How Can I Manage The Stress In My Life

How do you manage with stress?

1. Recognize the stressor or stressors.
Write down at least three things that are creating stress for you. (e.g. school, body image, ect)

2.Manage or respond to the stressor(s) in a healthful way.
List which stress management techniques will work best for each stressor and explain why.

3. Ask for help if needed.
Decide if you need help. Write down what kind of help you need and who could help you. If you do not need help now, write down who could help you if you did need help at some point in the future.

I just kinda "made up" these questions, because i was curious as to what might cause stress for people, and how they deal with it.
Note: You do not have to answer every single question, but it would be good if you did. :)

How do I manage stress in college life?

You dont have to think about managing the stress, think better of how you can study without generating stress situations. That being said, you must make a plan, write down everything you need to do in the week, month or your study period, then organize what is most important, focus on having goals. For example if you know you arent the best at math, then you know you must focus each day a bit more on math than others subjects. When you plan, write too what you need, a book from the library or a special paper from the store, this way, when you are out, you can buy it or book it and save time later in the week. There were many times that I went to the library and forgot another book I needed but not when I plan for it. I hate to say this, but social media must only work after you have reach your study plans. Dont waste your time by sharing a picture on instagram because that time could mean time worth in a test. Use social media if it is going to help you, a call to a tutor, a video on youtube that explain what you are studying, but for the rest, do it after you are done. Homework is done better with time, dont wait a day before to do it. This is why planning is important, you will know in advance what homework needs to be done and when you are going to do it. A day before, you will be happy because you already did your homework. Eat and sleep well. If you dont get to know the answer of something even when you read all over again, that is when is time to rest. Sleep. In the meantime, your brain will take a shower, clean itself and search for the answer you needed. When you wake up, and read again magically will have the solution. Take some vitamins. If you take well care of your body, your body will take care of you; this way you’ll have the energy and a very good focus to study and achieve any goal. And last but not least, dont hang around negative or lazy students. Be surrounded by students with a good energy and who wants to become someone in life. People who are negative see a problem in every solution, that is really stressful but positive people, see a solution to every problem. That’s what everyone needs. Good options to go further no only in the studies but in life. My best wishes for you!

How do you manage stress in your life? Provide reasons to support your answers.

INDIA IS THE TRESURE OF KNOWLEDGEWe do not need to look too far just read what our ancestors has said . We are the oldest civilisation of this world so our people has great experience of life jst read what our relegious books has said ‘ one acts as pre ordinated ‘ we have lived this same life no. Of time this earth has made and distroyed many times so i always think no one can stop what is going to happen . We humans have very few things in our hand like our digestive system we have control only on the mouth that wht we will eat but no control on what will happen with that meal in our bodySo jst think positive bcoz our viberations decide our future our thinking decide this, sci call this ‘law of attraction’ so i jst try to do good things as much as posible bcoz i know that will come back to me one day and always start work with praying to god bcoz its the experience of this oldest civilisation that god himself do our work if we asks for his helpAvoid doing anything bad there will be no need of stress if we have knowledge and we are positive

How do I manage my health in a stressful work life?

Hello there, here are some affirmations for you. Do let us know how it worked out for you!!!I am healthyMy mind is positive and healthyMy body is strong and healthyI always eat healthy foodI exercise and take care of my bodyI am dedicated to improving my healthI am resilient against illnessI recover quickly from being sickMy immune system is strongI always make healthy choicesAre you struggling with any area of your life including finance, relationship, health, mindset or spirituality then come over to Discover Your Self, Free Session and we promise to help you figure out your next step towards your dream life.

How do I manage stress in engineering life?

I believe it is actually the opposite of what you are asking that I have to offer you,Infinite assignments, every day is a deadline, so many submissions, exams and what not. Engineering is full of stress. I have had my hands down experience in it. Whoever you are, one thing is always true, you always feel you are lagging behind others.Stress and engineering go hand in hand. If it ain't stressful (specially in the midway), you ain't doing it right.I'll tell you what actually happens. Let's say You are very worried about an exam. You are sure you would fail. That's stress right there. Now it happens and you somehow just pass. Now you are fine. After this you have to prepare 5 files and submit them within next 3 days. Very stressful. But you manage. You pull an all nighter and do it somehow. You then have a surprise test and the teacher announces that this test will carry 20% of your total subject marks! Stressssssss flowing in your veins now instead of blood. But then it passes.Just with time you realize, whatever it is, you will somehow manage :) and it will pass this way or that way. And you will be fine. This is like learning swimming by jumping into the middle of the river with a heavy flow.Engineering teaches you that things you are stressed about so much have little of consequence in reality.So you are asking how to handle stress in engineering.And here my friend, I just told you. Stress management is the only thing engineering will teach you ;) you won't remember what you were taught. But you will always remember, how to stay calm when people around you try to create an emergency situation. That's what engineering does to you. It makes a man out of a child. XD

How do I better manage my stress,work and school?

Less just start by keeping this fairly brief. I am a college student enrolled with four classes,twenty years old. And I'm working about thirty hours a week, sad part is 22-24 hours a week is from fri-sat. So I'm trying to manage school work,stress from work, studying, working out and trying to keep a social life. Yet, I feel like my life is dedicated just to work and school that's it. A lot of people say well at least you're making money, but at what extent does the money become almost worthless? Sure I make a decent amount but I'm stressing because I don't get to hang out with people much losing friends because of it and only got a good handful of friends. And I'm lucky if I actually get a chance to get out twice a week. My weekend hours usually go late never home before 10, and then i worry about studying. I can't relate to any of my family memebers because they never had to do this. And my oldest brother that graduated got really nice hours at work and was done by 2 with plenty of time to do everything.

What is the best way to manage this all together I'm getting stressed and I can't control it.

Thank you for your time reading this and hopefully commenting with some help.


Should I smoke weed to manage stress?

nope.. drugs are never the answer to anything.. why dont u go to a doctor and tell him this.. he might prescribe u some anti-anxiety pills.. which could be yr prob.. also, exercise and eat lots of fruits.. they help alot..... and maybe try some relaxation exercises too.. try light yoga.. or just closing yr eyes and listning to all the diff sounds in the room,,.. try focussing..
the only way to eliminate stress is to deal with it.. so, if u get yr studying done on time.., all yr assignments in before the due date.., u wont feel stressed anymore...
relaxxx.......... exams will soon be over,.. just do the work... gd luck..!!