How Can I Make Myself A Happier And More Imaginative Person

Would you rather be happy yet slow-witted and unimaginative or unhappy yet bright and creative?

I work and volunteer with people with learning disabilities and am often amazed by how truly happy they can be, how much unadulterated joy they can find in music or dancing or laughing. And then I look at those of us who aren't 'disabled' and I see us worrying and stressing about so much.

And some days, yes, I envy them.

But my friends with learning disabilities are fantastically creative, spontaneous and certainly imaginative, so that doesn't exactly answer your question.

For me personally, to lose my intelligence is devastating (I had severe cognitive problems as side effects of prescription medicines) because I perceive it as a loss and understand the magnitude of it. But if I didn't see it as a loss, if I didn't compare myself to other people and find myself lacking, then maybe I could finally be truly happy.

Garrison Keilor put it well: "Intelligence is like four-wheel drive. It enables you to get stuck in more remote locations."

Is it sad that I am happier in my imagination than reality?

I live in imagination, I have switched to part time work from full time just for the sake of imagination, to sit alone and relax, listen deep & chilling music and feel the dark light of my room.

The problem is not this or that the problem is mind that thinks too much, it will never allow you to sit relax, discard stupid thoughts that say you need to work and be responsible because this is only taught and is not true, they want us to work for society. I am an introverted person and I stay with myself in beautiful imagination, going close to nature, understanding and getting amazed on universe etc. is my life.

I need no achievement and no fame. I need relaxation, rest, imagination and a life full of leisure. Neither I harm others not others harm me.

How do I know if I'm truly a creative person?

Even though I’ve never met you and know nothing about you, here’s the good news - you are creative. How do I know this? Here’s three examples:If you can tell colors apart and then use that knowledge to pick out clothes which complement each other, congratulations! You have basic design creativity.If you can watch a movie and relay the story to other people (with and without spoilers), congratulations! You have basic storytelling creativity.If you can play any sport, at any level of proficiency, congratulations! You have basic spatial creativity.If you can find a GIF that’s appropriate and funny to respond in a conversation online, congratulations! You have basic advertising creativity.Note that I prefaced each type of creativity with the word “basic”. That’s because we never really forget how to be creative at a functional level. The only difference between you and someone who you consider very creative is that he/she/they chose to practice getting better at one or more of their functional creative skills.I’ve saved the best news for last- SO CAN YOU! You just have to start. Begin with 5 minutes a day. When you can comfortably dedicate 5 minutes, try to increase it to 10.Pretty soon, you’ll be answering this same question for someone else. I promise :)

Help me with my fortune cookie? A truly creative person rids him or herself of all self-imposed limitations.?

here is how i release blocks

you need to be in a quiet room and relaxed write down everything that you think is blocking you from enjoyin your life right now

sit quietly looking at your list take in a deep breath and hold in the intention of gathering all of this feeling into one place hold that breath for ten seconds or so and push it out hard while thinking of it releasing out of you

do that to forgive and release all blocks

Are creative people more emotional?

It's not that creative people are more emotional. Some people do get creative in their emotional state. I, myself is an emotional person, and I love to draw. So whenever something sad or depressing happens to me, I start getting ideas on what to draw. But that doesn't mean I'm creative because I'm emotional. Even if I'm not in my emotional state, I'm naturally an overthinker. I think about what my friends abroad might be doing while I’m sleeping, I think about what the person standing beside me at the bus stop is thinking, I think about people’s behavior, I think about the starving children, I think about the dying people, I think about expanding universe. My point is, even if I'm not getting emotional, I still get ideas to draw in my sketchbook, and project my opinions and ideas on it through my art. Which means, I don't always have to be emotional to get creative, and I think it goes the same for others as well.:’)

Is it normal for a 13 yr old to have imaginary friends ??

Sometimes if one isnt happy with his/her day to day life or is bored , one tends to create a more exciting,fulfilling imaginary world.
This may be just your way to stimulate your mind.
As long as it doesnt affect your real world, its ok.
If it starts hampering ur daily life(ie u start ignoring real life),then it becomes a problem & u need to find ur answers in your real life instead of an imaginary world.

(1) If your imaginary friend is your best friend, then perhaps it signals your desire to have a real friend who u can relate more to.
(2) If you place yourself in exciting scenarios while thinking, it probably signals your desire to make your real life more exciting.