How Can I Prevent My Debit Card From Being Swiped Instead Of Using The Pin Number.

What is a PIN number for a credit card?

PERSONAL IDENTIFIACTION NUMBER (PIN) is a unique number allotted to the credit card holder by the bank. Through this number the card holder can do transactiions at POS or ME. It can also be used to withdraw cash through the ATM machine. Banks do advice all their card holders not to divulge or disclose this PIN any other person or writing down on a wall in the house or noting in diary. It should be kept as a closely guarded secret. DR. M.J. SUBRAMANYAM

Can I enter my card number on the keypad at the store instead of swiping?

No, you cannot.The act of swiping is one little security feature. It confirms that you at least have the card in your hand.Now, sadly, if you are in the USA, it takes very little to produce a fake, working card and it is very easy to use.Why?Because the American Visa and Mastercard franchise owners accept certain losses.The rest of the world’s banks do not. They require chip cards and pin numbers, or even better, swipe cards and pin numbers.I can go on…Americans just keep on paying for lossess to criminals, abetted by the banking system.

How can someone use my debit card without a pin number?

Absolutely! I think being asked debit or credit is just a dumb question to begin with. A debit card can be run as debit or credit, and a credit card must be credit. So why not default everyone to credit? This saves time and most restaurants have already figured this out. The only way I’m using debit is if I need cash back. But with payment apps like Venmo and Apple Pay Cash, it’s becoming easier and easier to get by without cash and thus the need for debit transactions.And as far as merchant fees…it doesn’t matter if you process a debit card as debit (also known as PIN-enabled) or credit (also known as signature debit). This is due to the Dodd-Frank act. Before this act was passed, credit processing was usually more expensive (but it depended largely on the card processing merchant agreement and the size of the transaction). However, there are some exempted banks, but these are very small banks.Oh a little trick…if you’re aren’t prompted to choose debit or credit and you use a debit card. Many retail merchants POS systems will be able to sense you’re using a debit card and will prompt you for a PIN. In the vast majority of these businesses, all you have to do is hit the GREEN “enter” button. No PIN necessary!!

How did someone get my Debit Card number and use it in a Walmart without the card?

Unfortunately there are several ways people can get your information and use it. There was a problem not too terribly long ago where people were getting card numbers from gas pumps. Some ATM machines discovered that people figured out how to strip numbers and use numbers from their machines. A guy was arrested a few months ago for installing a machine that read card numbers right in a grocery store (he was a cashier).

To use it online of course is the easiest way. I can order something from the best buy store right down the road from my house online, so it would appear that I used it at the store. But, there are also dishonest and thieving employees who will just enter the numbers manually without needing to swipe them.

You did the right thing though. Keep an eye on your account and if you see charges you did not make notify your bank immediately. Make sure when you leave a machine that it is displaying the welcome message for the next person (as in, it's not still in your account for the next person to use). I like to hit clear after making purchases, especially at gas pumps and atm machines, to verify that my account is no longer on the screen.

If customers enter the wrong pin number, will bank block the debit card?

You have the option to use your PIN number continuously for three attempts during one occasionFirst attempt wrong pin numberSecond attempt wrong pin numberThird attempt wrong pin number - Now your card gets blocked as per the system. You cannot use the card for another twentyfour hoursAfter twentyfour hours, again you can make attemptsIn case you are the true owner of your debit card, once you realise that you are not able to key in the PIN numbers for two attempts, do not attempt for the third time unless you are certain that you are using correct PIN numberIn this case, you allow another one or two persons to the use the machineThen you can try your case.Alternatively, you leave the machine and approach another machineDo not make three consecutive failure attempts with the same machine e

Is it ok for a cashier to write down front debit card number on receipt?

It's hard to understand what you mean by 'front number'. Are you saying that she wrote down your entire debit card number and expiration date from your card?

Is this is in the USA (I'm not sure what country you are in) ??

If it IS in the USA (or in fact ANY country), well, yes, I would be a little worried. There's no need for a clerk to write down your full debit card number once the transaction has been 'swiped' and approved.
About all I can suggest is that you keep a VERY SHARP EYE on transactions being put through on your debit card account. At the slightest double charge or unauthorized charge, call your bank and report fraud and close down that debit card number and have a new card with a different number issued to you.

Is it Ok for a cashier to write down front debit card number on receipt?

Today i was at the mall, Body Central/ Clothing department store, and i checked out with a debit card.
She swiped it on her computer and i entered my pin on a separate pad, she then wrote my front card number on top of the receipt? (her copy)

Why is that, should i be worried? Why does she need the front number of the card?
I've never seen any other stores do this, even though their checkouts look very "old".