How Can I Stop Hating White Hispanic And Black Guys Out Of Bitterness

Why do HISPANICs / LATINOs listen to BLACK RAP ARTISTS.....?


Yet, they ignorantly get agitated when a BLACKMAN is DATING A HOT HISPANICA / LATINA?

Is this level of intellegence displayed by their youth a detrimental henderance for the growth of AMERICAN citizens who work decent jobs and have good careers?


Why do hispanics hate me? i am hispanic myself?

i live in a suburb and all the hispanics in my school hate me. The girls are giving me dirty looks the hispanic guys say i am ugly. i am also hispanic. I get along with white and asians. my best friend is asian and she is the cutest lovely little girl. And i also have white guy friends. So back in the day i use to like hispanic guys but since i see that they don't find me attractive i just lost the interest for them. and now i find asian and white guys attractive, and they are respectful. I don't get it why the hispanics are mean to me i am nice to them and everything. My parents want me to marry in the future with a hispanic guy and not with someone out of my race.but i think that's never gonna happen since i am not interested in them and they hate me.

How do Asian guys feel about Asian women dating white guys?

It's frustrating and emasculating for Asian males. It's much easier for a White male to date an Asian female, than for an Asian male to date a White female. According to OkCupid, white females are 38% more likely to respond to a White male than an Asian male. Asian women marry outside the race at twice the rate of Asian men. The statistics for White-Asian interracial marriages in the San Francisco Bay Area are even more extreme - something like a 4 to 1 ratio for White males versus Asian males.(Source: OkCupid - How Your Race Affects The Messages You Get)(Source: Pew Research Center - Page on a result, the odds are against Asian males romantically. Not only are there fewer possible marriage prospects due to Asian women marrying outside the race, but trying to do likewise (date White females) is an uphill battle for Asian males.My experience as an Asian male bears this out. Once in a while, when meeting new people, I'll be surprised and taken aback by how friendly a lady is to me. Upon reflection, I realize what made the interaction surprising is that the lady is White. Later I'll usually discover the White female is in or has had some earlier romantic relationship with a non-White male. Given the prior stats, you can see how this is unusual.When the majority of one's interactions with members of the opposite sex are devoid of romantic possibility, it's easy to internalize the perception that one is not sexually attractive. Furthermore, mainstream media gives Asian males few role models to emulate in social and romantic situations. Kung fu moves don't count. This is emasculating for Asian males. It can breed bitterness and frustration - accusations that Asian women are betraying the race, and racial epithets in their direction like 'banana' - yellow on the outside but white on the inside.All is not doom and gloom for Asian males though. I'm rooting for John Cho in the new ABC sitcom 'Selfie'. This is a breakthrough role for an Asian male, and I believe indicative of a shift in societal perceptions, even if the ratings for the show are challenged. In recent years I have been noticing an increase in the number of younger Asian male-White female couples, as well as non-traditional interracial couples of all combinations. This will help balance the dating situation and move us towards that promised post-racial society.

As a black girl, I'd find myself feeling bitter towards white people. I want to change. How do I stop being racist?

I don’t think you’re racist unless you think all or most white people are bad news.You have every right to feel the way you do about the systematic marginalization of black folks in the USA. I’m white and I sure do!There is also systematic marginalization of girls and women and all people of color here. So you’ve been saddled with a double whammy. But so was Maya Angelou and Michelle Obama and Shirley Chisholm and Sojourner Truth and so many others, and the legacies they left (and will leave) proved their mettle—and history honors them all.So I respectfully suggest that instead of marinating in anger or feeling powerless to change things, stand up, stand strong, and be proud of yourself and of your ancestors.Unite with others, black and white, Asian and Hispanic and Native American, with all people of good will, to hold the powers-that-be accountable for the way they have been marginalizing and abusing the rest of us. Standing together is the only way we have to making things right.Register to vote. Register others to vote.“Let no man pull you so low as to hate him.” — Martin Luther King Jr.“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”—Eleanor Roosevelt

Culturally speaking: Do you think Hispanic guys are the most possessive over their race of women?

