How Can I Protect Me From Emf Pollution When Use Cell Phone

How do I protect myself from feeling sick whenever I'm around WiFi?

At reasonable power levels, humans seem to lack any mechanism for directly detecting RF energy. However, that doesn’t mean the symptoms aren’t real, it just means they are caused by something else.The first step is to verify the true cause of the problems. I’ve read the other six answers.In Frank Young’s case it turned out his problem was correlated with another piece of networking hardware. Since that hardware was on when the network was active, his headache was also correlated with the WiFi status. There are many ways that an electronic device can cause headaches, that are not related to RF. I know that I personally react badly to some barely audible noises, such as a high pitched squeal from a switching power supply, but only for certain pitches, and only after hearing it for a long time.George Peel had a problem with some computer displays.The other 4 answers so far dismissed the problem before trying to disentangle the symptoms from the cause.I’ve done that in the real world, away from Quora. I have a friend who told me he has a problem with cell phone radiation, it wasn’t until late in the conversation, that I learned that the problem situations also involved crowds of strangers. If his problem was due to the people themselves, and not the cell phones that they carried, then he would have had the same symptoms, under the same conditions, but with a cause that people can take seriously.Except, I had already damaged the friendship because I hadn’t taken his condition seriously from the start.

How can you get protection from the EMF?

For EMF radiation from mobile devices, consider using radiation blocking products. Check out products from DefenderShield, they have cell phone radiation protection cases. They also have protective cases for laptops, tablets and iPad. You are not only protecting your mobile devices, you are also protecting yourself.

Cell Phone Radiation: If I switch off my phone, does the radiation stop?

No. But the signals will be weaker.First, cell phone radiation is in the form of radio waves. There are many other topics on quora where you can find out that there is no reason to be afraid of radio waves.Then: the radio waves used for cell phone communication come from 2 sides: the phone sends to the tower and the tower sends to the phone, and any other phone in the surroundings. The radio waves will be there always as long as there are other phones or cell phone towers in the surroundings.If you have your phone switched on in your hand or pocket, those will be the strongest signals because they are generated closest to you, so if you switch it off you will reduce the intensity of the radio waves in your environment. But the benefit of carrying these units is also quite limited if everybody would switch them off. And repeating my first statement: there is no reason to do so if you're looking for health benefits.

What device should be used to measure radiation from a cell tower?

What exactly is it that you want to measure? Power level? Frequency? Modulation patterns? Bit rate? There’s many parameters that could be “measured” at a cell tower, so it’d be helpful to know what your endgame is.Is there a certain level of radiation you’re hoping to not be exposed to? When you make a measurement, you’re obtaining a numerical value of some physical quantity. For that number to mean anything, you have to compare it to some threshold value? What’s your “radiation threshold” number?

Do EMF protective fabrics really work? Do they protect against inflight radiation or do they make them worse?

1.Not all EMF protective fabrics are created equal.....shielding performance (typically measured in dB) varies enormously....generally you need a fabric that offers at least 20dB of protection for the frequency you want to shield from. 2. "Inflight radiation" can be taken to mean many different can be cosmic radiation (which comes from the Sun) or radiation from the planes electronics (may include WiFi) if its the latter then you can in theory protect yourself from this by covering your body from head to toe in shielding fabric BUT shielding in this way is only ever a last resort measure. See also Flying And Electromagnetic Radiation

My mother is worried that the radiation from my computer (which I use for extended periods of time) may be harmful. How much radiation does one produce? Is she correct?

The radiation that is output from a computer is very small in "dosage", if you will. But it is not docile. A laptop will output a constant flow of Electomagnetic Frequency, Radio Frequency, and other low frequencies. The length that these waves can travel is less then 18in before it is di luted but can still be harmful. The average laptop produces 40-50 mG (milliguass, a unit of radiation exposure.)  at the source. This is very very harmful. Five mG is borderline, any more is harmful, and 100-150 for 10 hours a day/ for 5 days will show no physical effects, but will start to kill sperm and generate eggs rapidly in females. There is a lot of published research about EMR causing damage to sperm and affecting male fertility. But if you are a woman, you have a greater cause for concern. When you were born, your ovaries already contained their lifetime supply of egg cells. If those cells are damaged, they will never be replaced. Whereas a man may be able to remove himself from EMF sources and produce undamaged sperm again. 20 will start to bruise skin and is very minor. But 100 days WILL kill you. These measurements are based on using a laptop computer on your lap for 10+ hours. A desk top is quite harmless. But this is just some predicted info. Don't let this stop your habits, just put it in the back of your mind. (;

What are the disadvantages of using electricity?

Electricity has made the US a country full of lazy slobs.

No offense here. since I am one of those lazy people. But sit back and think about it for a few moments. Before electricity and the automobile people actaully knew how to work, they knew how to grow their own food.

They knew if they wanted to keep something cool they would need a creek or an ice house.

People used renewable sources of energy. If they wanted water they used a creek, a hand pump or a windmill. If they wanted to cook, they gathered wood and built a fire. If they wanted to go somewhere they walked, rode horse or took the train, and yes steam locomotives were around before electricity but not by much.

Now days, people use microwaves and go to McDonalds and other fast food places. Many people do not even know how to cook. They have become dependant. These people's great grandparents would have slugged them for being so lazy.

If people want to go somewhere, they jump into their cars and go. But without electricity they would have to hand crank their motors instead of just turning a key.

If a person wanted coffee, they built a fire, pumped water into a coffee pot, ground up their coffee by hand. Then perculated the coffee until it was done.

Yes, again I say, electricity has turned many countries into lazy people to lazy to be independant.