How Can I Stop Eating Junk Food

What to do to stop eating junk food ?

You need motivation. Think of the things in life you want to achieve, and use those. Like, think about it this way. Why would you want to put nasty chemicals in your body? While you're eating them, think about what they are doing to your body as you swallow them. All the fat and empty calories. Where they're going, and what they'll eventually make you look like. It helped for me:) Good luck!

I can't stop eating junk food!!!!!?

I really want to lose weight and I have 30 days to do it but I get tempted and eat cheetos and stuff!!! Uh :( what do I do?? Plus what should I eat for breakfast lunch and dinner?? Im 14 and 5'2

Why can't I stop eating junk food?

I just written an answer about this but it wasn't complete by any means. On that answer I haven't even mentioned that the food industry has clued up on how to make food addictive. If you search on the engines about it you'll soon find out, it has been a while that I researched this but there are three basic ingredients that when added they make food taste... I was going to say better but in reality the word would be they make food addictive, as to "taste" one needs to have a "palate" and that needs to be developed after detox from the junk and then eat some proper food, easier said than done.Saying all this I do love junk food myself even if I know proper food.Anyway there's salt and sugar and fat, those are the ingredients that when together will give you addiction, in short you'd suffer withdrawal symptoms when giving it up, but it isn't as bad.  Just search "what makes junk food addictive" to know more, and good luck.

I can't stop eating junk food. Can you help?

I eat burgers from fast food places almost every day even when I have fruit, yogurt, cereal, and other healthy foods at my apartment. My girlfriend really loves me but she's losing attraction due to my weight and my lack of action. I don't know why I do this. I do want to lose weight and feel good working out, but then I'll just turn around and go to McDonald's and order 5 mcdoubles and eat them when I'm in a hurry.

This is partially because I am a college student and am often in a hurry, making the cooking and cleaning of eating at home seem like a pain. I was fed a lot of this food when I was a child with my parents and I always being on the road, and I feel like there's some kind of sick addiction there. I feel like I get a high when I'm eating this garbage, but then as soon as I'm done and I start packing the trash/wrappers/napkins my conscience kicks in as well as my stomach, telling me I'm a slob.

I guess what I'm asking is: How can I discipline myself to stop eating garbage food and eat healthy alternatives and find time to work out ? I feel like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde!

I can't stop myself from eating junk food!!?

Hi! I can help you out. I'm very much into nutrition and healthy food. It's hard to make the switch from unhealthy to healthy. But I did :) I used to eat ALOT of rubbish, but now I don't eat ANY. I'm quite extreme when it comes to my diet and my health, so I wouldn't recommend copying me exactly, but, for example, I don't eat ANY refined sugar (that means sugar thats in cereals, muesli bars, cookies, ice creams, chocolate; pretty much anything yummy and sweet and man-made). I don't eat any bread. And when I say I don't eat ANY, I really mean it. I haven't had a single drop of sugar or a single crumb of bread pass my lips for nearly six months. Not once.

So I eat a LOT of fruit; more than six or seven servings a day. I make great smoothies (today I had a 1/2 pineapple, 1/2 cucumber, 3 apples, 1/2 avacado- which you can't taste-, mixed berries, 6 kiwifruit smoothie) and have a smoothie a day. I eat lean meat, and drink a lot of herbal tea (this tastes yummy and isn't as boring as water). I also eat things like falafel, and lots of vegetables.

The biggest tip I could give you (for a diet) is to eat CLEAN. If something didn't exist 150 years ago, then don't eat it, because it has probably been pumped full of chemicals and man-made junk. Anything that comes from nature or the ground is GOOD. This should help you lose weight fast, and make you incredibly healthy.

What you really have to do is stick to it. It's very easy to choose a diet, and do it for a few days, and then break it and give up, but you either need to do it, or don't. I can't imagine life without my diet; it's wonderful, it makes me feel wonderful, and it makes my skin glow and makes me thin. I love it. But you have to really want to do it. No one can make you diet. You have to. Don't give up. Stick to it.

My girlfriend won't stop eating junk food?

There is a lot of things you could do to convince her. It's great that you're trying to help her eat healthier. You could show her some health disorders that you can get from constantly eating junk food, such as diabetes. You could also bring her to talk to a doctor about her food habits. If all else fails, you could ask her to please do this for you, because you want to live a healthy life TOGETHER and you want to be with her for as long as possible. Say something heartfelt that might get her to understand where you're coming from and your worry. If she still doesn't do anything, then there's not much more you can do. Don't try to force her into fixing her diet because it worries you. There's always a few things that bother us about our partner. Good luck.

I want to lose weight, but I can't stop eating junk food! How can I lose weight then?

There are many reasons we find it hard to stop eating junk food. Be patient and kind with yourself first and foremost, you CAN do this.Usually there is an emotional reason attached. The food is used as a replacement or to push down unwanted thoughts and feelings. What you need to do is be brave enough to sit with whatever it is you are feeling and uncover another way to deal with the issue To do this you need to become aware of what your self talk is when you reach for your ‘go to food’Take a breath and pause-What's going on for you?What happened today? How are you feeling? Are you sad, lonely, angry, frustrated? What is it you really need? A chat with a friend? A walk outside? A hug from a loved one? Reading a book? A glass of water?Also give yourself permission to actually eat. This may sound counterintuitive when you want to lose weight but by labelling food as good and bad or junk and rubbish, you are putting a moral tag on it. It's not good or bad it's just food, that is healthy and not as healthy.When you give yourself permission to eat food you also take away the obsession for it because you CAN have the food if you want it but the key is to work out if you really FEEL like it? As I mentioned above, you may be angry and want to punish yourself but you don't actually feel like the food.Practicing self love and responsibility, becoming aware of your inner talk and making the decision today to take a pause when you reach for ‘junk’ food, is the first step to creating change.