators are anonymous and their messages are shown as written by the page and not by them.

This guide will explain you how to create a fan page on Facebook:

Good luck!

Can I create a Facebook group anonymously?

Technically, you can't.

but~~ you could try creating it, then leave the group so they won't know who created it but then you'll have to wait a while until more people joined it until you can join it again so most facebookers will just think you're just a normal -innocent- person joining the group.


How do I create an anonymous facebook page/group?

I want to create a facebook page or group that people can anonymously talk about their problems/etc on, but I don't want them to know I created this group. I tried making a page, but I don't know how people can comment on it anonymously. Help please?

I need to make a Facebook page but I don't want to my friends to know it that I created it. How should I create it?

None of your friends will know when you create a facebook page unless the page is about you. They will only that you have created it, if you post about it or aggressively publicize it or if you enable certain settings which will showcase that you are the admin of the page on the Page Info. By default Facebook will not show the list of admins of the page publicly, so you can confidently go ahead and create the page you want.

How do I anonymously post my stories on Google or on Facebook?

Facebook doesn't hace option for anonymous posting however If you wish to ve anonymous and don't let anyone else to kbow the person writing content behind then this is what you can do :Create a page on facebook by some random name and start posting stuffs and sharing your content there and do never ever reveal the person behind that page posts and that page. Congrats you are anonymous !Now I don't know what exactly Google means here . But let me clear you , you can use any author name or select any author name as per your choice and write your blogs article being completely anonymous with some different name and even you can choose to not even display the author name .