I live in NYC, in my area I usually see Hispanic girls with Black, White and Indian guys (of course most Latinas are with men of their own race).

Now I notice that White guys and us Black men don't really get too upset when we see our women with other races of men, of course there are exceptions but Hispanic men are a different story. My good friend Vejay (Indian) is currently dating a Puerto Rican girl and they have been together for about 2 years now, my other friend is a Puerto Rican guy and the second he found out that my friend was Indian and his girlfriend was Puerto Rican, he threw a large fit.

Visiting California I even noticed that the Hispanics out there hate it when they see a Hispanic chick with a guy of another race, they hate it A LOT more when they see a Latina with an Indian guy, Middle Eastern guy or Asian guy. I notice the same thing about Hispanics in Miami. I notice that they are more open to showing their temper and their discontent. Mexicans do it a lot (especially the ones out west).

Anyone else see what I am getting at here?

Why Asian guys get jealous of black guys dating Asian girls?

My name on the street is Mintos cuz I'm so fresh.
Always finding me engaged in pleasures of the flesh
Of all the girlies I knock boots with
I like fortune cookie you know Azn nookie
The Yellow flag boys on the South side hate me(throw em up)
Simply because all honeys like to date me(showin up)
But they can kiss my buns and rate me(blowin up)
I don't care if you black, white, or even a brownie
I'll just knock yo girl all around the townie

Why are some darker black women still bitter towards lighter black women?

I'm not going to deny it as I haven't witnessed this for myself. Most of the dark skinned blacks whom I know are all pretty confident and into themselves. There are a few who definitely are insecure and openly so but I haven't seen them hate of lighter skinned individuals.
However, this complex that they might have goes back to the days of slavery where the white man was pure and superior because of his light, pale complexion. Even the mulattoes had greater opportunities than the pure blacks b/c of their lighter skin colour. It's a historical legacy for a reason, it still lives in the minds of many people even if they try to deny it. Society is very accepting of very dark skin either, at least in Hollywood. Very few make it to the top. Nowadays, skin lightening is becoming more and more prevalent and not necessarily among blacks alone.
Also, when people like you say things like "I'd never want to be dark in a million years," it reinforces that kind of thinking. If you're so concerned about this situation, maybe you should be more open minded and understanding, else people will have a right to label you a self-hater or insecure (judging from the manner in which you put down others of your own kind, just to feel better about yourself).
All the best.
When you're exposed to that kind of society and learn that lighter skin is better at a young age, it's hard not to feel inferior, it alters the way you think about yourself- even if the people around you think you're beautiful. Thankfully there are open-minded people out there.

Why do you always see black men with white women but you almost never see white men with black women?

The flip side of the question is why are Asian women more popular as dates or mates than Asian men? And the answer to both questions is that black men and Asian women fill their respective gender roles better.African-Americans, both men and women, are taller and stronger on average than most other Americans. The media exaggerates this by portraying black sports stars. This make black men seem more “masculine” and seemingly more desirable. The same qualities make black women (Serena Williams, perhaps?) seem less “feminine,” and therefore less desirable.Asian-Americans are physically, smaller and culturally quieter than other Americans (and the media plays up this as well). These are considered “feminine” traits that enhance the desirability of Asian-American females, and decrease the desirability of Asian American males.

When ever a black guy bashes black women or whenever a black women bashes black men....?

Like I have seen youtube videos where they bahs each other. Either the guy is talking all this negative crap about black girls and why he dates non-black girls or the girl bashes black guys talking about why she dates non-black guys, etc,etc. Now I have seen this a lot in the real world, but I just don't get why they do this. I have heard black guys say awful things about black girls, just awful. But when he talks about black girls, isn't he also talking about his own mother? He is black, so he obviously came from a black women, most people have close connections with their mothers, so I find it funny when I hear one bashing black women, but then they go out talking about how much they love their moms for bringing them into this world. Same with black women who talk about black men, they would be talking about their fathers. Do the people that do this actually realize what they are saying? I am a black girl, I have all ways dated white guys, but you don't see me bashing black guys calling them good for nothing ghettos or something like that. Because not all of them are the same and I have respect for both of my parents. Why do some people do this?