How Can I Naturally Change This Look

How to change hair color naturally?

Wash and dry your hair. Apply lemon juice to it w/a comb and go sit in the sun. This will work to very slightly enhance the highlights in your natural color. There are temporary rinses that will wash out w/each shampoo, and colors that will stay for approximately 28 shampoos. Stay away from over processing your hair, but I guess you've figured that out by now or you wouldn't have these issues. Deep conditioning hair is a must if you've over processed it to the point that you want to shave it off and start over. Try a henna treatment. Contrary to popular belief, all henna is not red. There are different kinds of henna, and there is one that is specifically made to replace, repair and add lots of shine to your hair without any color. Look in a beauty supply store. What ever you do, DO NOT use hydrogen peroxide and sit in the sun. It will turn your hair SCREAMING RED!!!

Can my brown eyes change color-naturally?

Yes they can my eyes where blue in elementary and Im now in 10th grade and they're green. They also change colors with my mood.

Is it possible to change eye colour naturally?

Depends on how you define natural. If shining a little stronger light into your eyes falls under that definition, then it is possible, but only in direction from darker (brown, green...) to basic blue.Why? Because we all have blue eyes. In case they are darker, they are still blue eyes, just covered with thin layer of pigment.One commercial company is starting to offer this procedure. This is so called "Strōma procedure" that disrupts this layer of pigment, causing the body to initiate a natural and gradual tissue-removal process.  Once the tissue is removed, the patient’s natural blue eye is revealed. The full color change process should take 2-4 weeks following the procedure.The procedure is still not available to wide public, but they are in a phase of clinical testing.If you have brown eyes, you are better protected from the UV rays, so think about these risks before considering the procedure. I would only suggest it to treat something that really improves quality of your life, such as not being constantly stared at like in case of heterochromia, where the color of one eye differs from the color of the other eye. If find it special and beautiful, but I imagine people who have it might not agree. Luckily, we have science and hence options.Source: Stroma Medical Eye Color ChangeProcedure costs around 5000 USD.Source: WTSP video

Is it possible to change eye colour naturally with detoxing?

It's impossible to change the "color" of your eyes iris. If you read the post, after detoxification her uncle stated that they would return to the "natural" color.

You can however alter the shade with makeup, clothing, and contacts.

Detox will make the sclera brighter, which in turn may bring out the color. (Sclera is the white part of the eyeball)