How Can I Meet Some Friends My Age

How can i meet friends my age 14 - 16?

YMCA, YWCA, Boys clubs, activities at the local rec center. Stuff like that.

Where can i meet friends my age online?

You can meet friends at your age online in..

→Chatango -
→Mezee -

Good luck!

What age did you meet your best friend?

i just lost my friend like 4 months ago in a fight and i have two best friends but i feel like a 3rd wheel with both of them. i don't have the friend that i do everything with. i'm in 7th grade and 8th grade in a month. so what age or grade were you when you met your best friend

Where can I meet people and make real friends my age (24) in London?

There's a couple of ways to do it and it usually depends on how comfortable you are with going out and meeting people.1- Meetup . Use it to find groups near you that are meeting to talk about something that interests you and just show up there. For the most part, you can get into conversations pretty easily. I've used it to meet people interested in things ranging from software development to piano playing. However, you will have to make some effort to talk to people or insert yourself into groups which isn't super easy.2- iPhone/Android/web apps. There's a few of them and they all have their merits. The main problem is that they often end up turning into dating sites. The one I've been pretty happy with is called Patook  though it's still in its infancy.3- If you're an expat who just moved, Internations holds events pretty often. I've been to a few but for the most part "being from the same country" isn't enough for me.Good luck!

How do I find new friends at the age of 25?

“Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends.”Shirley MaclaineWhen you are around people and you are out of practice, expect to be anxious. Don't try to talk yourself out of it, you won't be able to. Instead take a deep breath and start walking.Ask if there are acquaintances or friends of friends that you can easily connect to.Go to places where you can meet like minded people. Hint - Gaming halls, meet-ups, clubs, churches and conferences.Volunteer locally and meet good eggs like you.Hang out around crowded spots and strike up conversations with strangers. Most people are scared and more people are open to friendship than you might think.Be approachable by smiling more and being respective.Be a good listener and be optimistic. Those two traits will attract friends to you like flies.Be a good human being, because you might have bad habits that chases people away. You should get rid of narcissistic, sadistic and unsanitary habits.…P.S - I made an email course on building effective social skills. If you're interested. Check it out here.

When did you meet your best friend?

I met my best friend when i was 15 years old. I started talking to this girl on Youtube, completely by accident. For the first week of talking to her, i didn't even know her name! For nine months we chatted on youtube, getting closer and closer to the point where i already regarded her as my best friend, even though we had never met in person. After those nine months, we finally decided to talk on msn on video chat. Actually SEEING her and TALKING to her naturally was the best feeling in the world. You would think it would be awkward, talking to someone who you've only been typing to online for nine months, but it wasn't awkward at all! The very first time we chatted for 6 hours because it was just so amazing to talk and see each other :) Five months later, i sent her our first ever text message and we called each other on the phone for the first time. A month later, in August 2010, we met each other in real life for the first time. Seeing her when she arrived at the airport (i forgot to mention, we live in different countries) was the most amazing experience of my life to date. She came around the corner, saw me, stared at me, this massive smile came on her face and then she ran straight at me and hugged me so hard i felt like i couldn't breathe! If i'm ever sad, i just need to remember that feeling. Now i'm 18. We've met five times in real life in the year and a half that we've actually started meeting up. We text nearly every day and call as often as we can. She is my best friend and she is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm so blessed to have her in my life - she's always there for me when i need her, despite the distance between us.

And don't worry if you haven't met your best friend by the age of 20 and third year of college. Everyone is different. Some people are lucky enough to meet their best friends at the beginning of their lives. Others have to wait a while before they find that person who will be by their side no matter what. I don't have many friends at school and i'm not popular and it was hard for me before i met my best friend. Just because you haven't met your best friend by a certain age doesn't mean that you never will. One day you will. And you'll wonder how you ever managed without that person :)

Where can I meet teens my age...?

Because I'm home schooled, so I can meet teens my age through school. And I'm almost 14 years old, and I only have like four friends, and three of them live far away from me. What should I do? I really want some friends. =(

Where can i meet gay teens my age?

i'm not out, and i only want friends. everyone needs someone they can open up to and truly be themselves. i can't really do that with my straight friends because they won't understand.

and i don't trust internet chat rooms, nor websites directed towards teens, there are plenty of pedophiles out there and i don't want to be a victim.