How Can I Stop Being So Lazy 10 Point

HELP i am a lazy a-s-s?

i have to study , but i can't lift my butt of the computer and go study. i don't wanna fail, i can cheat, but i first have to write a cheaty note. but i am lazy to do even that. so , dear yahoo members give me some pearls of wisdom and lovely kick in the *** , so i can get up and go study.!!!!!!!!!! all nice and not so nice comments are welcomed. motivate me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!best motivator gets 10 points and my report card send my email . thanks yo

Ten year old stepson very lazy and irresponsible?

How can I get him to stop being so lazy is every ten year old like this I ask him to put his dish in the dishwasher he says why I put it in the sink your here like its my job to do it I tell him turn off the lights when your not in your room or bathroom they stay on along with his TV until I turn it off he leaves his wrappers on the counter when the trash can is less then five feet away even to the point he doesn't even flush the toilet after he's done and his room and bathroom. Smell horrible I have a eight month old daughter and his father and I work full-time when I'm home I want to spend as much time with melt daughter not spend three hours cleaning every day ...

Middle school math ! 10 points :D?

Explain your answers.
A.) how would you divide nine granola bars evenly among three people ?
B.)How would you divide seven granola bars evenly among three people ?

solve the following eqautions:
C.)2(x+4) = 8
D.)3(2x + 8)=40
E.)3(2x -3) =6

thanks so much !