How Can I Release My Suppressed Anger And Frustration

What are some good ways to release anger and stress?

Hello there! There are a few ways to channel anger, and/or release it. First, try very hard to understand why your angry to begin with, For example, did someone wrong you in some way? ( Lied, stole something) Did someone abuse you physically, emotionally ( that would fall into the criteria of lied). What is the age and emotional maturity that is being discussed? Anyway, I will hopefully give some ideas, and that they will help. Write things down, keep a journal. Write every feeling or thought that is felt, regardless of how hateful it is, and keep this private, (keeping in mind that the goal here is to deal with anger not use it as a means to harm someone), continue to write the bad, good and ugly. Listen to music, whatever song you like. Music has a tendency to draw out emotion, again keep this private. You can scream, cry or just be. You have every reason to feel what you need to feel. Breathe in through the nose, exhale out the mouth. In the nose equals positive, exhale out the mouth equals release the negativity. What kinds of activities are enjoyed? Running? Boxing? Lifting weights? Artwork? Bowling? Even reading a book maybe? Many people are led to believe that anger is a bad thing, not always. Anger is a good motivational tool, when and ONLY used in a positive way. For example, you received a overdraft in the mail, even though you know that there's no way that's possible. So you get angry, call or visit the bank…they find the mistake, fix it, problem solved. Using anger to harm someone or something is very immature,and anyone who does this, needs to be jailed forever, so keep your behavior in check. Always keep anger in control. Should at any time you need this anger to save your life, or for a honest defense, then give it all you've got. Please do NOT turn to crap, like violence drugs/alcohol, they will cloud your judgement and you will be left defenseless. If at any time you even think that the anger is something that can't be managed, get help ASAP. Best wishes,stay smart and safe.❤️

How do I release a lot of suppressed anger without losing control?

When I lead a critique group assessing an individual’s creative work, I don’t allow the individual being critiqued to talk. People become filled with anxiety in this sort of situation and when they begin speaking often become hostile, angry, and defensive—which does no one any good.To deal with your anger, if you are speaking of a situation such as above, suppress vocalizing. Listen. Take notes. Try to smile. Wait. Try to remember anger serves many good purposes, but seldom any in public. Public anger is a luxury most can’t afford, often kills people, and serves none of the bystanders.Suppressing anger over and over can cause extensive damage to individuals as well. Choose everyone you associate closely with with extreme care, especially teachers. If hostile people engage you, threaten you, or exasperate you with inanities, either get away from them, or focus them out of existence when they are about. If you are in a relationship with such a person. Take an entire weekend starting Friday night, and talk to them continually without stopping until you resolve or plan a resolve or split up (while suppressing any sign of anger).

How do I release a lot of suppressed anger without losing control, and not walking/running?

Anger, like any other emotion, is energy that ends up being stored in the body if we don't find a way to release it (so, good choice of words in the way you framed your question!). I recommend doing something very physical, like Khurram suggested. Here are ideas I've recommended to others that I've heard brought good results:Get a carton of eggs and hurl them one at a time at a tree trunk. Really put some arm behind those throws. The splats are very satisfying.Punch a pillow. Hard.Get several boxes of tissue. Imagine that you are pulling your anger out of you as you rip the tissue from the box by the handfuls.Go somewhere private and scream out all your frustration about the situation. Just let yourself say whatever you REALLY want to say about it. No holds barred.Whatever you choose to do, be sure you don't actually ruin anything of value, hurt anyone, or say anything to anyone that you will regret later. I think that's implied in your question when you say you don't want to lose control, but thought it was worth stating explicitly. Anger is normal and natural and expressing it in a functional way is very liberating. But acting on it is another thing altogether.

Should I suppress my frustrations and angers just so that other people do not get upset?

