How Can I Make Myself Stink So This Boy Will Leave Me Alone

Guy at school won't leave me alone?

Before I get started, I'd like to say that I don't consider myself above the person I'm talking about. I just cannot stand him, and he won't leave me alone. But if I am being a jackass, please tell me.

So a a few years ago, I started going to a new school. I'm fairly happy there and I mix well with the others, except for one. Every time he says something, I want to punch him, because he finds ways to make everything he says annoying. From obnoxious "Would-You-Rather's" to cringe worthy jokes, I just cannot stand him. The worst part is that he seems to think that I like him back, which may be because of a ton of fake smiles and laughs. Is there a way for me to get him to leave me alone without being a tool? He's a nice guy, but I don't know if I can handle it if every time I'm talking to someone, he's gonna jump in and scream something stupid.

He won't leave me alone. It's annoying.?

I'm a very polite and friendly girl. But there's this guy I'm trying to avoid. Everyday he'll call me to tell/ask me unimportant things like, "what do you think of a blog?" or "So what are you doing now" or "I think I'm fat. You?" and things like that. Sometimes he'll even just send a message saying "Hi, dear." and expects me to say something back other than 'hi'. I was okay with it, but after some time, it gets annoying. I really wish to tell him that but I'm afriad I might offend him.

I've been giving excuses like handphone battery's running low or my brother's playing with my phone. I'll tell him I'm busy (that's true) but he'll just say that is' okay and he'll talk to me later. If I don't reply his messages he'll just send more. In other words, he won't leave me alone.

It has been like this for 14 days. His friends told me he likes me, and that info just made things worse.

He calls me 'dear' which kinda scares me. I can't tell him that because I use that word myself but not to call him.

Please, I'm desperate. What should I do?

How do I get this Leo guy to leave me alone?

Don't worry about it.
I'm in the same kinda situation myself.
It's never easy to be around an obnoxious
Leo guy.

Both GrrrrHaahaaa & Kayleigh are right.
Ignoring an obnoxious Leo guy is good to do.
But, if this guy keeps on trying to get your attention
in a negative way (as you said; even though he knows
that you hate him.), then, as Kaleigh just said,
just embarrass him in public.

Leo guys HATE that. Some try to act like they don't.
But, the truth of the matter is that it drives 'em absolutely INSANE !!!

They can't even think of being made a fool of,
especially by the object of their admiration ("love"),
to put it nicely (or obsession, to put it in a more extreme way).

They love being adored.

They can't stand rejection of any kind.
It's a huge blow to their ego. Once their ego is hurt, forget it.

Also, when you do this, always make sure that
you're always one step ahead of him. Do it very vocally.

Do it in such a way that you know he's not
gonna be able to recover. I know, sounds very mean.

But, that's the way to deal with this type of guy.
Make sure everyone knows the kind of creep that he is.
Tell him he stinks ! (literally !)

If I die alone at home, how many hours or days will pass until my pet dog, cat or bird eats me?

This is a cringeworthy answer, along with something I’m mortified to share, but I believe it’s very on point to your question, so here goes.I’m home full time as I was disabled due to an accident I suffered a couple years ago. To make myself useful, I started rescuing and rehabilitating dogs. Let’s be clear, dogs are animals. One more time, dogs are animals.I am female, and other than scars and aches, I’m otherwise healthy, and I menstruate. However, when I do, I dispose of all used feminine products by wrapping the offending product in tissue, putting it in a doggie Poo bag, tying it closed in a knot, and putting it in a trash can with a lid. It helps keep things much cleaner that way.One day, my sweet little runt, Pip came running out of my bathroom full speed, jumping on the furniture, and doing full speed laps around my living room.I caught him, he growled at me, and sped away. I noticed he had something in his mouth. I went to catch him, and my sweet 7lb dog showed teeth, growled, and the fur on the back of his neck stood straight up. ““You nasty little bastard! What do you have?” He tried to run again, and I said “Hey!” In my command voice. “Stop! Drop it NOW.” He stopped and rolled onto his back, mouth clamped around his treasure. I pried his little mouth open, and what did I find? My used tampon! I was mortified. He tried to jump and take it away from me, still wanting it so badly.To him, it was blood, his animal instinct took over, like any dog who found a delicious bone to chew on. He would not give it up willingly, and as an animal how is he supposed to know where the boundaries of decency are? Based on that, I do believe if someone died, the animal very well may see the deceased as a huge delicious slab of meat to feast on, regardless of who the person is. Unless Mother Nature instilled in dogs the instinct to not eat their leaders, I do believe that dogs will eat the carcass of their handlers. My dog seeking out and feasting on my dirty tampon confirms my suspicion.Behold… the little thief…

My 9 year old nephew stinks!?

my almost 9 year old ALWAYS has this problem, and i have just had to ask him when he is done if he wiped good, or if he walks past me and i smell him i tell him to go use a wipe (i do use baby wipes cause i have tons) he has gotten a little better, but not completely, not all kids are perfect, and i think a normal little boy can have a hard time getting everything, they just need to be taught, my husband actually showed him how to wipe and all that, but we had to stay on him, honestly i think it's just laziness.... and possibly not knowing how to wipe good enough.... I just flat out tell him, you stink. You need to go wipe again, and if you can't do it right i will go in there and do it for you. He doesn't like that much (neither would I but if i must...) I've never had to wipe it for him, he usually fixes it after being reminded...

I have no friends. Everyone hates me. How do I know if I stink?

Look hun, you prolly don't stink. if you would stink people would be mean enough to tell you. I knew this girl who always smelled really bad everybody was mean enough to tell her. Maybe it's the way you act or dress. Maybe show that you are a really nice guy. I don't know maybe write an essay to a certain subject for school. Try to be fun, but is has to be right too. Just talk to people about some interesting things... I really hope it works out for you.