How Can I Take B12 Without Nerve Pain

Is it Trigeminal nerve pain? How to deal with it?

It sounds as if you may have Trigeminal neuralgia type 2 (TN2

Trigeminal neuralgia type 1 (TN1) is the classic form of trigeminal neuralgia. The piercing and stabbing pain only happens at certain times and is not constant. This type of neuralgia is known as idiopathic (when no cause can be identified)

Trigeminal neuralgia type 2 (TN2) can be referred to as atypical (not typical) trigeminal neuralgia. Pain is more constant and involves aching, throbbing and burning sensations

Which vitamin has been reported to damage the nerves in taking large doses of? B6 or B12?

Vitamin B6

More than 500mg can cause irreversible nerve damage. The nerve damage can cause impaired walking, numbness, tingling and poor sense of touch.

Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine has established an upper tolerable intake level (UL) for vitamin B6 of 100 mg per day for all adults .

Can neurobion be used when you have sciatic nerve pain?

Vitamin B is frequently given with the idea that it helps restoring nerve function after a lesion. However, in normal feeding conditions your diet contains more than enough of those vitamins, and unless you develop a deficiency by some medical condition there is no need for substitution. Beware that alcoholism may lead to vitB1 deficiency, and this may result in serious problems of the central nervous system.There is no evidence whatsoever that neurobion will be useful in sciatic nerve pain. Physical therapy, adequate positioning and relative rest, analgetics and in some restricted cases surgery may be indicated.

I'm suffering from nerve pain (legs & arms pain) and sensation of pins and needles. My doctor gave me mecobalamine tablets and after taking this medicine, I'm feeling better day by day. Does it mean I had Vitamin B12 deficiency?

Please note that indian vegetarians' are prone to two deficiencies. First one is the difficiency of vit D3 and the second deficiency commonly found is of vit B 12. That's why doctor's often recommend vegetarians' to include milk, milk products, green vegetables and eggs in their diet.Did your physician advise u to undergo a lab test for checking the level of B12 in your blood? Such tests are recommended for identifying the level of deficiency. If the deficiency is acute, B12 injections are recommended at weekly intervals. Generally the course comprises of 5 to 6 injections to be taken weekly. That brings the blood level to normal very quickly. The very fact that your doctor has chosen tablets, you may not be having an acute deficiency. It's good that your symptoms are receding. Please take the tablet every day without fail for the recommended period.The deficiency of D3 can be treated by daily taking a half hour walk in the sun between 11 to 4 pm. Some don't like the heat of the sun. Such people must include foods rich in vitamin D. Some companies manufacture a powder of vit D. This powder needs to be taken by mixing in milk containing high fat once a week. But this needs to be taken on empty stomach for the prescribed length of period.Deficiency of both these vital food ingredients often create several problems to people. You can do a google search on this to learn more. Therefore, proper food should consumed at regular intervals. It is best to minimise (or avoid) the consumption of junk food including those from popular joints like Mac and also Indian chat.

Does Vitamin B12 helps with nerve regeneration?

Yes it can. Vitamin B12 is essential for body function and the production of red blood cells. It plays an important role in the overall growth and development of the body. Many people prefer vitmain b12 in sublingual form. Sublingual B12 is placed under the tongue and is therefore absorbed directly into the bloodstream. This means that all the B12 will be absorbed, unlike with the tablet form.

Does vitaman B12 really help nerves?

Amongst other profound benefits, yes, many people with complaints of neuropathy find that supplementing with B12 along side other B vitamins has helped tremendously.Vitamin B12 deficiency causes tiredness, weakness, constipation, loss of appetite, weight loss, and megaloblastic anemia. Nerve problems, such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, can also occur. Other symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include problems with balance, depression, confusion, dementia, poor memory, and soreness of the mouth or tongue. Vitamin B12 deficiency can damage the nervous system even in people who don’t have anemia, so it is important to treat a deficiency as soon as possible.In infants, signs of a vitamin B12 deficiency include failure to thrive, problems with movement, delays in reaching the typical developmental milestones, and megaloblastic anemia.Large amounts of folic acid can hide a vitamin B12 deficiency by correcting megaloblastic anemia, a hallmark of vitamin B12 deficiency. But folic acid does not correct the progressive damage to the nervous system that vitamin B12 deficiency also causes. For this reason, healthy adults should not get more than 1,000 mcg of folic acid a day.What are some effects of vitamin B12 on health?Scientists are studying vitamin B12 to understand how it affects health. Here are several examples of what this research has shown:Heart diseaseVitamin B12 supplements (along with folic acid and vitamin B6) do not reduce the risk of getting heart disease. Scientists had thought that these vitamins might be helpful because they reduce blood levels of homocysteine, a compound linked to an increased risk of having a heart attack or stroke.DementiaAs they get older, some people develop dementia. These people often have high levels of homocysteine in the blood. Vitamin B12 (with folic acid and vitamin B6) can lower homocysteine levels, but scientists don’t know yet whether these vitamins actually help prevent or treat dementia.Energy and athletic performanceAdvertisements often promote vitamin B12 supplements as a way to increase energy or endurance. Except in people with a vitamin B12 deficiency, no evidence shows that vitamin B12 supplements increase energy or improve athletic performance.Can vitamin B12 be harmful?Vitamin B12 has not been shown to cause any harm.

What are the benefits to Vitamin b6, b12 and b1? ?

1) VITAMIN B1 (THIAMINE):- This vitamin supports your nervous system, muscles, heart and digestive system. Tingling in your fingers, confusion, loss of appetite or poor concentration are all signs that you may not be getting enough thiamine. The recommended daily allowance of thiamine is 1.4mg and it can be found in liver, rice, wholemeal products, peanuts and milk.

2) VITAMIN B6 (PYROXIDINE):- This vitamin helps prevent skin conditions and nerve problems. It also helps the body absorb protein and carbohydrates. If you have skin inflammations then you may not be getting enough pyroxidine. Pyroxidine can be found in fish, bananas and chicken and it is recommended that you get 2mg per day. You need to exercise caution when taking pyroxidine because some evidence suggests that large doses cause nerve problems.

3) VITAMIN B12 (COBALAMIN):- This vitamin helps create red blood cells and nerves. If you feel tired, dizzy or have difficulty breathing then you may need more cobalamin. The recommended daily allowance of cobalamin is 1 microgram and it can be found in fish, cheese, liver and pork.

Hope this helps.

Can nerve damage and cognitive decline caused by deficiency of vitamin B12 be reversed in short or long time period? If yes, how much time will it take to recover? My B12 level is 89, how much time would it take to recover from other symptoms?

A suggested therapy for minimizing the risk of cognitive impairment would be a small daily dosage of alpha and beta blocker medication together with supplements of magnesium L-threonate and vitamins D, B6, B12 and folic acid.An effective therapy would slow down the build up of brain damage that may eventually result in the onset of Alzheimer’s symptoms. The level of plasma total homocysteine in the blood is a biomarker that indicates the rate that damage is gradually building up in the brain (it is a result of the damage, not a contributing cause of it). The effectiveness of such a therapy could be judged on how well it maintains a low level of plasma total homocysteine in the blood.