Depending on context there are times in which suppressing that anger might be a good idea but honestly, for the most part, express yourself.There are many ways to express frustration and anger without shouting or breaking things. You can do it without hurting people's feelings. It's possible.Learn to talk. It's a challenge but taking someone aside to confront your frustrations calmly and preparedly works. Don't always assume that you need to scream at them.Look for an outlet. If you're frustrations and anger come from an external source such as politics or world issues, feminism or famine, then consider voicing your feelings in a place like Quora. It can be a useful outlet for opinions.If your anger and frustration comes from a person, a parent say, or a teacher, or spouse then try your best to approach that rationally and maturely. Think about what it is that frustrates and angers you and spend some time deciding on what would make that better. How could you improve your mood? Write it down. Be as irrational and crazy with the solutions at first and then dial them back steadily until you reach a realistic solution. Voice your feelings calmly and respectfully.As long as you respect the beliefs and feelings of others, you should only expect the same in return. This will allow you to voice concerns, frustrations and anger with a level head. Peacefully.Good luck.

What do great teachers do to suppress their anger?

We try to see the other side. The bully try to bully you. That short tempered kid maybe have problems at home. I take the child outside and talk to him or her. I tell them that we have to work together for the whole school year. Then i ask if there is something i can do to make it better for them. If needed ill let them see a therapist. The fact that i am INFJ helps a lot. I can see through them and feel there emotions. So I've learned to not loose my temper with them. Only when they don't do homework for there is no excuse. Sometimes due to some external factors they did not do homework. I let them come during break to finish homework. I love kids.

What are some ways of releasing repressed anger?

I've meditated, but exercising or listening to music helps me more. I've noticed that taking frustrations out on people online seems to be one big way that many people release repressed anger these days. So I've cut back on my time online.

Mars in Scorpio

How do we suppress our anger?

I wish managing anger was so simple.When we’re sad, we can cry. We cry until we don’t need to anymore. You can’t really get it wrong.Anger is different. We can express anger in ways that are destructive.Some experts view anger like sadness. Express it and get it all out. But other experts see another side to anger: How we release it becomes a habit. It explains the ‘high’ abusers get and how addicted they become to the act of abusing. Releasing anger can be a real ‘rush’.Anger can be safely ‘released’ in several safe ways. Let out a good scream when you’re alone in your car. Take up a physical hobby or activity. I’ve been a drummer throughout my life. I’ve known clients who found release in running, chopping firewood, etc.Once you have released suppressed anger, the next trick is handling anger before it gets stored up. When faced with a rude cashier or salesperson, I use humor because it is more important for me to preserve my own mood than to win a confrontation with a total stranger.In contrast, if it’s my wife that makes me angry, I’m more likely to ask myself whether the next thing I say will bring us closer together or push us further apart. If it’s an issue that must be addressed, I wait until I’m less emotional about it.

Should anger be expressed or suppressed?

Any emotion must never be supressed, let alone anger. If you are angry at someone for something they did, then never keep your anger inside. At the same time, don't sadden them by bursting out all at once. Tell them politely that you're angry, and that they shouldn't have done what they did. If you don't speak up for yourself, then this anger is going to turn into frustration as you will feel helpless. This will lead you to doubting yourself, which is dangerous. So, anger must never be suppressed, for if you do suppress it in order to escape it's harsh consequences, then it is going to build up inside you and burst out when you least expect it, making the situation go from bad to worse.Withheld anger serves no positive purpose, but at the same time, you must stay reserved while expressing your feelings, or the tables might turn at the last moment."Don't promise when you're happy. Don't reply when you're angry. Don't decide when you're sad."

Dangers of suppression emotions?

It is dangerous to bottle up emotions because they can explode and be very harmful. Also, bottled up emotions can cause you to become so overly stressed and lead to a heart attach or stroke or some other illness that could be very damaging to you. Please read the two articles below for further help.

How to Overcome Stress

How to Diffuse an Angry Person

♦Does screaming out all your anger and frustrations into a pillow work for you?

It's called Gestalt Therapy and no it doesn't work for me nor does punching.
Often I'll pray in tongues really loud until the Holy Spirit washes over me with calm and peace.