How Can I Plot This In Matlab

How do i plot a 3d pyramid in MATLAB?

what about this?

x = [0 0 0 0; 1 1 -1 1; 1 -1 -1 -1];
y = [0 0 0 0; 5 5 5 5; 5 5 5 5];
z = [0 0 0 0; 1 1 -1 -1; -1 1 1 -1];

fill3(x,y,z, rand(3,4))
view(100, 30)

you can change the view, with ' view '

How to plot e^(jwt) in matlab?

Here is the program in matlab:

t=0:0.001:10; %specify a time interval as per your requirement
f=50; % given frequency=50
w=2*pi*f; %Formula
x=exp(j*w*t); % given expression
plot(x); %command to plot the expression e^(jwt)

Copy and paste the above program in matlab and run(press F5)

Vary the time t in the above program and observe the plot.

How to plot 3D in MatLab?

To have a 3D plot in Matlab, you first have to define your range in x and y, and then use the instruction 'meshgrid' before you define your function z(x, y).

Keep that in mind.

I suggest to look at the examples in the site below.

How do you plot a cylinder in MATLAB?

Short answer: use MATLAB’s built-in cylinder function:[X,Y,Z] = cylinder;
of course you don’t have much control of what the cylinder looks like.My answer:r = 1; % radius of cylinder
h = 2; % height of cylinder
circumference_pnts = 100; % number of points in the circumference
theta = linspace(0, 2*pi, circumference_pnts); % angle to compute 'x' and 'y'
x = repmat(r*cos(theta),2,1); % compute coordinates and put in appropriate form
y = repmat(r*sin(theta),2,1); % compute coordinates and put in appropriate form
z = [zeros(1,circumference_pnts);h*ones(1,circumference_pnts)]; % array of 'z' values: first row is basis of cylinder and second row is top of cylinder
You may need to modify the above code for your needs if you want the cylinder to point in a given direction or not only go from 0 to ‘height’.Hope I helped.

Plotting points in Matlab?

You can do this in different ways but here's one simple way:

Make a vector with your "x" values and "y" values..
x=[1 2 3 4...];
y=[2 3 8 12...];

Then plot with
plot(x, y);
This will create a line graph connecting the points
This option for example will just plot the points as *'s


For regression, lookup "polyfit" with the built-in help command.
For a line regression, lookup "lsline".
To get the correlation coefficient, use "corrcoef."

Let me know if you need more help. Good luck.

How do you use MATLAB to plot a half circle?

This is the question on my Computer Science homework:

Plot a red half-circle (upper portion) with a radius of 3. For the theta, use 100 evenly spaced values from 0 to pi (inclusive).

I just don't really know what the question means. I understand that 100 evenly spaced values from 0 to pi would be linspace(0, pi), but I don't know what that means for my circle. I also know how to make the line red once I am using the plot() function. Help!

How to find minimum in 3d plot in matlab?

Use your data.
If you plotted your data using command
then use
min_z = min(Z(:));
[pos_y pos_x] = find(Z == min_z);
y = Y(pos_y);
x = X(pos_x);

How do I plot equations in matlab?

Plot equations in matlabAs an alternative to plotting expressions symbolically, you can substitute symbolic variables with numeric values by using subs. Then, you can use these numeric values with plotting functions in MATLAB.In the following expressions u and v, substitute the symbolic variables x and y with the numeric values defined by meshgrid.syms x y
u = sin(x^2 + y^2);
v = cos(x*y);
[X, Y] = meshgrid(-1:.1:1,-1:.1:1);
U = subs(u, [x y], {X,Y});
V = subs(v, [x y], {X,Y});
Now, you can plot U and V by using standard MATLAB plotting functions.To learn more polting go to this Link

How do I plot an animated graph in Matlab?

If you are rendering plots within a loop, then the pause and drawnow commands may be of value. You can check the help-files for more details.  The following is simplistic example code for a 1D example:x=linspace(0,2*pi,4000);for omega=1:0.1:2    y=sin(omega*x);    plot(x,y)    drawnow    pause(0.1)endHope this helps ...

How can I get maximum value from any plot(x,y) in matlab?

For an x,y plot,ymax=max(y); xmax=x(find(y==ymax));(Yes it works)source: Finding points along a plot in Matlab