How Can I Stop Missing My Friends

How do I stop missing my dear old friend?

I wonder why you have to stop missing …Don't force it…If it has any negative experience,just understand it patiently and wait time is the best healer…and until you get healed,don't try to find solace in someone else but yourself only…If not,and you have all the good memories ….never allow yourself to stop having them..Because there are very few memories which we get to see in our life expressing good feelings and positivity….

How do you stop missing a toxic friend whom you have ended your friendship with them yourself and told them bluntly never to speak to you again?

When I got rid of my most toxic friend thus far these steps helped:Delete any contact (phone numbers, Facebook, etc.)Limit your interactions. If you work or go to school together, do not look for a reason to speak to them. Never let a convo go past an acknowlegable “hello”.If you have mutual friends, you may want to branch away from them for a while, especially if you and toxic friend were close.Always remember out of sight out if mind.It took me months to get over the toxic friend, but the less I saw them, the more I was able to get over them and I saw a vast improvement in my life since I booted them out.Last, but not least, take the time to love your solitude. Learn to love being alone if you haven't already. Take a trip to the museum and just chill with you, no one else.Warning:You will have LOTS of nostalgia (that doesn't mean to run back to toxic friend)You will suddenly notice “happier friendships” than the one you had (it is an illusion you mind is playing on you). It would feel like looking at an oasis in a deseat and knowing it is all a mirage.You will constantly have to remind yourself why you broke off the friendship. It is the only way to move on.Let me know if this helps.

How to stop missing a friend?

There really is not away to stop missing Somone I think . I think you just need to focus on you and go out do thing keep your mind busy make yourself happy ppl come and go all the time if you guys were always ment to be fiends it will happen . I'm sorry for your lost of friendship I hope things get better

I miss my friend and cant stop crying?

I hung out with my best friend for 3 days on christmas break,and I had to drive her back home yesterday,she lives about 60 miles away,and I miss her! I know I'm gonna see her again probably in another week or so,but I want her here now! I miss her so much,she's such a great person.I dont have many friends,and she's really the only I one I always hung out with before she moved to where she is now.Now she's not in my town anymore,so I have noone to be with all the time.I cant stop crying,I'm good for a while,then get the emotional feelings again and start crying again,uncontrollably.

How can I stop missing her?

This is why you cant have past girl/boyfriends as friends. I loved someone very much and he wanted to be friends and I tried it. It doest work! I was crying everything he talked about the girlfriend and the baby they had. I told him I couldn't be his friend anymore. Its a chapter in your life you have to close. Its gonna hurt, but how do you ever see yourself moving on. You need to really value your mental health and your ability to love again!.

Moved schools, how do i stop missing my old friends?

i moved schools this year. it was kinda a school thing, like 1/3 of the school went to a new one, like they had way too many kids there. i mean i have alot of friends at my new school, but i have even more friends at my old one. but i cant switch back. and i got rid of my facebook for drama purposes. and its hard to talk to my old friends because i dont see them everyday. how can i stop missing my old school and the way things were?

How do you overcome missing your best friend?

One day, a speaker said to a group of us, “Look at the person sitting next to you. I guarantee that that person will change, move away, or die. And there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it.”This is the truth. We all change all the time.But I don’t like it. I live the illusion of static presence. I live in the past of my mind that never changes, and I don’t want things to change. I don’t want to give up what I want.This is not the way of the world. And when things do change, I act as if something is wrong. I am selfish, and I want only what I want.When I understand this, I still miss my friend who is gone, but I no longer obsess on my grief and my longing for what is not. And sometimes, I learn from my experience, and I behave differently to my friends that are here, now.Thank you for asking the question. Sometimes it helps me to think about these things in my life.

How do I stop regretting missing a fun moment with my friends?

To begin with, it is okay to feel that you missed out on this event, which your friends just cannot stop gushing about. But, to regret it, for no fault of yours, is blaming yourself for something over which you had no control.Just to make you feel a little better:You too must have had many quality moments to cherish with your friends when you went out with them. Just because you could not go out this particular time, should not be an albatross around your neck.when they talk and laugh about it, you too can connect to similar moments from past, bring them into conversation and Viola! you too can now enjoy this conversation, without feeling left out.If you sacrificed this outing with friends for something else, then that too would have been important and demanded your attention. It is important sometimes in life to set your priorities.And as they say, an opportunity lost is an opportunity lost.Moreover, friends sometimes try to overplay or exaggerate an incident just to make another friend realize what they missed. A little friendly banter should not make you feel lost. You have had zillions of moments of togetherness otherwise, don’t let this one moment cloud your decisions.It is Okay , to sometimes miss out on outings with friends. everybody does it and everybody has done it in past. Hope this can make you feel a little better.

I miss my friend so much what do I do?

Go & meet that person? If not possible, connect via social-networking sites? Or even better, give him/her a call everyday. Talk to that person & tell him/her what importance he/she holds in your life & how much you miss the time spent together. Recall those memories & live them. Feel his/her presence & you won't miss your friend so much.& if you get a chance, grab it & give that person a surprise visit! Trust me, the smile you'll thereby get to witness will be truly priceless! :)

How do I stop missing a place?

My first semester at college was at my dream school. I really loved it, but I couldn't go back the next semester because my mom was really sick and wanted me to be closer to home (I was about 10 hours away). So now I commute to a University that's 5 minutes away and it's just not the same. It's alright, but I miss the friends I made at the first school, and just the environment....just everything I guess. Every now and then I'll walk by a place that looks similar to that school and I'll feel extremely sad and can't stop thinking about how amazing the first school was.
There is no way that I go back, because my mom is still sick and I'm pretty sure my scholarships won't be good enough now that I'd be just a transfer student (and this was an expensive school).
So, does anyone have any tips on how I can stop missing this place? I keep in contact with my friends from there a little, but that's about it. Also, if I ever say that I miss that school in front of my mom she gets really upset because she feels bad about making me come back when I didn't really want to.....thank you!