How Can I Make Myself Happy In My School

How do I make myself feel happy at school?

The more thankful you are for what you have got, the happier you will be. Perhaps you know that there are 150 million child laborers in the world. Childlabour - WikipediaYou are lucky to be in a school. Perhaps your contribution was to be born in a family that could afford it.Perhaps you hate something or somebody in the school. You need to think about it and analyze it and question your own beliefs.You don't need to try to change yourself to fit in. You might be feeling bad because you find yourself to be a misfit. You will certainly find people who are like you, thinker and intellectual.You certainly have an overanalytical mind. That's why you know that you are unhappy and you want to do something about it. Most people even don't realise when they are unhappy, let alone do something about it. You need to learn to give rest to your mind through meditation.Remember that the only person whose opinion matter about you is you. The rest will only have a perception. If you will not love yourself, how do you expect someone else to do that.Above all, know that God loves you the way you are. He made you the way you are and He is proud of it. Keep reflecting.

How to be happy at school?

I know how you feel. school is depressing for me too. Its hard but u just have to keep thinking "it will be over soon enough". Plus, there are a lot of very famous people frm today who HATED school.

I dont think saying 'find a way to be happy' will help, at least it hasnt for me. (my family says that kind of stuff all the time). just remember there are people out there just like you :/

How can one be happy in high school?

Try your best to avoid peer pressure.I won’t ask you to avoid it completely because I know that’s impossible. As teenagers, we all are impacted by peer pressure even slightly. But try hard to avoid it. Just because the popular kids play sports, you don’t need to play football to become popular. I mean I’m not discouraging you from playing sports but you understand my point, right? You should do what you love to do. Don’t do things which you think will boost your social status. Also, figure out what’s special about you. There has to be something. This is something that can take you a lifetime, so don’t rush but figure out what activities you like doing and engage in them.Surround yourself with positive people because I assume you want to be happy yourself. The power of optimism is always greater than that of popularity.Do well in your classes and only enroll in classes that you are genuinely interested in. That being said, of course there are graduation requirements but if you are allowed to pick AP classes, don’t take a bunch because it will look good. Of course, if you want to take many AP courses for challenging yourself, by all means, go for it! But again, just because that one student takes AP Chemistry and AP Biology in the same year so he/she can be valedictorian, you don’t need to follow the same footsteps.Be nice to people in general but don’t let people take advantage of you.Also make your high school years count by doing something useful and substantial, whether that’s through community service or anything else.Good luck!

How can I motivate myself to go to school?

A lot of the times I'm not motivated to get up for school in the morning, but I'm not depressed. I'm happy enough at my home, and it's not like I'm unhappy at school. I just can't push myself to go. When I'm at school for a while and take 1 day off, I just realise how it's nice to have a day off, so I decide to have another, and then another and another to the point I end up panicking. Even though I'm panicking I'm still taking days off, and it's been 4 weeks and 3 days now.

How can I motivate myself to get back into it? I'm starting to worry that people will hate me for being off for so long now.

Did you try to change yourself for high school?

It's common that every summer people dream and try to change themselves so they'll be the people they once envied. They imagine themselves with a great body, better grades, or more friends. I'm going to be a freshman in high school when school starts back up, and I'm not going to know anybody, not even those I went to middle school with. That's a great chance for me to make myself a totally improved person, right? Wrong. I've been here before. I'll imagine something great for myself and then just end up disappointing myself.

I wanna know about how you've tried to change yourself, whether it was for high school or not. Did you succeed? Was the change for better, or did it make you lose touch with your real self?

What do you think about people doing these types of things?

I'm not happy with where I am at in school. How can I get ahead?

Well it all depends on where you want to be. Make sure to find a study habit that works well, but don’t over do your classes by choosing things you can’t possibly keep up with. It’s better to be in the normal class with an A than an honors class with a B. Next thing you should do is focus in. Don’t do anything until your homework is done. This is a big help to avoid distractions. Make up a system to get it done. For example: I have eight classes a day. Five of them consistently have homework every night. So each class’ homework I finish I reward myself with something I enjoy.I’d suggest you avoid any electronics. The majority of people have the tendency to get off track. Try a chapter of a book or food and a nice drink. Cold water is wise to use. It keeps your brain sharp and awake so it can retain information more efficiently.Another tip; do not stay up late to do anything! The average teenager needs 9–10 hours of sleep. It is better for you to go asleep then wake up early than pull an all nighter. Last piece of advice. Do not let yourself get distracted in class time! That is your blocked out time guaranteed for you to ask questions, take notes, and study. Take down anything you deem important and if you have a question ask it. This is the one thing many students fail to do. So if you can’t ask in class, write your questions down and ask after class.

I just finished all my school exams and my friends are happy. Why do I feel empty?

School life is one beautiful phase we get to enjoy. It is a blessing. It feels empty when you leave your school life behind and it is perfectly normal. There are two ways people take change-They either embrace it with excitement or they resist it. In both the ways, life is teaching you to learn about beauty of time and how it flows…I am sure you miss your friends and you so badly want to go back. This nostalgia shall stay with you. but you will learn to embrace it. You will be fine. Do not compare yourself with your friends. Everyone is different. You are different, embrace it. Enjoy the bitter pain in some corner of your heart, it shall get sweeter with time.