How Can I Tell My Dad That I Stop Going To College

How can i convince my parents to let me go to college out of state?

I live in New York and i want to go to college in Kentucky. I'm worried that my parents wont let me because of the costs and they would probably prefer me to stay closer to home. But i REALLY want to go to college there, i dont need to tell you why. I would do anything to be able to go to college in Kentucky. So i just really need advice, ways and what i have to do to be able to go to college out of sate. I'm 17 now, and i still have my senior year left in high school. I REALLY JUST NEED SOMEONE WHO CAN TELL ME WHAT I CAN DO TO GO OUT OF STATE. Would it be easier to transfer after a year or 2 in NY? Just, please someone with experience and knowledge, tell me ANYTHING and EVERTHING, PLEASE! I want my parents to let me go out of state if it kills me! hah, thanks!

How do I tell my dad to stop calling me everyday without hurting his feelings?

While as a parent, I sort of understand his concern (I say sort of because my daughter's only 2 months old, so I don't have to call), I think it's safe to say that he's being a little paranoid.

I don't think it's at all unreasonable to ask him to call and/or text less frequently. You're 22, you're a big boy now, and he's going to need to accept that real soon.

So I guess suggestion wise, while I'm not very well versed in this stuff, I would say your best bet is to explain your thinking. For example, "Dad, I notice you call and text me a lot during the day, and sometimes I find it distracting. Do you think you could ease up a bit?"

Phrasing it in a way that lets him know how you feel , while sort of redirecting to another reason besides annoying, would be my advice.

Good luck!